YellowKing wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2018 12:20 pm
Carpet_pissr wrote:I wonder where the ACTUAL conservatives in this country will go now they have no party?
Well there has been some movement towards registering as Independents, as those numbers have increased significantly since Trump took office. Unfortunately, I think the lion's share of actual conservatives have just decided to drink the Kool-Aid and join the cult. I know a ton of people who I thought were old-fashioned fiscal conservatives who would "never in a million years" vote for Trump now applauding everything he does. Oh, they may occasionally grumble at a controversial tweet, but for all intents and purposes they're in lockstep.
I think a lot of these alleged "actual" conservatives have drunk the kool-aid too. Witness the ever-growing attacks on the "MSM" (which conveniently ignores Fox) because the MSM doesn't buy into the Tea Party Identity politics. There has been a direct effect (not just a correlation, but actual causation) in this new phenomena, and it has led to a split where we can't argue about solutions to problems, because the facts have become different, and perverted as conspiracy-theory gossip has become mainstream in 90% of the "conservative" ideology.
On the other hand, I also believe that the "Actual" conservatives have been hooked into this since Goldwater and the Southern Democrat flip to Republican identity politics in the wake of the Civil Rights movement. The conservative coalition of strong defense and tax cutting/small government was too small to get real, long-term majorities without Religious conservatives (even in Reagan's era) and dog-whistle identity politics after most of the core financial issues were solved with the destruction of Unions and tax cuts. Especially as Clinton moved the Democrats to a more business-friendly stance for the first time since Kennedy/LBJ. However, I must say that the Clinton era and his initial election are far more detailed than that - but he defintely co-opted a lot of the actual fiscal conservatism of the time, which Obama continued in a huge break with liberal politics up until then. Democrats stopped just calling for more taxes and services and actually became the party of fiscal restraint, IMHO. Liberal policies were re-evaluated for their effects on the economy far more than previously, and far more market based approaches were pursued, at least in the mainstream.
As an example, look at how Governor Moonbeam in CA, has become the guy who has fixed the state's finances and established a rainy day fund for downturns to keep CA's budget on a more sustainable path than previous Democrats in Sacramento.