Fighting back

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Re: Fighting back

Post by Punisher »

hepcat wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 10:11 pm
Punisher wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 10:06 pm
hepcat wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 9:56 pm
Punisher wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 9:53 pm Again, to be fair, I've made it clear that I too was a fan of Trump being president the first time around.
Then I learned more and purposely voted against him thev2nd time he ran.
Maybe Drazzil is the same way and has changed his opinion?
Maybe we can all just see and let him share his opinions? Nobody has to agree with or belive them but, as long as we all stay civil, I'd like to think that this board can survive different opinions.
Drazzil wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 8:08 pm
Consider this my huge shit eating I told you so
That is some fine opinionatin’

Sure, that could have been done better but I think we've had worse here.
Obviously I can't remember Drazzil or anything that happened but from context it sounds like h8s past opinions weere shot down or something and he left and came back when they came true and did an I told you so.
Obviously since my brain is shot and I can't remember I could be way off base, but, at least for now, I don't see the harm in letting him post his current opinions, even with what you highlighted.
If something changes and he becomes uncivili without being provoked thats different.
I mean, how are the responses to him using the same tone he used bothersome to you, but his wasn’t? :?
I guess because to me, they almost seemed like a direct attack.
If he came in calling out individuals and such I probably would feel different. His I told you so seemed more of a general one.
It's possible that if I remembered his past interactions I'd feel different but for me at least, he is a clean slate. I know he has history here but I don't know what it is other than he's been gone for at least months (i thinnk).
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Re: Fighting back

Post by Blackhawk »

Punisher wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 10:06 pm Sure, that could have been done better but I think we've had worse here.
Obviously I can't remember Drazzil or anything that happened but from context it sounds like h8s past opinions weere shot down or something and he left and came back when they came true and did an I told you so.
Obviously since my brain is shot and I can't remember I could be way off base, but, at least for now, I don't see the harm in letting him post his current opinions, even with what you highlighted.
If something changes and he becomes uncivili without being provoked thats different.
Honestly, it's a good view, and I respect you for standing up for it (for exactly the reason that I stand up when I see something that I think is harmful.)

What you should understand about Drazzil's history, going clear back to our founding, is that:

1. His opinions tend to be extreme and not based on anything but his own whims. They often skew into 'conspiracy theory' territory.
2. He presents them in a condescending, self-righteous manner.
3. He defends them by suggesting that those who disagree are somehow defective, blind, or just being mean.

In addition, he has a well-established history of troll-like behavior. He'd post something absurd, double down when either criticized or supported, and then watch the chaos, only to start another out-there discussion. I was a very long-term Drazzil supporter, trying to talk to him, find him help, and give him good advice. Even after much of the forum had written him off as a troll, I stuck to my guns and tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, often with very long, researched posts, just on the chance that he really needed what he said he did. Eventually, though, I also realized that he was either completely delusional, or intentionally manipulating people for his own edification. At that point, I stopped.

And Drazzil is 100% welcome to post his own opinions, and to support them. But if they're nonsensical, he'll be called out on them (just like I would be, and have been - I still have RM9, ILB, and GreenGoo inspired PTSD - and am better for it.)

But, like a couple of other posters (Rip comes to mind), if he's sincere, it's going to take time and honest posting before people trust him. He doesn't get the benefit of the doubt from most of us anymore. And if he did earn our trust back, I'd be overjoyed - I liked Drazzil before he doubled down and took things to extremes.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by Drazzil »

hepcat wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 9:37 pm
Drazzil wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 8:08 pm
Do you know why we got Trump?
Because gullible people who only feel good about themselves when they’re able to find someone else to blame for the problems they created through their own ignorance and laziness voted for him in 2016 and 2024?
So to be clear you don't disagree with anything I said... Just *how* I said it? Because I see a blanket dismissal of what I wrote but not a whole lot of why, except to go back to blame the ignorance and laziness of the average voter.

gullibility, ignorance and laziness. That the sum of it then?
Daehawk wrote:Thats Drazzil's chair damnit.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by Drazzil »

Punisher wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 10:15 pm
hepcat wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 10:11 pm
Punisher wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 10:06 pm
hepcat wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 9:56 pm
Punisher wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 9:53 pm Again, to be fair, I've made it clear that I too was a fan of Trump being president the first time around.
Then I learned more and purposely voted against him thev2nd time he ran.
Maybe Drazzil is the same way and has changed his opinion?
Maybe we can all just see and let him share his opinions? Nobody has to agree with or belive them but, as long as we all stay civil, I'd like to think that this board can survive different opinions.
Drazzil wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 8:08 pm
Consider this my huge shit eating I told you so
That is some fine opinionatin’

Sure, that could have been done better but I think we've had worse here.
Obviously I can't remember Drazzil or anything that happened but from context it sounds like h8s past opinions weere shot down or something and he left and came back when they came true and did an I told you so.
Obviously since my brain is shot and I can't remember I could be way off base, but, at least for now, I don't see the harm in letting him post his current opinions, even with what you highlighted.
If something changes and he becomes uncivili without being provoked thats different.
I mean, how are the responses to him using the same tone he used bothersome to you, but his wasn’t? :?
I guess because to me, they almost seemed like a direct attack.
If he came in calling out individuals and such I probably would feel different. His I told you so seemed more of a general one.
It's possible that if I remembered his past interactions I'd feel different but for me at least, he is a clean slate. I know he has history here but I don't know what it is other than he's been gone for at least months (i thinnk).
I had a lot of it coming I think. I edited out a personal attack or two. Also some of my posting style here and elsewhere is somewhat inflammatory, only in that sometimes I felt like I needed to shout to be heard around here, or anywhere really.

There's not a lot of people on this forum or any other one who wants to hear that our party betrayed us every step of the way till some asshole like orange Hitler could just walk in.

I don't think people feel connected to America anymore. At some point it feels less and less a system of government and ideals and more and more like a murder suicide pact. Ohhhh yeah! I found that article I had been prattling on about forever. WAYYY back in 2010 Salon of all places called it. ... m_america/
Last edited by Drazzil on Mon Feb 24, 2025 10:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by hepcat »

Drazzil wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 10:19 pm
hepcat wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 9:37 pm
Drazzil wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 8:08 pm
Do you know why we got Trump?
Because gullible people who only feel good about themselves when they’re able to find someone else to blame for the problems they created through their own ignorance and laziness voted for him in 2016 and 2024?
So to be clear you don't disagree with anything I said... Just *how* I said it? Because I see a blanket dismissal of what I wrote but not a whole lot of why, except to go back to blame the ignorance and laziness of the average voter.

gullibility, ignorance and laziness. That the sum of it then?
No, I pretty much disagree with everything you wrote. You oftentimes come from a place of anger and outrage. You simplify everything in life that doesn’t go exactly the way you want it to into a failure of the “system”.

Obama helped America accept the gay couple next door and lead us through a post Bush world, but didn’t usher in a golden age of socialism, so he’s a failure. Biden steered us out of an ever worsening economic crisis, but because he didn’t usher in a golden age of socialism, he’s also a failure.

You see failure in everything that doesn’t meet your goals. But here’s the problem for me: your goals are quite often just wrong in my opinion. You’ve referred to yourself as an anarchist in the past. That alone should be enough reason for why I think this. You think replacing what you view as economic injustice with one that would result in an even worse injustice, one based on the fickle whim of mob rule, is the right solution. I do not.

But above and beyond all of that, why in god’s name is there a reality show on Max right now for Alec Baldwin and his family? Honestly, I think the terrorists have won,sometimes.
Last edited by hepcat on Mon Feb 24, 2025 10:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by Blackhawk »

Drazzil wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 10:19 pm So to be clear you don't disagree with anything I said... Just *how* I said it? Because I see a blanket dismissal of what I wrote but not a whole lot of why, except to go back to blame the ignorance and laziness of the average voter.
Nobody really has the time to go over that long of a post with a fine-toothed comb. I'll do a Cliff Notes version, though, on some of what I'd look at if I did.
Do you know why we got Trump? Because when you really get down to it, Obama didn't do enough.
Read your history
The Democrats and the Republicans are colluding. One side does bad stuff, the other side clutches pearls and pretends to be powerless.
Extreme claims...
All the while he [Obama] lost us the supreme court
Really read your history
What'd he [Biden] do? Nothing. Nothing but wring hands and watch as the people who put him there get screwed by.... everything.
Google 'obstructionism'
[Most of what you wrote about Harris]
Greatly oversimplified, sans context, and not accurate
And then when they LOST. DAMNING the poor and those who work for a living to utter bankruptcy and dissolution, they ask for donations after they lose to cover "campaign debts"
Consider this my huge shit eating I told you so.
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors

Democrats won't help. They're colluding.
Either 'Huh?' or 'Extreme claims...'

/edit - to add in the original post for context
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Re: Fighting back

Post by Drazzil »

Blackhawk wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 10:19 pm
Punisher wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 10:06 pm Sure, that could have been done better but I think we've had worse here.
Obviously I can't remember Drazzil or anything that happened but from context it sounds like h8s past opinions weere shot down or something and he left and came back when they came true and did an I told you so.
Obviously since my brain is shot and I can't remember I could be way off base, but, at least for now, I don't see the harm in letting him post his current opinions, even with what you highlighted.
If something changes and he becomes uncivili without being provoked thats different.
Honestly, it's a good view, and I respect you for standing up for it (for exactly the reason that I stand up when I see something that I think is harmful.)

What you should understand about Drazzil's history, going clear back to our founding, is that:

1. His opinions tend to be extreme and not based on anything but his own whims. They often skew into 'conspiracy theory' territory.
2. He presents them in a condescending, self-righteous manner.
3. He defends them by suggesting that those who disagree are somehow defective, blind, or just being mean.

In addition, he has a well-established history of troll-like behavior. He'd post something absurd, double down when either criticized or supported, and then watch the chaos, only to start another out-there discussion. I was a very long-term Drazzil supporter, trying to talk to him, find him help, and give him good advice. Even after much of the forum had written him off as a troll, I stuck to my guns and tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, often with very long, researched posts, just on the chance that he really needed what he said he did. Eventually, though, I also realized that he was either completely delusional, or intentionally manipulating people for his own edification. At that point, I stopped.

And Drazzil is 100% welcome to post his own opinions, and to support them. But if they're nonsensical, he'll be called out on them (just like I would be, and have been - I still have RM9, ILB, and GreenGoo inspired PTSD - and am better for it.)

But, like a couple of other posters (Rip comes to mind), if he's sincere, it's going to take time and honest posting before people trust him. He doesn't get the benefit of the doubt from most of us anymore. And if he did earn our trust back, I'd be overjoyed - I liked Drazzil before he doubled down and took things to extremes.
No disrespect friend, I've been right about everything. It's been more then a decade since I trolled. You just don't like that I post. Click my name then pick a thread. I'm right about something. I don't say it the way you want me to, so you follow me around. I don't mind it, I just would rather you be intellectually honest about it.

You care an awful lot about someone you claim to have had on ignore for years.
Daehawk wrote:Thats Drazzil's chair damnit.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by Kurth »

Unagi wrote: Sat Feb 22, 2025 9:52 am I've never watched her before - but she had a lot of things to say about handling 'MAGA' that I (for the most part) agree with:

Okay. I watched this entire video. It's so disappointing to me that well spoken, obviously intelligent people can be such "fucking doofusses."

A few thoughts, numbered to help me organize, but in no real order:

(1) She needs to unplug from social media a bit. Her whole argument is really about maintaining or deviating from the norms and unspoken rules being established on Bluesky. Give me a break. No one cares. Her beef isn't really about whether we should accept or reject regretful Trump voters. She is just pissed that people have taken her to task (probably indirectly) for not being nicer to them on social media. Again, no one really cares about your social media war, lady. There's more important shit going on.

(2) Her argument that we should reject regretful Trump voters is, from my perspective, fundamentally flawed and more than a bit ahistorical. Love that she's been accidentally reading a lot of books on Nazis lately, but when she suggests that we should have ruthlessly de-Nazified post-WW2 Germany, is she not familiar with the resolution of WW1 and what happens when a victor in a conflict is vindictive in the terms it forces upon the defeated? Like does she want us to extract reparations from regretful Trump voters before we accept them into the fold? Also, more recent, how about Iraq and how things turned out when we ruthlessly de-Ba'ath'd that country? That was great, right? Went swimmingly.

(3) She says we shouldn't be forced to accept prior Trump voters as our allies. This strikes me as, to use a phrase from her video (and another concurrent OO R&P thread), pollyanna thinking. We're in a position to choose our allies? Really? That would be great, but I thought we were much more in the ""My enemy's enemy is my friend" stage of the game. Nice to hear from her that things are so rosy that we can pick and choose and litmus test the people we want to accept into our cool club of acceptable people opposing traitor Trump.

(4) She outright says that if you voted for Trump, she doesn't want you in her clique of pro-democracy patriots. Great. She's just cut off nearly half of the country. Solid plan. Very solid.

(5) Her parallels between Trump and his supporters and the Nazis actually work against her premise. Hitler with the Nazis was a cult of personality. Yes, Hitler was riding a wave of grievance and discontent prevalent after WW1 and in Weimar German society, but I don't think those popular currents form into the rushing river of Nazism without the unique personality of Adolph Hitler. As I've posted many times here, I think Trump is the same. He's a uniquely qualified snakeoil salesman with a massive soapbox at a time when large swathes of America are looking for or may be susceptible to a pitch for some snakeoil. Lots of those people have been duped by Trump, but that's not an excuse, and it really doesn't matter. What's important is, I don't believe they as a near 50% voting block would have been duped by anyone else currently on stage or foreseeably soon to be on stage. So if any of those people are now rejecting Trump or second-guessing their prior support for him, that's a great thing. Her notion that to accept them as allies without demanding that they first acknowledge and fix whatever deep-seated personal flaws caused them to vote for Trump in the first place is . . . I'm at a loss, but it's not good.

(6) What's the fucking point? She's mad that people on Bluesky are lecturing others about not being nicer to regretful Trump voters. She is smart. She is well-spoken. She has the time to dedicate to making highly edited, 18 minute social media videos with references to cited works screen-shotted and included. She obviously has a following on social media or we probably wouldn't be seeing this video. Is this really a good use of resources? Let's focus on the fact that she's addressing this video to anti-Trump people on Bluesky who are admonishing people to be nicer to regretful Trump voters. Is that the war someone like her should be fighting right now? I mean, FFS: It's difficult to quantify the level of stupidity. Maybe make a video about why Trump sucks and why people need to be actively railing against him. But now, please, go on attacking other anti-Trumpers who want people to be nice to prior Trump voters who are second guessing their votes. Great decision there. Awesome.

I'm done. Sorry for the screed, but I agree with a prior poster: This woman is the epitome of why we can't have nice things.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by Drazzil »

Blackhawk wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 10:41 pm
Drazzil wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 10:19 pm So to be clear you don't disagree with anything I said... Just *how* I said it? Because I see a blanket dismissal of what I wrote but not a whole lot of why, except to go back to blame the ignorance and laziness of the average voter.
Nobody really has the time to go over that long of a post with a fine-toothed comb. I'll do a Cliff Notes version, though, on some of what I'd look at if I did.
Do you know why we got Trump? Because when you really get down to it, Obama didn't do enough.
Read your history
The Democrats and the Republicans are colluding. One side does bad stuff, the other side clutches pearls and pretends to be powerless.
Extreme claims...
All the while he [Obama] lost us the supreme court
Really read your history
What'd he [Biden] do? Nothing. Nothing but wring hands and watch as the people who put him there get screwed by.... everything.
Google 'obstructionism'
[Most of what you wrote about Harris]
Greatly oversimplified, sans context, and not accurate
And then when they LOST. DAMNING the poor and those who work for a living to utter bankruptcy and dissolution, they ask for donations after they lose to cover "campaign debts"
Consider this my huge shit eating I told you so.
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors

Democrats won't help. They're colluding.
Either 'Huh?' or 'Extreme claims...'

/edit - to add in the original post for context
Rather then further pull this thing off topic, I'm going to take some time and think about this.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by Blackhawk »

Drazzil wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 10:46 pm

No disrespect friend, I've been right about everything. It's been more then a decade since I trolled. You just don't like that I post. Click my name then pick a thread. I'm right about something. I don't say it the way you want me to, so you follow me around. I don't mind it, I just would rather you be intellectually honest about it.

You care an awful lot about someone you claim to have had on ignore for years.

Drazzil wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 10:46 pmI'm right about something.
You're right about a lot of things.
No disrespect friend, I've been right about everything.
If you don't see the issue here...
I don't say it the way you want me to, so you follow me around.
Er, no. We don't have a high enough post volume for me to follow you around. Go post in the Forum Games section, or a sports thread, or the Fortnite thread. I won't be there. Go post in a thread that I read every day and participate in. I'll be there, and I'll respond how I honestly believe - and if you're right, I'll agree that you're right. And if I have no opinion (or don't consider myself informed enough to disagree honestly), I won't post at all.
You care an awful lot about someone you claim to have had on ignore for years.
Cite, please. A search of my post history shows that this is the closest I've ever come to even admitting that I had someone on ignore (and there were only ever two people - the other is long gone.) In that case, it was only for a week or so. Ignore is useless, as you either get the post from the context of replies, or it ends up being an integral part of discussions, forcing you to view it anyway. I quit using it altogether shortly after that post.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by Blackhawk »

Also going to let it rest for a bit. ILB doesn't need us giving him headaches right now.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by Drazzil »

Smoove_B wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 10:15 pm
Kurth wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 10:08 pm Desperate times, I guess, but when you're happy to see Drazzil back posting in R&P, shit's really bad.
I'm a big fan of "angry gets shit done", I suppose. :wink:

But yes, Drazzil runs hot. But I think he's always been good about coming around and indicating he was wrong on something. Sure, no one likes to hear "I told you so" as Trump has immigrants dragged off in chains, but it's a start.

Generally speaking, I'd like to think I'm open to people coming back. Our community is so old that there are OOers and GGers that have straight up disappeared because they're dead. That makes me sad.
Didn't help that I genuinely didn't mean to post here, only some stuff got corrupted and before I knew it I was posting a reply. I actually PMed the mod here to delete the responses but then people already hopped in. Then I was like well F it lemme run with it. Then others jumped in and I was kind of like a cat trying to eat a brightly colored baloon.

Once I jumped in I was IN. Like the La Brea tar pit.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by Isgrimnur »

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Re: Fighting back

Post by Drazzil »

Drazzil wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 11:27 pm
Smoove_B wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 10:15 pm
Kurth wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 10:08 pm Desperate times, I guess, but when you're happy to see Drazzil back posting in R&P, shit's really bad.
I'm a big fan of "angry gets shit done", I suppose. :wink:

But yes, Drazzil runs hot. But I think he's always been good about coming around and indicating he was wrong on something. Sure, no one likes to hear "I told you so" as Trump has immigrants dragged off in chains, but it's a start.

Generally speaking, I'd like to think I'm open to people coming back. Our community is so old that there are OOers and GGers that have straight up disappeared because they're dead. That makes me sad.
Didn't help that I genuinely didn't mean to post here, only some stuff got corrupted and before I knew it I was posting a reply. I actually PMed the mod here to delete the responses but then people already hopped in. Then I was like well F it lemme run with it. Then others jumped in and I was kind of like a cat trying to eat a brightly colored baloon.

Once I jumped in I was IN. Like the La Brea tar pit.
Ermm. Whats the over under odds of Luigi Mangione making his way to trial? I think if I were the feds I'd be begging this kid to take a deal, or begging someone to Epstien him. Does he have a gofund me?

I better not be called to a jury because I don't believe he did it. No amount of confessions from the suspect. 4KHD video, finger prints, DNA evidence or otherwise is going to convince me that Luigi killed that United Healthcare CEO.
Last edited by Drazzil on Tue Feb 25, 2025 12:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by Zarathud »

stessier wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 5:20 pm Yeah, if you look through the accomplishments of the Biden administration, they did everything Apollo asked. I don't know how you combat people simply being lied to by the other side and them believing it.
Better messaging. That's all Trump is -- a marketing show that somehow sold a bankrupt fake businessman who is a living contradiction as "smart" politics.

I like Biden, but he wasn't a communicator. Obama succeeded because he was able to harness the moment, promise something that felt good, and used the internet with smart politics to get elected.

The Democrats didn't get ahead of the backlash, and paid the price. Much like how Robert Reich foretold after Clinton that Democrats were making a massive mistake by allowing themselves to be painted as "immoral" because that prevents rural America from hearing messages that they would otherwise believe in.

You can't fix stupid, but you can make it work for your interests. Trump may be committing a fatal mistake by promising a giveaway of DOGE "savings." People will let the leopards eat faces as long as they get fed, too.
"A lie can run round the world before the truth has got its boots on." -Terry Pratchett, The Truth
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Re: Fighting back

Post by Blackhawk »

Drazzil wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 11:34 pm
Drazzil wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 11:27 pm
Smoove_B wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 10:15 pm
Kurth wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 10:08 pm Desperate times, I guess, but when you're happy to see Drazzil back posting in R&P, shit's really bad.
I'm a big fan of "angry gets shit done", I suppose. :wink:

But yes, Drazzil runs hot. But I think he's always been good about coming around and indicating he was wrong on something. Sure, no one likes to hear "I told you so" as Trump has immigrants dragged off in chains, but it's a start.

Generally speaking, I'd like to think I'm open to people coming back. Our community is so old that there are OOers and GGers that have straight up disappeared because they're dead. That makes me sad.
Didn't help that I genuinely didn't mean to post here, only some stuff got corrupted and before I knew it I was posting a reply. I actually PMed the mod here to delete the responses but then people already hopped in. Then I was like well F it lemme run with it. Then others jumped in and I was kind of like a cat trying to eat a brightly colored baloon.

Once I jumped in I was IN. Like the La Brea tar pit.
Ermm. Whats the over under odds of Luigi Mangione making his way to trial? I think if I were the feds I'd be begging this kid to take a deal, or begging someone to Epstien him.

I better not be called to a jury because I don't believe he did it. No amount of confessions from the suspect. 4KHD video, finger prints, DNA evidence or otherwise is going to convince me that Luigi killed that United Healthcare CEO. They're trying to frame him.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by Kurth »

Blackhawk wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 11:43 pm
Drazzil wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 11:34 pm
Drazzil wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 11:27 pm
Smoove_B wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 10:15 pm
Kurth wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 10:08 pm Desperate times, I guess, but when you're happy to see Drazzil back posting in R&P, shit's really bad.
I'm a big fan of "angry gets shit done", I suppose. :wink:

But yes, Drazzil runs hot. But I think he's always been good about coming around and indicating he was wrong on something. Sure, no one likes to hear "I told you so" as Trump has immigrants dragged off in chains, but it's a start.

Generally speaking, I'd like to think I'm open to people coming back. Our community is so old that there are OOers and GGers that have straight up disappeared because they're dead. That makes me sad.
Didn't help that I genuinely didn't mean to post here, only some stuff got corrupted and before I knew it I was posting a reply. I actually PMed the mod here to delete the responses but then people already hopped in. Then I was like well F it lemme run with it. Then others jumped in and I was kind of like a cat trying to eat a brightly colored baloon.

Once I jumped in I was IN. Like the La Brea tar pit.
Ermm. Whats the over under odds of Luigi Mangione making his way to trial? I think if I were the feds I'd be begging this kid to take a deal, or begging someone to Epstien him.

I better not be called to a jury because I don't believe he did it. No amount of confessions from the suspect. 4KHD video, finger prints, DNA evidence or otherwise is going to convince me that Luigi killed that United Healthcare CEO. They're trying to frame him.
Would it really be technically challenging to update the Ignore function so it also applied to posts quoted by other users? Seriously. Why do i have to read this garbage? I thought the Ignore function was so we were able to just avoid posters who we know push us over the edge. Having to see those garbage posts when we’re already ignoring said poster is . . . Fucking stupid.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by Alefroth »

Well this thread has become useless.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by Lagom Lite »


The problem for the left, in Europe as well, has long been that they focus on the wrong things - e.g., debates on how or why we got here, and who is and who is not ethical and moral enough to be allowed join our illustrious troupe. All Hegelian idealism, all useless.

Focus on the MATERIAL GOAL, people. What is the GOAL here. Everything else follows. Do we invite Drazzil and that youtube lady and former Trump voters or do we not. Will they help the cause or not. How can they help, what can they do.

And keep it simple. You're not building an anarcho-socialist commune here, you're opposing fascism.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by Alefroth »

I don't know how much of an impact this will have, but I trust Oliver's team enough to give it a try.

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Re: Fighting back

Post by Jaymann »

Jaymann wrote: Fri Feb 21, 2025 12:55 am I'm not convinced committing a crime is the way to stop criminals. One idea I have seen that is reachable is to flood any Muskian web site or hotline with thousands of phony reports (especially of the narc on your family and friends type), crippling them with denial of service.
I was glad to see Musk's email BS to federal workers is getting flooded with spam responses.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by Kraken »

Zarathud wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 11:39 pm I like Biden, but he wasn't a communicator.
Yeah, that's sad. Biden achieved a lot that voters like Drazzil don't know about. History will hold Biden in high regard and wonder why we didn't.

BTW welcome back, Drazz.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by stimpy »

Blackhawk wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 9:42 pm Just ask around - there are quite a few people here that I've pissed off from time to time over the years by my stubborn refusal to let what I see as nonsensical bullshit go by unchallenged.
That's really not something to be proud of.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by hepcat »

Alefroth wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2025 2:17 am Well this thread has become useless.
I brought up the Alec Baldwin reality show, didn’t I?
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Re: Fighting back

Post by $iljanus »

So I'll assume that the people in this thread agree that Trump needs to be fought. People will have different opinions on how to do it, how we got here. I would like to balance not having an echo chamber of ideas with not having this thread devolve into personality clashes.

If I were Sinead O'Connor I'd be holding up a picture of Trump and dramatically say "Fight the true enemy." before ripping it in half (for those wondering what the heck that's about search "SNL" "Sinead O'Connor" "Pope")

Stick to the topic, have some disagreement, try not to derail. We're kinda old hat at this so I know you can do it
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Re: Fighting back

Post by Scraper »

Welcome back Drazzil.

Now to stay on topic I think the not paying taxes in protest thing is completely moronic. Ask Wesley Snipes how that worked out for him.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by hepcat »

You also would end up hurting those most vulnerable to the loss of tax revenue in this country. The people who rely on the social services those dollars fund. Those services may be in danger thanks to Trump, but they're not gone yet.

One of Trump's weaknesses is a crippling need to be loved and looked up to by people. Exposing how he's hurting those who blindly supported him in 2024 is the best way to fight him, imho. If he sees his poll numbers (which he obsessively keeps track of) drop in even those media outlets he trusts, then he'll start looking for scapegoats to throw under the bus when he backtracks.

Oh, and attacking his ego with photos like this will also drive him nuts. :evil:

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Re: Fighting back

Post by raydude »

If you have friends or family in one of these states and they have children, or especially know friends or have children in 504 plans, then tell them to call their AG and let them know you want them to drop out of the lawsuit to declare Section 504 unconstitutional:

Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah and West Virginia. The case is currently paused, with another update expected in a month.

Let the AGs know you are not fooled by their new brief stating it was not their intent to declare Section 504 unconstitutional. According to this article it is still gutting 504:
Claudia Center, the legal director of the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund wrote:“This legalese means that they are saying that Section 504 should only protect people against discrimination in the handful of programs funded under the Rehabilitation Act, like vocational rehabilitation services, and not the many other areas where Section 504 has always been applied, like health care, education, and housing,”
Additionally I will be calling my Virginia AG and asking their office to put out some kind of information or public notice explaining how the lawsuit will affect everyone across the country and provide in clear text what exactly is being sought as relief by these 17 states.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by Drazzil »

Scraper wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2025 9:44 am Welcome back Drazzil.

Now to stay on topic I think the not paying taxes in protest thing is completely moronic. Ask Wesley Snipes how that worked out for him.
I think that if a significant portion of people write "exempt" on their tax forms they don't owe taxes till April of next year. Those of you who own businesses or corporations. The government collects payroll taxes throughout the year, but you really only owe them in April? Also if a significant portion of people were to decide not to file, the IRS wouldn't be able to get them all. Especially not after Stench gets done gutting them.
Last edited by Drazzil on Tue Feb 25, 2025 1:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by Drazzil »

hepcat wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2025 10:37 am You also would end up hurting those most vulnerable to the loss of tax revenue in this country. The people who rely on the social services those dollars fund. Those services may be in danger thanks to Trump, but they're not gone yet.

One of Trump's weaknesses is a crippling need to be loved and looked up to by people. Exposing how he's hurting those who blindly supported him in 2024 is the best way to fight him, imho. If he sees his poll numbers (which he obsessively keeps track of) drop in even those media outlets he trusts, then he'll start looking for scapegoats to throw under the bus when he backtracks.

Oh, and attacking his ego with photos like this will also drive him nuts. :evil:

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I'm gonna assume that's a photoshop. Wow. Certainly looks realistic.
Daehawk wrote:Thats Drazzil's chair damnit.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by El Guapo »

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Re: Fighting back

Post by Drazzil »

El Guapo wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2025 1:32 pm The man returns!
Daehawk wrote:Thats Drazzil's chair damnit.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by disarm »

Drazzil wrote:
hepcat wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2025 10:37 am Enlarge Image
I'm gonna assume that's a photoshop. Wow. Certainly looks realistic.
Realistic assuming that Elon Musk actually does have two left feet...
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Re: Fighting back

Post by hepcat »

Drazzil wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2025 1:26 pm Also if a significant portion of people were to decide not to file, the IRS wouldn't be able to get them all.
Even were that true, who wants to play the odds on such a thing?

Too many institutions that help people rely on taxes. I'd rather not take the food out of a homeless person's mouth to make a statement that will ultimately prove to be meaningless and futile. There are far more effective ways to fight back.

We can use our voices or we can use our fists. The former is usually more effective than the latter.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by Drazzil »

hepcat wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2025 1:47 pm
Drazzil wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2025 1:26 pm Also if a significant portion of people were to decide not to file, the IRS wouldn't be able to get them all.
Even were that true, who wants to play the odds on such a thing?

Too many institutions that help people rely on taxes. I'd rather not take the food out of a homeless person's mouth to make a statement that will ultimately prove to be meaningless and futile. There are far more effective ways to fight back.

We can use our voices or we can use our fists. The former is usually more effective than the latter.
You keep saying that. I really hope its true. Usually when fascism progresses this far in a patient then more extreme methods are usually needed.
Daehawk wrote:Thats Drazzil's chair damnit.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by Drazzil »

disarm wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2025 1:44 pm
Drazzil wrote:
hepcat wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2025 10:37 am Enlarge Image
I'm gonna assume that's a photoshop. Wow. Certainly looks realistic.
Realistic assuming that Elon Musk actually does have two left feet...
Ahh. I missed that!
Daehawk wrote:Thats Drazzil's chair damnit.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by hepcat »

Trump and his worshipers used their voices and their votes to put us where we are. Granted, those voices were used to promote lies, but we didn't have a violent takeover (barring Jan. 6th which ended with Biden still taking office). That's the point. If they can do it without bloodshed, we can take our country back without it too. We just need to adjust our message, confront misinformation and rid ourselves of some of the extremism on the left that weighed us down.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by Alefroth »

hepcat wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2025 8:45 am
Alefroth wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2025 2:17 am Well this thread has become useless.
I brought up the Alec Baldwin reality show, didn’t I?
Okay, worse than useless, harmful.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by hepcat »

Don't make me whip out a Wahlberg.
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Re: Fighting back

Post by Alefroth »

hepcat wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2025 10:37 am You also would end up hurting those most vulnerable to the loss of tax revenue in this country. The people who rely on the social services those dollars fund. Those services may be in danger thanks to Trump, but they're not gone yet.

One of Trump's weaknesses is a crippling need to be loved and looked up to by people. Exposing how he's hurting those who blindly supported him in 2024 is the best way to fight him, imho. If he sees his poll numbers (which he obsessively keeps track of) drop in even those media outlets he trusts, then he'll start looking for scapegoats to throw under the bus when he backtracks.

Oh, and attacking his ego with photos like this will also drive him nuts. :evil:

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You should see the video.
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