Page 17 of 23

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:05 am
by Grundbegriff
Confirming my incoming Colonist count for round 9....

At the end of round 8, there were 5 on the incoming ship.
In that same round, El Guapo build a factory, Newcastle built a free small indigo plant, Chaosraven built a coffee roaster, and LordMortis built a wharf.
Near the top of round 9, LordMortis built a construction hut and Qantaga built a coffee roaster.
In the Mayor phase of round 9, EG pop'd his factory, Newc pop'd his baccy storage, Chaos pop'd his roaster, LM pop'd his wharf, and Qantaga pop'd his roaster.

At that point, LordMortis's count of city blanks was:
cr = 0
q= 0
nc = 1
eg = 1
lm = 2
Colonists on ship = 5
I think LM's count of 4 blanks (and thus 5 colonists) missed some items:
CR's new coffee roaster had 1 blank.
Qantaga had no blanks.
Newcastle's tobacco storage had 1 blank, which LM counted, but his new indigo plant also had 1 blank.
El Guapo's tobacco roaster had 2 blanks, not 1.
LM himself had 2 blanks (indigo plant and sugar mill), which he reported.

That's a discrepancy of 3, for a total of 7.

Incoming population confirmed.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:08 am
by Grundbegriff
Newcastle wrote:Place additional rev hempus (or rather my colonist) colonist on my wacky-tobacky plantation/farm
-need an experienced user to grown my shipping stuff....quality ya know...
There's no room on your two tobacco plantation/farm tiles at that point in the game. (You settled the third after the Mayor phase I'm resolving.)

However, there's an open slot (the third and final) on your tobacco storage building.
Is that where you'd like it?

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:13 am
by Newcastle
Place my colonist on my INDIGO plantation

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:28 am
by Grundbegriff
Got it. So here's your population distro as of that moment:

2 manned tobacco
1 manned indigo
1 manned corn
1 manned quarry
1 sugar
2 coffee
tobacco storage: 2/3 manned
small indigo plant: 0/1 manned
City Hall: 0/1 manned
large market: 1/1 manned
office: 1/1 manned
small warehouse: 1/1 manned

Does that agree with your info?

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:38 am
by Newcastle
sounds good

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:50 am
by Grundbegriff
Mayor resolution, urban population deficit:

El Guapo: 1 empty on tobacco storage, 1 empty on coffee roaster
Newcastle: 1 empty on tobacco storage, 1 empty on small indigo plant, 1 empty on City Hall
Chaosraven: 1 empty on coffee roaster
LordMortis: 1 empty on large indigo plant, 1 empty on small sugar mill
Qantaga: 0 empty

Incoming ship has 8 Colonists.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:55 am
by Grundbegriff
LordMortis wrote:Colonists? There's a wildcard. With raven getting the Hosipice and University (and me having the hospice) and with all of the sugar mills being built. As far as I can tell there are 55 colonists, 9 of which are on the boat. I figure we can be done with mayoring in 3 turns.
8 on the boat, 33 in the pool.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:55 am
by Grundbegriff
El Guapo wrote:You can keep going after the game ends.

"I'll choose builder, and build X. Does anyone else want to build anything? No? Ok, I'll choose again..."

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:57 am
by Grundbegriff
bb2112 wrote:
Grundbegriff wrote:I'm back. It'll take me a while tonight to catch up.

Thanks to bb2112 for dealing the tiles!
No hay problema. :D
I don't think this game has hay tiles.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:59 am
by Grundbegriff
OK, I'm all caught up, and I've done my best to catch any anomalies.

I'm going to resolve El Guapo's third glorious governorship in my usual way, and we'll proceed to round 12.

For the newbs: 15 - 18 rounds is pretty typical, but players' choices can extend the range in either direction.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:04 pm
by El Guapo
Grundbegriff wrote: I'm going to resolve El Guapo's third eternal glorious governorship in my usual way, and we'll proceed to round 12.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:10 pm
by Grundbegriff
Enlarge ImageEnlarge Image
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Enlarge Image
End of Round 11, the third Governorship of El Guapo.

Banked doubloons are in stacks of 10 or spread, so that's 51


Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:21 pm
by El Guapo
Grundbegriff wrote:There are six (6) kinds of production building and seventeen (17) kinds of beige buildings (12 short and 5 tall).

The 20 production buildings:
  • small indigo plant: cost: 1, capacity: 1, VP value: 1, quantity: 4
  • small sugar mill: cost: 2, capacity: 1, VP value: 1, quantity: 4
  • large indigo plant: cost: 3, capacity: 3, VP value: 2, quantity: 3
  • large sugar mill: cost: 4, capacity: 3, VP value: 2, quantity: 3
  • tobacco storage: cost: 5, capacity: 3, VP value: 3, quantity: 3
  • coffee roaster: cost: 6, capacity: 2, VP value: 3, quantity: 3
The 12 short beige buildings:
  • small market: cost: 1, capacity: 1, VP value: 1, quantity: 2 (Trader: +1 doubloon when selling to the Trade House.)
  • hacienda: cost: 2, capacity: 1, VP value: 1, quantity: 2 (Settler: +1 facedown plantation)
  • construction hut: cost: 2, capacity: 1, VP value: 1, quantity: 2 (Settler: take a quarry instead of a plantation)
  • small warehouse: cost: 3, capacity: 1, VP value: 1, quantity: 2 (Captain: store all goods of one kind instead of wasting them)
  • hospice: cost: 4, capacity: 1, VP value: 2, quantity: 2 (Settler: chosen plantation already has a colonist)
  • office: cost: 5, capacity: 1, VP value: 2, quantity: 2 (Trader: sell redundant kinds of goods to the Trade House)
  • large market: cost: 5, capacity: 1, VP value: 2, quantity: 2 (Trader: +2 doubloons when selling to the Trade House.)
  • large warehouse: cost: 6, capacity: 1, VP value: 2, quantity: 2 (Captain: store all goods of two kinds instead of wasting them)
  • university: cost: 7, capacity: 1, VP value: 3, quantity: 2 (Craftsman: receive doubloons for diversity of product line)
  • factory: cost: 8, capacity: 1, VP value: 3, quantity: 2 (Builder: purchased building already has a colonist)
  • harbor: cost: 8, capacity: 1, VP value: 3, quantity: 2 (Captain: +1 doubloon for each load of goods shipped)
  • wharf: cost: 9, capacity: 1, VP value: 3, quantity: 2 (Captain: Ship all goods of one kind on a private vessel)
Enlarge Image
The 5 tall beige buildings:
  • Guild Hall: cost: 10, capacity: 1, VP value: 4, quantity: 1 (Scoring: +1 VP per small production bldg. +2 VP per large production bldg.)
  • Residence: cost: 10, capacity: 1, VP value: 4, quantity: 1 (Scoring: +4-7 VP for 9-12 slots filled with plantations & quarries.)
  • Fortress: cost: 10, capacity: 1, VP value: 4, quantity: 1 (Scoring: +1 VP for every 3 colonists.)
  • Customs House: cost: 10, capacity: 1, VP value: 4, quantity: 1 (Scoring: +1 VP for every 4 VP chips earned.)
  • City Hall: cost: 10, capacity: 1, VP value: 4, quantity: 1 (Scoring: +1 VP for every beige building.)
Enlarge Image
In addition to the buildings, there are eight (8) quarries.

No player may build two buildings of the same type. This goes for production buildings and beige buildings.
So...just realized there's another error on the building descriptions, unless there's another house rule that I'm unaware of. The description here of the Harbor says that you get +1 doubloon for each load of goods shipped. However, the rulebook says that you get +1 VP for each load of goods shipped.

So, that's good to know. :lol:

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:23 pm
by Grundbegriff

Round 01
El Guapo: Settler (quarry); Newcastle (indigo); Chaosraven (sugar); LordMortis (corn); Qantaga (indigo)
Newcastle: Prospector (1)
Chaosraven: Builder(sm sugar); LordMortis (sm indigo); Qantaga (sm sugar); El Guapo (sm indigo); Newcastle (tobacco storage)
LordMortis: Mayor (2); Qantaga (1); El Guapo (1); Newcastle (1); Chaosraven (1)
Qantaga: Prospector (1)

Round 2
Newcastle: Settler (tobacco); Chaosraven (corn); LordMortis (indigo); Qantaga (sugar); El Guapo (tobacco)
Chaosraven: Mayor (3); LordMortis (1); Qantaga (1); El Guapo (1); Newcastle (1)
LordMortis: Craftsman (1 corn, 2 indigo); Qantaga (1 sugar); El Guapo (-); Newcastle (1 tobacco); Chaosraven (1 corn, 1 sugar)
Qantaga: Trader (1 sugar); El Guapo (-); Newcastle (1 tobacco); Chaosraven (-); LordMortis (1 indigo)
El Guapo: Builder (tobacco storage); Newcastle (sm warehouse); Chaosraven (sm warehouse); LordMortis (hospice); Qantaga (office)

Round 3
Chaosraven: Builder (sm indigo plant); LordMortis (-); Qantaga (sm market); El Guapo (sm market); Newcastle (-)
LordMortis: Captain (1 corn, 1 indigo); Qantaga (-); El Guapo (-); Newcastle (-); Chaosraven (1 corn, 1 sugar)
Qantaga: Settler (coffee); El Guapo (tobacco); Newcastle (corn); Chaosraven (sugar); LordMortis (indigo)
El Guapo: Mayor (2); Newcastle (2); Chaosraven (2); LordMortis (2); Qantaga (2)
Newcastle: Prospector(2)

Round 4
LordMortis: Prospector(3)
Qantaga: Mayor (3); El Guapo (2); Newcastle (1), Chaosraven (1), LordMortis (1)
El Guapo: Craftsman (indigox2, tobacco); Newcastle(corn, tobacco); Chaosraven(corn, indigo, sugar); LordMortis(corn, indigo); Qantaga(corn, sugar)
Newcastle: Settler (quarry); Chaosraven (coffee); LordMortis (indigo); Qantaga (coffee); El Guapo (indigo)
Chaosraven: Captain (corn, indigo, sugar); LordMortis (corn, indigo); Qantaga (corn, sugar); El Guapo (indigox2); Newcastle (corn)

Round 5
Qantaga: Prospector
El Guapo: Craftsman (indigox2, tobacco); Newcastle(corn, tobacco); Chaosraven(corn, indigo, sugar); LordMortis(corn, indigo); Qantaga( corn, sugar)
Newcastle: Trader (corn); Chaosraven (-); LordMortis (-); Qantaga (-); El Guapo (-)
Chaosraven: Captain (corn, sugar); LordMortis (corn, indigo); Qantaga (corn, sugar); El Guapo (indigox2); Newcastle (corn)
LordMortis: Builder (Lg indigo plant); Qantaga (-); El Guapo (-); Newcastle (office); Chaosraven (-)

Round 6
El Guapo: Trader (tobacco); Newcastle (-); Chaosraven (indigo); LordMortis (-); Qantaga (-)
Newcastle: Mayor (2); Chaosraven 1; LordMortis 1; Qantaga 1; El Guapo 1
Chaosraven: Prospector
LordMortis: Settler (quarry); Qantaga (sugar); El Guapo (corn); Newcastle (coffee); Chaosraven (corn)
Qantaga: Prospector

Round 7
Newcastle: Trader (tobacco); Chaosraven (-); LordMortis (-); Qantaga (-); El Guapo (-)
Chaosraven: Craftsman (corn, indigo, sugar); LordMortis (corn, indigox2); Qantaga (corn, sugar); El Guapo (indigo, tobaccox2); Newcastle (corn, tobacco)
LordMortis: Builder (sm sugar mill); Qantaga (-); El Guapo (sm sugar mill); Newcastle (lg market); Chaosraven (-)
Qantaga: Settler (quarry); El Guapo (sugar); Newcastle (sugar); Chaosraven (corn); LordMortis (corn)
El Guapo: Captain (tobacco2x); Newcastle (corn, tobacco2x); Chaosraven (corn, sugar); LordMortis (corn); Qantaga (sugar)

. . .

Round 11
El Guapo: Mayor (3); Newcastle (2); Chaosraven (1); LordMortis (1); Qantaga (1)
Newcastle: Settler (tobacco); Chaosraven (coffee); LordMortis (sugar); Qantaga (coffee); El Guapo (indigo)
Chaosraven: Trader (indigo); LordMortis (-); Qantaga (-); El Guapo (-); Newcastle (-)
LordMortis: Prospector
Qantaga: Builder (harbor); El Guapo (harbor); Newcastle (lg sugar mill); Chaosraven (hospice); LordMortis (-)

Start of Round 12:

Victory Point Chips: more than 70
Doubloons: 51
Colonists in supply: 33
Colonists on inbound ship: 8
Coffee crates in supply: 9
Tobacco crates in supply: 4
Sugar crates in supply: 9
Indigo crates in supply: 9
Corn crates in supply: 8
Trade House: (1) indigo (2) --- (3) --- (4) ---
Cargo Ship #6: sugar, sugar, _____, _____, _____, _____
Cargo Ship #7: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Cargo Ship #8: tobacco, tobacco, tobacco, tobacco, tobacco, _____, _____, _____
The number on the left is the price in doubloons. For worker capacity and VP value, see the BUILDINGS section above.
As these are acquired, I'll put them under erasure and mark them with the initial of the owner EG, N, C, LM, or Q.

Bank Board
Column 1
(1) [small indigo plant LM] [small indigo plant EG] [small indigo plant C] [small indigo plant N]
(2) [small sugar mill C] [small sugar mill Q] [small sugar mill LM] [small sugar mill EG]
(1) [small market Q] [small market EG]
(2) [hacienda] [hacienda]
(2) [construction hut LM] [construction hut]
(3) [small warehouse N] [small warehouse C]
Column 2
(3) [large indigo plant LM] [large indigo plant] [large indigo plant]
(4) [large sugar mill N [large sugar mill] [large sugar mill]
(4) [hospice LM] [hospice C]
(5) [office Q] [office N]
(5) [large market N] [large market Q]
(6) [large warehouse] [large warehouse]
Column 3
(5) [tobacco storage N] [tobacco storage EG] [tobacco storage]
(6) [coffee roaster C] [coffee roaster Q] [coffee roaster EG]
(7) [university C] [university]
(8) [factory EG] [factory]
(8) [harbor Q] [harbor EG]
(9) [wharf LM] [wharf]
Column 4
(10) [guild hall]
(10) [residence]
(10) [fortress]
(10) [customs house]
(10) [city hall N]
Plantations and Quarries Available
  • indigo
  • sugar
  • sugar
  • tobacco
  • indigo
  • tobacco
  • Quarry EG
  • Quarry N
  • Quarry LM
  • Quarry Q
  • Quarry
  • Quarry
  • Quarry
  • Quarry
  • Builder (+0)
  • Captain (+1)
  • Craftsman (+2)
  • Mayor (+0)
  • Prospector (+1)
  • Prospector (+0)
  • Settler (+0)
  • Trader (+0)

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:26 pm
by El Guapo
My board looks accurate.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:35 pm
by Grundbegriff
Here are the ASCII boards from the end of Round 11. Items are arranged according to my conventions:
1: El Guapo
Victory Points: ???
Doubloons: 00
Idle Colonists: 00
Employed Colonists: 13
Crates on Hand: Corn: 00, Indigo: 01, Sugar: 00, Tobacco: 00, Coffee:00
Plantations and workers:
[indigo______________1] [tobacco_____________1] [sugar______ :ninja: ________1] [corn________________1]
[indigo______________0] [tobacco_____________0] [____________________] [coffee______________1]
[____________________] [tobacco_____________0] [____________________] [quarry______________1]
Buildings and workers:
[small indigo plant_____1] [tobacco storage_____2] [small sugar mill______1] [coffee roaster________1]
[____________________] [____________________] [____________________] [factory______________1]
[____________________] [____________________] [harbor______________0] [small market_________1]

2: Newcastle
Victory Points: ???
Doubloons: 00
Idle Colonists: 00
Employed Colonists: 10
Crates on Hand: Corn: 00, Indigo: 00, Sugar: 00, Tobacco: 00, Coffee:00
Plantations and workers:
[tobacco_____________1] [indigo______ :ninja: ________1] [coffee______________0] [corn_______________1]
[tobacco______ :ninja: _______1] [____________________] [coffee______________0] [sugar______________0]
[tobacco_____________0] [____________________] [____________________] [quarry______________1]
Buildings and workers:
[tobacco storage______2] [small indigo plant____0] [large sugar mill_______0] [large market_________1]
[____________________] [____________________] [_City(_______________-] [office_______________1]
[____________________] [____________________] [_____)Hall___________0] [small warehouse______1]

3: Chaosraven
Victory Points: ???
Doubloons: 00
Idle Colonists: 00
Employed Colonists: 11
Crates on Hand: Corn: 02, Indigo: 00, Sugar: 00, Tobacco: 00, Coffee:00
Plantations and workers:
[indigo______________1] [sugar_______________1] [coffee______________1] [corn_______________1]
[____________________] [sugar_______________0] [coffee______________0] [corn_______________1]
[____________________] [____________________] [_____________________] [corn_______________0]
Buildings and workers:
[small indigo plant____1] [small sugar mill______1] [coffee roaster________1] [hospice_____________1]
[____________________] [____________________] [____________________] [university____________1]
[____________________] [____________________] [____________________] [small warehouse______1]

4: LordMortis
Victory Points: ???
Doubloons: 04
Idle Colonists: 00
Employed Colonists: 14
Crates on Hand: Corn: 00, Indigo: 00, Sugar: 00, Tobacco: 00, Coffee:00
Plantations and workers:
[indigo______________1] [indigo______________0] [corn________________1] [corn________________1]
[indigo______________1] [____________________] [sugar_______________1] [corn________________1]
[indigo______________1] [____________________] [_____________________] [quarry______________1]
Buildings and workers:
[small indigo plant_____1] [small sugar mill______0] [____________________] [construction hut______1]
[large indigo plant_____2] [____________________] [____________________] [wharf_______________1]
[____________________] [____________________] [_____________________] [hospice_____________1]

5: Qantaga
Victory Points: ???
Doubloons: 01
Idle Colonists: 00
Employed Colonists: 11
Crates on Hand: Corn: 00, Indigo: 00, Sugar: 00, Tobacco: 00, Coffee:00
Plantations and workers:
[sugar_______________1] [coffee______________1] [____________________] [corn________________1]
[sugar_______________0] [coffee______________1] [____________________] [corn________________0]
[sugar_______________0] [coffee______________0] [____________________] [quarry______________1]
Buildings and workers:
[small sugar mill______1] [coffee roaster_______2] [____________________] [large market__________1]
[____________________] [____________________] [____________________] [small market_________1]
[____________________] [____________________] [harbor______________0] [office_______________1]

Please check your details. I believe these boards match the photographs, and I believe these boards and photographs match reality.

If I'm wrong about that, this is your chance to let me know!

Here begins the third Governorship of Newcastle.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:40 pm
by El Guapo
I have a colonist on my sugar plantation, which is reflected on my picture board but not on my ASCII board.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:40 pm
by Newcastle
2: Newcastle
Victory Points: ???
Doubloons: 00
Idle Colonists: 00
Employed Colonists: 10
Crates on Hand: Corn: 00, Indigo: 00, Sugar: 00, Tobacco: 00, Coffee:00
Plantations and workers:
[tobacco_____________1] [indigo______________0] [coffee______________0] [corn_______________1]
[tobacco_____________0] [____________________] [coffee______________0] [sugar______________0]
[tobacco_____________0] [____________________] [____________________] [quarry______________1]
Buildings and workers:
[tobacco storage______2] [small indigo plant____0] [large sugar mill_______0] [large market_________1]
[____________________] [____________________] [_City(_______________-] [office_______________1]
[____________________] [____________________] [_____)Hall___________0] [small warehouse______1]
I see only 8 colonists working my various plantations & work facilities.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:42 pm
by El Guapo
Newcastle wrote:GRUND
2: Newcastle
Victory Points: ???
Doubloons: 00
Idle Colonists: 00
Employed Colonists: 10
Crates on Hand: Corn: 00, Indigo: 00, Sugar: 00, Tobacco: 00, Coffee:00
Plantations and workers:
[tobacco_____________1] [indigo______________0] [coffee______________0] [corn_______________1]
[tobacco_____________0] [____________________] [coffee______________0] [sugar______________0]
[tobacco_____________0] [____________________] [____________________] [quarry______________1]
Buildings and workers:
[tobacco storage______2] [small indigo plant____0] [large sugar mill_______0] [large market_________1]
[____________________] [____________________] [_City(_______________-] [office_______________1]
[____________________] [____________________] [_____)Hall___________0] [small warehouse______1]
I see only 8 colonists working my various plantations & work facilities.
Per your picture board, you have 1 colonist on your indigo plantation and 1 colonist on your second tobacco plantation, so those should be added to your ASCII board.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:43 pm
by Grundbegriff
I don't know what you people are talking about. The ASCII boards look fine to me.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:46 pm
by El Guapo
Given that Newcastle and I now apparently have ninjas on our islands, I think it's pretty much a two person race at this point.

Unless they're hostile ninjas. Dammit!

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:47 pm
by El Guapo
Also - just to be clear, we *are* playing that harbors give VPs not doubloons, right? I would go with what the pictures of the tiles say and what the rulebook says, but that's burned me in the past...

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:49 pm
by LordMortis
I think my board is good.
El Guapo wrote:Also - just to be clear, we *are* playing that harbors give VPs not doubloons, right? I would go with what the pictures of the tiles say and what the rulebook says, but that's burned me in the past...
As far as I know, yes, harbors always give VPs and not doubloons.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:57 pm
by Newcastle
Narrator wrote:As Puerto Rico faces the dark, dreary, depressing Elguapo's (the name is now known as a time, not just a name but indicating such a dark and dreary period in the Puerto Rico's history.)

But hope springs forth as once again the Sun King Newcastle emerges .....the ports thrive, commerce bustles, and shysters shamed. Its a glorious time to be alive......

and i chooose.......

Mayor Please...

1 on Sugar mill/factory
1 on Small Indigo plant
1 on sugar plantation

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:10 pm
by LordMortis
I believe I will get two colonists when it comes to my turn to place. I will put one on my small sugar mill and a third colonist on my Large Indigo Factory.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:19 pm
by Grundbegriff
Roles chosen during the first 11 rounds:

El Guapo:
Builder: 3
Captain: 1
Craftsm: 2
Mayor : 3
Prospec: 0
Settler: 1
Trader : 1

Builder: 0
Captain: 1
Craftsm: 1
Mayor : 1
Prospec: 3
Settler: 3
Trader : 2

Builder: 2
Captain: 2
Craftsm: 1
Mayor : 1
Prospec: 2
Settler: 0
Trader : 3

Builder: 2
Captain: 1
Craftsm: 1
Mayor : 1
Prospec: 4
Settler: 2
Trader : 0

Builder: 2
Captain: 0
Craftsm: 0
Mayor : 2
Prospec: 3
Settler: 2
Trader : 2

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:22 pm
by Chaosraven
Two for me? One on coffee, one on coffee roaster

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:32 pm
by Grundbegriff
El Guapo must place his new colonist.
Qantaga must place his new colonist.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 2:01 pm
by Qantaga
Colonist to Harbor, please.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 2:08 pm
by El Guapo
I'll put my colonist on my harbor as well.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 2:10 pm
by LordMortis
The two of you are harboring traders! Get them!

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 2:11 pm
by El Guapo
I believe that brings up Chaosraven's action choice.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:02 pm
by Grundbegriff
Wrapping up Mayor:

Only El Guapo and Newcastle have empty spaces on their buildings (2 and 4 respectively). There will be 6 Colonists on the next incoming ship.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:28 pm
by Chaosraven

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:33 pm
by LordMortis
While Grund figures out points I'll Craftsman for +2 doubloons.

3 Corn
3 Indigo
1 Sugar

If Indigo is available I will take it
If not then I will take Sugar
If not then I will take Corn

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:33 pm
by Grundbegriff
Chaosraven takes the doubloon and ships 2 corn on ship #7 for 3 VPs.
The only other player with a crate is El Guapo, but there's no Indigo ship, so that ends the Captain turn.

Action on LordMortis to select a role.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:35 pm
by Newcastle
Grund can you add the status of the ships in the header board from now on...something like

ship 1- tobacco 4/8
ship 2 - indigo 1/7
ship 3 empty 0/6


Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:38 pm
by Grundbegriff
El Guapo wrote:So...just realized there's another error on the building descriptions, unless there's another house rule that I'm unaware of. The description here of the Harbor says that you get +1 doubloon for each load of goods shipped. However, the rulebook says that you get +1 VP for each load of goods shipped.
Thanks. Fixed.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:41 pm
by El Guapo
So, during Mortis' building action, I don't see any goods shortages from Qantaga's production, so I should produce 1 of each good (1 corn, 1 sugar, 1 indigo, 1 tobacco, and 1 coffee), also netting 5 doubloons from my factory.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 01: Transit of Venus

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:42 pm
by Grundbegriff
Newcastle wrote:Grund can you add the status of the ships in the header board from now on...
Inbound Colonists: 6
Cargo Ship #6: sugar, sugar, _____, _____, _____, _____
Cargo Ship #7: corn, corn, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Cargo Ship #8: tobacco, tobacco, tobacco, tobacco, tobacco, _____, _____, _____
Trade House: indigo, _____, _____, _____