Re: Harvey Weinstein... RIP career.
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 4:16 pm
All I can say is: I'm glad I'm neither dating nor planning to date.
That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons bring us some web forums whereupon we can gather
I’ve been saying this for years, long before the #MeToo movement.Moliere wrote:We need apologies from anyone that ever covered the song "Baby It's Cold Outside""Say what's in this drink?" said the 54 women to Cosby.Spoiler:
We all now live forever in fear of needing to say "I remember it differently"McNutt wrote: Mon Jan 15, 2018 4:18 pm No kidding. This has made me think back to various encounters and wonder if there were cues I was not getting. I sure as hell hope not. I'd like to think that the encounter with me was as dreamy as I know it was.
Dang, week after my post on flirting being endangered, Aziz Ansari situation happens. It goes back to pendulum swining, you give a finger, they take an arm. GreenGoo made an interesting multiple points, so i wanted to cover them.GreenGoo wrote: Mon Jan 15, 2018 3:20 pmWhile I personally wouldn't take it as far as your linked article does, that's exactly how I've always taken it too. There are still cultural barriers to women simply deciding that sex is something they want and it's ok to do it and there will be no repercussion, societally.Isgrimnur wrote: Mon Jan 15, 2018 2:59 pm
Historic context matters in this case. Not that it's going to matter in the larger discussion of it, but it's worth looking at.
Reading the words, they are very rapey. Hearing them sung, it's clear the woman wants to stay but also wants to go (mostly because other people will think badly of her). Convincing a woman to stay the night is still something that happens on a regular basis. It's not, and has never been as easy (in general) as "do you want to stay and have sex?" "sure, that sounds lovely". Of course there are exceptions, and maybe a LOT of exceptions, it's still not the norm.
There is still a cultural bias for men to chase and women to "get caught". As Hep said, "playing coy" cannot still be a thing in 2017, yet it absolutely is. The difference, is whether a woman can make clear whether they are coy or adamant. And the man needs to be able to comprehend the difference between coy and outright refusal.
I don't think it's that tough to figure out, but I can see how it might give some people (maybe a lot of people?) difficulty.
I think a soft approach is best because it makes a man's position clear while allowing a woman to feel safe enough to tell the man no in no uncertain terms. But then I've never been into one night stands or aggressive pursuit, both of which make it more likely for miscommunication to occur. If you haven't spent the time to get to know someone, at least a little under the surface, then how can you be confident you understand what she is communicating?
Going forward, it's gonna be especially rough for the one night standers and hookup artists, but then I don't really care about them or what happens to them, so I'm ok with that. You don't need to have a deep relationship with someone to have sex with them, but I think you should at least have a relationship with them, even if it's a limited one to start.
I'm impressed you even were able to glean that question out of what Matrix wrote.hepcat wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 10:52 am Great info. I do have one question though. What hue and brightness should my buttocks be if I'm trying to attract the best mate?
Not all of us.Paingod wrote: Mon Jan 15, 2018 4:20 pmWe all now live forever in fear of needing to say "I remember it differently"McNutt wrote: Mon Jan 15, 2018 4:18 pm No kidding. This has made me think back to various encounters and wonder if there were cues I was not getting. I sure as hell hope not. I'd like to think that the encounter with me was as dreamy as I know it was.
hepcat wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 10:52 am Great info. I do have one question though. What hue and brightness should my buttocks be if I'm trying to attract the best mate?
Fuchisa man, always Fuchisa. you want it to have that freshly spanked look.hepcat wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 10:52 am Great info. I do have one question though. What hue and brightness should my buttocks be if I'm trying to attract the best mate?
Matrix would probably fit in right well over at Return of Kings.Kurth wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 11:45 amhepcat wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 10:52 am Great info. I do have one question though. What hue and brightness should my buttocks be if I'm trying to attract the best mate?![]()
I keep reading these posts by Matrix and holding out hope that maybe he’s posting them tongue-in-cheek.
Otherwise, his Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom view of the dating world is an incredibly depressing view into the mind state of men that DO NOT get that we’ve evolved as a species. Or, at least, that we ought to aim to be evolved.
At the risk of dating a bench, as evolved as we are there are likely still quite a few evolutionary holdovers that confuse the issue - or work as intended (depends on who you ask). Things like how your potential partner smells or his saliva "tastes" (if you're a woman) might make the difference between feeling attracted or not. Clues provided in both give the woman's body an idea as to their level of genetic "match". Nothing you're consciously thinking about in any capacity, but it could confuse signals - the body is attracted but your higher-level brain is saying nope.Kurth wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 11:45 amOtherwise, his Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom view of the dating world is an incredibly depressing view into the mind state of men that DO NOT get that we’ve evolved as a species. Or, at least, that we ought to aim to be evolved.
I think I may regret asking, but what do you mean by “genetic match”?Smoove_B wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 12:01 pmAt the risk of dating a bench, as evolved as we are there are likely still quite a few evolutionary holdovers that confuse the issue - or work as intended (depends on who you ask). Things like how your potential partner smells or his saliva "tastes" (if you're a woman) might make the difference between feeling attracted or not. Clues provided in both give the woman's body an idea as to their level of genetic "match". Nothing you're consciously thinking about in any capacity, but it could confuse signals - the body is attracted but your higher-level brain is saying nope.Kurth wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 11:45 amOtherwise, his Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom view of the dating world is an incredibly depressing view into the mind state of men that DO NOT get that we’ve evolved as a species. Or, at least, that we ought to aim to be evolved.
Again, I'm not defending anything in any capacity, only interjecting. To quote Steve Vai, "we may be human, but we're still animals".
We don't have to get rid of the song as long as Lady Gaga takes the "male" role, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt takes the "female" role.Zarathud wrote: Mon Jan 15, 2018 3:55 pm My daughters immediately picked up on the creepy parts of "Baby It's Cold Outside" and my wife explained to them that at one time a young woman couldn't stay the night away from home without an excuse like bad weather.
Women have different pressures and fears than men. I have only felt in serious danger 2-3 times in my life walking down the street. My wife is extremely tough but has not had the same experience.
As I read your post, I thought you were going to say, "I think I may regret asking, but what do you mean by "dating a bench"?" Oh, well.Kurth wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 12:05 pmI think I may regret asking, but what do you mean by “genetic match”?Smoove_B wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 12:01 pmAt the risk of dating a bench, as evolved as we are there are likely still quite a few evolutionary holdovers that confuse the issue - or work as intended (depends on who you ask). Things like how your potential partner smells or his saliva "tastes" (if you're a woman) might make the difference between feeling attracted or not. Clues provided in both give the woman's body an idea as to their level of genetic "match". Nothing you're consciously thinking about in any capacity, but it could confuse signals - the body is attracted but your higher-level brain is saying nope.Kurth wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 11:45 amOtherwise, his Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom view of the dating world is an incredibly depressing view into the mind state of men that DO NOT get that we’ve evolved as a species. Or, at least, that we ought to aim to be evolved.
Again, I'm not defending anything in any capacity, only interjecting. To quote Steve Vai, "we may be human, but we're still animals".
Hey, I refrained from including the parasite evaluation out of respect.
So I need to take more vitamins to get some? Done and Done! Are adult Gummy vitamins manly enough or should I go for some of the horse pill sized ones?Smoove_B wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 12:21 pm There are reproductive theories targeted around immune system function. Not crackpot tinfoil hat stuff, but suggestions that our bodies know (through those smell or saliva cues) whether or not having a child with someone would likely result in an offspring that has a "better" immune system because the other person's contributions to the genetic makeup of that child compliment your own. The immune system is essentially a library, so at a fundamental level some have argued that as part of sexual selection, organisms have ways to detect what a potential mate has to offer.
I'm trying to make this as simplistic a possible (to minimize the derail) and probably failing. There was a famous study published a few years ago about how birth control pills potentially impact attraction. I did some quick searching and couldn't find a non-technical one on saliva, but in 2009, wired did a little bit on it. Linked in that article is one on how women can "smell" genetic clues in men.
Again, not an excuse for anything - just a way to possible explain mixed signals.
It's context dependent. If you're at a bar known for hookups, you can be more aggressive. If you're outside of that area you have to adjust accordingly.LordMortis wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2018 12:01 pmI've never understood it and been flat out told "Wow. You have no game at all, do you?" Being on the other end of the spectrum and have never wanted to be alpha, flirting only really ever comes with people I know well enough to make it meaningless.GreenGoo wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2018 11:39 am Lol.
If this means the Em's and matrices of the world are too scared to approach women, I'm all for it.
Not understanding what is reasonable versus unreasonable when approaching women is what got us here in the first place.
Hearing them whine is music to my ears.
Even my wife would tell me I remember some things differently in this regard.ImLawBoy wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 11:27 amNot all of us.Paingod wrote: Mon Jan 15, 2018 4:20 pmWe all now live forever in fear of needing to say "I remember it differently"McNutt wrote: Mon Jan 15, 2018 4:18 pm No kidding. This has made me think back to various encounters and wonder if there were cues I was not getting. I sure as hell hope not. I'd like to think that the encounter with me was as dreamy as I know it was.
I'm pretty sure I've never met your wife, so I think I'm in the clear there.Paingod wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 2:18 pmEven my wife would tell me I remember some things differently in this regard.ImLawBoy wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 11:27 amNot all of us.Paingod wrote: Mon Jan 15, 2018 4:20 pmWe all now live forever in fear of needing to say "I remember it differently"McNutt wrote: Mon Jan 15, 2018 4:18 pm No kidding. This has made me think back to various encounters and wonder if there were cues I was not getting. I sure as hell hope not. I'd like to think that the encounter with me was as dreamy as I know it was.
AgreeReemul wrote: Mon Jan 15, 2018 12:41 pm This was posted by someone on QT3 and sums up how I feel about this issue really.
Reading that Aziz Ansari account…it really doesn’t seem to fit within the confines of #metoo at all.
Here's Ashley Banfield reading her own "open letter" to Ansari's accuser on HLN, which puts it in no uncertain terms.GreenGoo wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 4:35 pm There are numerous articles today explaining why Ansari doesn't get a free pass.
I couldn't follow any of them.
Apologies is this has been linked already; there's a lot in this thread and not enough time not for me to read it all.Grace's story is common. It's so common that I don't have to imagine it because I remember it. I laugh about it without smiling. It's the story of so much bad sex. And when I hear that bad sex described as a sexual assault, it forces me to reexamine my own history. And see, I just started feeling strong again.
I believe her; I don't agree with her.
I'm telling you this not because I think she is wrong, but because I think I am.
That's the opposite of the articles to which I referred.Anonymous Bosch wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 5:11 pm
Here's Ashley Banfield reading her own "open letter" to Ansari's accuser on HLN, which puts it in no uncertain terms.
Yeah, I misread your post. Banfield's commentary definitely seems more coherent compared to the positions you described.GreenGoo wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 6:27 pmThat's the opposite of the articles to which I referred.Anonymous Bosch wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 5:11 pm
Here's Ashley Banfield reading her own "open letter" to Ansari's accuser on HLN, which puts it in no uncertain terms.
I tried to read that, I really did, but man the formatting and writing style are injurious. I understand her point, I think. Maybe not.AWS260 wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 6:17 pm I found this piece insightful: ... ad_15.html.Apologies is this has been linked already; there's a lot in this thread and not enough time not for me to read it all.Grace's story is common. It's so common that I don't have to imagine it because I remember it. I laugh about it without smiling. It's the story of so much bad sex. And when I hear that bad sex described as a sexual assault, it forces me to reexamine my own history. And see, I just started feeling strong again.
I believe her; I don't agree with her.
I'm telling you this not because I think she is wrong, but because I think I am.
He heard me.Moat_Man wrote: Tue Dec 19, 2017 11:29 pm Matt Damon needs to shut his mouth. This isn't about you and what you think of things.
Just watched that. Wow. Pretty powerful stuff. I agree with her perspective that these kinds of allegations “chisel away” at the type of truly awful behavior that’s definitely out there.Anonymous Bosch wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 5:11 pmHere's Ashley Banfield reading her own "open letter" to Ansari's accuser on HLN, which puts it in no uncertain terms.GreenGoo wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 4:35 pm There are numerous articles today explaining why Ansari doesn't get a free pass.
I couldn't follow any of them.
I think we all know that sex can't be presumed to go as expected.Scuzz wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 7:58 pm Comment/Question.....Is it normal now for people to spend an evening naked without having sex or expecting sex or believing sex is imminent? Why didn't she just get dressed and leave? She gives no indication she feared him?
My hospital system has uniformed Registration employees at the front lobby who, among other things, have patients read and sign consent to treat forms. That would make date night much more expensive to hire one of those to sit in your kitchen.Holman wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2018 9:38 amI think we all know that sex can't be presumed to go as expected.Scuzz wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 7:58 pm Comment/Question.....Is it normal now for people to spend an evening naked without having sex or expecting sex or believing sex is imminent? Why didn't she just get dressed and leave? She gives no indication she feared him?
But the standard now is that all consent is specific and explicit. Hanging out naked does not imply consent to have sex. Oral sex does not imply permission for penetrative sex. Vaginal does not imply permission for anal or vice-versa, etc.
Inecluctably someone will create a consent to monkey business app for cell phones.Freyland wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2018 9:47 amMy hospital system has uniformed Registration employees at the front lobby who, among other things, have patients read and sign consent to treat forms. That would make date night much more expensive to hire one of those to sit in your kitchen.Holman wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2018 9:38 amI think we all know that sex can't be presumed to go as expected.Scuzz wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 7:58 pm Comment/Question.....Is it normal now for people to spend an evening naked without having sex or expecting sex or believing sex is imminent? Why didn't she just get dressed and leave? She gives no indication she feared him?
But the standard now is that all consent is specific and explicit. Hanging out naked does not imply consent to have sex. Oral sex does not imply permission for penetrative sex. Vaginal does not imply permission for anal or vice-versa, etc.
Available now on the Google Fore-Play store!Jaymann wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2018 12:01 pmInecluctably someone will create a consent to monkey business app for cell phones.Freyland wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2018 9:47 amMy hospital system has uniformed Registration employees at the front lobby who, among other things, have patients read and sign consent to treat forms. That would make date night much more expensive to hire one of those to sit in your kitchen.Holman wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2018 9:38 amI think we all know that sex can't be presumed to go as expected.Scuzz wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 7:58 pm Comment/Question.....Is it normal now for people to spend an evening naked without having sex or expecting sex or believing sex is imminent? Why didn't she just get dressed and leave? She gives no indication she feared him?
But the standard now is that all consent is specific and explicit. Hanging out naked does not imply consent to have sex. Oral sex does not imply permission for penetrative sex. Vaginal does not imply permission for anal or vice-versa, etc.
This makes no sense to me. One action does not imply the next, but it is completely reasonable for one person to believe it has a good chance of leading to the next. If a girl is naked in bed with a man and has just performed oral sex on that man then his actions to initiate vaginal sex are not out of line. If the girl is uncomfortable with that step or unwilling to do so then she should make it very clear. I didn't see the girl's open letter (Youtube video), so I have no idea how strenuous her objection was. I haven't read anything that would label Ansari as anything worse than persistent. He committed no crime.Holman wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2018 9:38 amI think we all know that sex can't be presumed to go as expected.Scuzz wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 7:58 pm Comment/Question.....Is it normal now for people to spend an evening naked without having sex or expecting sex or believing sex is imminent? Why didn't she just get dressed and leave? She gives no indication she feared him?
But the standard now is that all consent is specific and explicit. Hanging out naked does not imply consent to have sex. Oral sex does not imply permission for penetrative sex. Vaginal does not imply permission for anal or vice-versa, etc.