Re: The Semi-Official Death Watch of the 4th Estate Thread
Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 9:04 pm
You take that back!Unagi wrote:May you live in interesting times.
That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons bring us some web forums whereupon we can gather
You take that back!Unagi wrote:May you live in interesting times.
Publishers Chafe at Apple’s Terms for Subscription News Service
Apple plans to keep about 50% of subscription revenue from ‘Netflix for news’ service, likely won’t share customer data with publishers
Three day bingedrinking of mourning.GreenGoo wrote: Sun Feb 17, 2019 2:40 pmFtfy.
And retribution? This guy is so thin skinned he's practically translucent.
He's so irresponsible he shouldn't be allowed to lead a clown college, let alone the US.
Hit job on the republicans? It's a hit job on you you giant buffoon. Unfortunately, his supporters see it as the same thing.
At some point he's going to die just like the rest of us and the world will let out a collective sigh of relief.
Stigginit though, worth it.
It's Culture War. Trumpers view "the media" as a monolith.hepcat wrote: Mon Feb 18, 2019 9:02 am Does he now think SNL is a news show?![]()
I mean, he hosted it once. So he has to be aware their stock in trade is fake news. That's kind of the schtick behind most parodies and's often fictional and no one is claiming otherwise.
Perhaps he's scared because he's not sure why he's appearing on SNL giving all those speeches without his knowledge?
I came here to post this article, dedicated a must-read.Holman wrote:This Jane Mayer article on Fox News in The New Yorker is bombshell reporting.
Just a couple of the revelations here:
-Fox knew of the Stormy Daniels payout *before the election*, and Murdoch ordered the story spiked.
-Fox gave Trump's team debate questions before at least one of the GOP primary debates.
It's a long article with just stomach-churning details of Fox and GOP mendacity and manipulation. Fake News indeed.
Took me a little while to get to it. Now that I But there are a few hopeful nuggets there, too, particularly this:Enough wrote: Mon Mar 04, 2019 3:03 pmI came here to post this article, dedicated a must-read.Holman wrote:This Jane Mayer article on Fox News in The New Yorker is bombshell reporting.
Just a couple of the revelations here:
-Fox knew of the Stormy Daniels payout *before the election*, and Murdoch ordered the story spiked.
-Fox gave Trump's team debate questions before at least one of the GOP primary debates.
It's a long article with just stomach-churning details of Fox and GOP mendacity and manipulation. Fake News indeed.
Gertz, of Media Matters, argues, “The President’s world view is being specifically shaped by what he sees on Fox News, but Fox’s goals are ratings and money, which they get by maximizing rage. It’s not a message that is going to serve the rest of the country.” Blair Levin, the former F.C.C. official, says that Trump and Fox are employing the same risky model: inflaming the base and intensifying its support, rather than building a broader coalition. Narrowcasting may generate billions of dollars for a cable channel, but as a governing strategy it inevitably alienates the majority. The problem for Trump, as one former Fox host puts it, is that “he can’t afford to lose Fox, because it’s all he’s got.”
What are tomorrow's Lotto numbers?Holman wrote: Mon Mar 04, 2019 6:12 pm Hopefully the DNC will take this as reason not to agree to Fox hosting debates.
The Democratic National Committee has decided to exclude Fox News Channel from televising any of its candidate debates during the 2019-2020 cycle as a result of published revelations detailing the cable network’s close ties to the Trump administration.
In a statement Wednesday, DNC Chairman Tom Perez cited a story in the New Yorker magazine this week that detailed how Fox has promoted President Trump’s agenda. The article, titled “The Making of the Fox News White House,” suggested that the news network had become a “propaganda” vehicle for Trump.
Numerous networks, including Fox, have submitted proposals to the DNC to televise one of the 12 scheduled debates, which will start in June. So far, the organization has only awarded rights to the first two — to NBC (along with sister networks MSNBC and Telemundo) and to CNN.
Dictator envy.Democrats just blocked @FoxNews from holding a debate. Good, then I think I’ll do the same thing with the Fake News Networks and the Radical Left Democrats in the General Election debates!
Then we can have a frank discussion of why you won't debate in forum while the Dems won't debate in another, you piece of shit.Good
Yup, I was coming to post this.hepcat wrote: Sun Mar 10, 2019 8:51 pm Good lord, watching journalist Mehdi Hasan perform an interview is like watching a surgeon at work.. Damn but he’s good.
Wow, that's impressive.hepcat wrote: Sun Mar 10, 2019 8:51 pm Good lord, watching journalist Mehdi Hasan perform an interview is like watching a surgeon at work.. Damn but he’s good.
*Emphasis added*Barr's cover-up gambit means Mueller will certainly be called to testify under oath in the House. That's why we're getting the full-on blitz to mischaracterize his findings: to lock the media and public into a favorable narrative nowhere in evidence, before he actually speaks.
The Trump machine's rush to assert an adamantly conclusive interpretation of the investigation on nothing but a crony appointee's spin on it, and then using this to discredit the larger attempt to uphold the rule of law and separation of powers is completely poisonous.
The media's atrocious gullibility, which is letting this happen without serious resistance, is even more scandalous than the credulity that herded public opinion behind the invasion of Iraq. Because we already *know* this administration does nothing but lie.
According to L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology’s fundamental creation myth goes something like this: Xenu (also referred to as Xemu) was once ruler of the Galactic Confederacy, an ancient organization of 76 planets. Having existed for 20 million years, the planets were struggling from extreme overpopulation.
Fearing he’d be thrown out of power, Xenu gathered billions of his people, froze them to capture their souls (“thetans”), and transported them to Earth (then called Teegeeack) for elimination. He dumped them at the bottom of volcanoes and then destroyed them in a series of nuclear explosions, killing all but a few and sending their souls into the air.
Once in the air, the souls were captured by Xenu, who then implanted into them misleading information, including concepts related to all of the world’s religions.
After all this evil was carried out, Xenu was eventually imprisoned, and Earth was left to be a mere prison planet by the Galactic Confederacy.
The spaceships of the space people are said to resemble DC-10s. By pure coincidence, DC-10s were very prevalent when this religion came into being. Coincidentally.
The real story is that Tucker Carlson is running out of advertisers. For months, major companies have been fleeing his show so that he's down to weird brands (like "My Pillow") whose owners are stalwart Fox Believers.YellowKing wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2019 12:41 pm It's the same reason that the Drudge Report always has an article about UFOs or some other bullshit.
Once you're in the mindset to deny science, nothing's off the table.
The difference being Poseidon believers are small disconnected loners. Scientology is a billion dollar network of powerful people.Jaymann wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2019 2:03 pm I would love to see Tom Cruise defend that position. Reminds me of when Sam Harris argued that nobody believes in Poseidon anymore, and he received angry emails from Poseidon believers.
Media Matters wrote:Major media outlets failed to rebut President Donald Trump's misinformation 65% of the time in their tweets about his false or misleading comments, according to a Media Matters review. That means the outlets amplified Trump's misinformation more than 400 times over the three-week period of the study -- a rate of 19 per day.
Key Takeaways:
* 30% of the tweets by major media outlets’ Twitter accounts about Trump remarks referenced a false or misleading statement.
* Nearly two-thirds of the time, the outlets did not dispute that misinformation.
* That means the outlets amplified false or misleading Trump claims without disputing them 407 times over the three weeks of the study, an average of 19 times a day.
* The extent to which outlets’ Twitter feeds passively spread Trump’s misinformation depended on the platform in which Trump made his comments. For example:
* 92% of false or misleading Trump claims went undisputed when he was speaking at a press gaggle or pool spray.
* 49% of false or misleading Trump claims went undisputed when outlets were responding to comments he made during formal speeches.
* @TheHill was the worst actor and sent more than 40% of the tweets that pushed Trump’s misinformation without disputing it during our entire study.