Political Randomness

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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Chaz »

We have always been in Infrastructure Week.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Skinypupy »

Not sure where this goes (SCOTUS thread? Weinstein thread? Randomness thread?), so I'll stick it here.

I've stayed in contact for 25+ years with one of my old high school girlfriends. We only dated for a few months as Juniors, but have always remained friends since. Mostly via social media for the last decade, but I have been able to connect with her and her husband for dinner a couple times when I've been in KC for work. She's an awesome person, small business owner, women's rights activist, ultra-marathoner, and just an all-around badass.

This afternoon, she linked to an article in the Washington Post about the general response to the Kavanaugh hearings with a comment of "I didn't really expect this to be in the WaPo when I talked to the reporter this morning. Guess that's out there now." I was floored when I read this:
At a cafe in Kansas City, Mo., Coleen Voeks sipped a glass of Redemption whiskey. She held it up to the TV, as a kind of toast.

Voeks, now 45, said she was raped in high school but never told anyone until recently. She felt guilt and remorse, as if she had done something wrong.

“I shouldn’t have gone to his house — I knew his family wasn’t there,” Voeks said. “I should have fought harder. You go through those things for years. What could I have done?”

She continued: “I was 17, and now I’m 45, and it’s taken a long time to get to the point that I realized, when I say no, no means no.”
She had recently made a FB comment about how closely she connected to what was going on with the Kavanaugh garbage, but none of us really knew what the circumstances were. And I certainly never expected it to show up front and center in a in a national newspaper. It makes me furious to know this happened to her, and to know that because of exactly the reaction we've seen over the last week, Coleen felt she couldn't come forward with it.

Thing is, I'm pretty sure I know exactly who did it. There was one dude in our circle in high school who she suddenly became extremely hostile with for no apparent reason. I'd be very, very shocked if it wasn't him. Makes me wish I could go back and kick him square in the nuts, especially when I his own social media page with his perfect life of wife, 2 kids, white picket fence, and golf with the boys every weekend.

We're all aware that #MeToo has affected nearly every woman in our lives at some point, but it's a gutpunch when something that awful gets out in the open for someone I've known most of my life. Every one of us is responsible for raising the next generation to treat others with dignity and respect, understand that no means no, and to keep your goddamn hands to yourself.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by El Guapo »

I do wonder how many women I know have stories like that that I've never heard. I recently learned that a neighbor friend (who is amazing) was date-raped back in high school or college (can't remember which). And the statistics about how many women have apparently experienced sexual assault are pretty sobering.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Pyperkub »

El Guapo wrote:I do wonder how many women I know have stories like that that I've never heard. I recently learned that a neighbor friend (who is amazing) was date-raped back in high school or college (can't remember which). And the statistics about how many women have apparently experienced sexual assault are pretty sobering.
There's a reason #MeToo has blown up.
Black Lives definitely Matter Lorini!

Also: There are three ways to not tell the truth: lies, damned lies, and statistics.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Combustible Lemur »

I looked around my classroom this morning and counted 11 female students. The last statistic I heard is 1 in 5 women have been victims of SA.......

Fuck this shit.

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Re: Political Randomness

Post by LordMortis »

We survived Nixon the Dixiecrats, bollwevils, and blue dogs and it took nearly 45 years for this shit to unwind
We survived Nixon the Dixiecrats, bollwevils, and blue dogs and it took nearly 45 years for this shit to unwind
We survived Nixon the Dixiecrats, bollwevils, and blue dogs and it took nearly 45 years for this shit to unwind
We survived Nixon the Dixiecrats, bollwevils, and blue dogs and it took nearly 45 years for this shit to unwind
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Scoop20906 »

El Guapo wrote:I do wonder how many women I know have stories like that that I've never heard. I recently learned that a neighbor friend (who is amazing) was date-raped back in high school or college (can't remember which). And the statistics about how many women have apparently experienced sexual assault are pretty sobering.
I’m pretty sure each of know a close friend that has been sexually assault. It’s not something we talk about. Maybe it’s time men should.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Scoop20906 »

Combustible Lemur wrote:I looked around my classroom this morning and counted 11 female students. The last statistic I heard is 1 in 5 women have been victims of SA.......

Fuck this shit.

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Yeah. Pretty sobering.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Defiant »

If a man thinks that most women are crazy, lying bitches but you’re cool, that is not a compliment. It is a warning to stay in line. Your deference and loyalty to them will not protect you. It didn’t protect the women who worked at Fox, who were basically the Republican ideal for womanhood, from Bill O’Reilly. Nor did it protect them from harassment by Roger Ailes. And when those women do speak out, as Gretchen Carlson did, they’re called “man haters” who “need to learn to get along with the boys.”

That era needs to come to a close. Over the course of human history, women have learned to get along with the boys. Now it’s time for them to learn to get along with us. And that will only happen when women of both parties demand decent treatment from men.

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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Defiant »

https://twitter.com/kanyewest/status/10 ... 3973590016

Yes, Kayne West just called for abolishing the 13th amendment. You know, the amendment abolishing slavery?

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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Skinypupy »

You’re talking about Kanye West, aren’t you?

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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Paingod »

Defiant wrote: Sun Sep 30, 2018 10:39 pmYes, Kayne West just called for abolishing the 13th amendment. You know, the amendment abolishing slavery?
In a way, it makes sense - right? It's simply an illegal thing now (or should be, if it isn't) and we don't need an amendment to constantly remind us not to - or that we did. Just trying to see the logic in it. I don't think he's calling for a return to slavery. I could be wrong.

He's definitely not helping us move ahead as a progressive nation by wearing Trump's apparel.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by AWS260 »

The Democratic machine is alive and well in Brooklyn.
A former Democratic state senator banged the gavel to start the meeting as a man in the packed auditorium yelled: “We’re going to take power from you.”

Cheers broke out, setting the tone for Thursday’s chaotic meeting of the Kings County Democratic Committee, where newly elected members, backed by insurgent progressive groups, sought to exert control during the group’s first gathering since the September primary.

The raucous meeting at Kingsborough Community College lasted nearly six hours.

But in the end, every vote and every decision came down to one man: Frank Seddio, the Democratic leader in Brooklyn.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by LordMortis »

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Re: Political Randomness

Post by malchior »

AWS260 wrote: Mon Oct 01, 2018 11:02 am The Democratic machine is alive and well in Brooklyn.
A former Democratic state senator banged the gavel to start the meeting as a man in the packed auditorium yelled: “We’re going to take power from you.”

Cheers broke out, setting the tone for Thursday’s chaotic meeting of the Kings County Democratic Committee, where newly elected members, backed by insurgent progressive groups, sought to exert control during the group’s first gathering since the September primary.

The raucous meeting at Kingsborough Community College lasted nearly six hours.

But in the end, every vote and every decision came down to one man: Frank Seddio, the Democratic leader in Brooklyn.
It's not so hard to wonder why Democracy is dying.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Sepiche »

According to an upcoming report, the woman who accused Rep. Keith Ellison of assault was unable to produce the evidence she claimed she had and changed her story about why repeatedly. Story
An ex-girlfriend’s allegation that Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison once physically abused her could not be substantiated because she refused to provide video she said she had of the incident, an attorney hired to investigate the claims concluded in a draft report obtained Monday by The Associated Press.

The report was compiled by Susan Ellingstad, a lawyer hired by Minnesota’s Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party to investigate the allegation against Ellison. The Democratic congressman has denied the allegations.
A draft report obtained by the AP notes Monahan’s shifting rationale for refusing to produce the video footage, including that it was lost, was on a USB drive in storage and that it would be too embarrassing and traumatic to release it.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Defiant »

Tiffany Trump, daughter of President Donald Trump, received her very first text message from her father earlier today, sources close to the First Family member confirmed.

“I couldn’t believe it,” said the 24-year-old Ms. Trump. “At first I thought, ‘Who is texting me something called a Presidential Alert?’ But then I saw the part of the message that said, ‘THIS IS A TEST’ in unhinged capitalization, and I realized, ‘Oh my god, I think this is Dad!’”
Tiffany Trump Receives First Ever Text From Father :wink:
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by YellowKing »

I was expecting that text this afternoon and as soon as it went off I accidentally blurted "SHUT THE FUCK UP" at work. :D
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Isgrimnur »

Mexican state and federal authorities have taken control of Acapulco's police after a recent spike in homicides sparked suspicions that criminal groups had infiltrated the department, a joint force said in a statement.

[September 25's] seizure was conducted by the Guerrero Coordination Group, a joint operation of Mexican state and federal departments, including the National Secretary of Defense, the marines, federal police, the state prosecutor's office and state police, said Roberto Álvarez Heredia, the group's spokesman.
Two police commanders were arrested on murder charges and moved to a prison outside Acapulco "for their protection," Álvarez Heredia said. The rest of the municipal police officers will be investigated and "subjected to exams of confidence control," according to the organization's statement.

Acapulco, a beach resort on the Pacific Ocean in the southern state of Guerrero, has been plagued with violence, with murders surging to 2,316 last year, according to a government report released in January.

The state government statement said the city will continue to operate normally as a tourist hub, hosting a petroleum convention with 15,000 participants this week and receiving nearly 30 cruise ships during the coming cruise season. During the summer, the city saw an 11% increase in visitors, according to the statement.
It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by GreenGoo »

Being a cop is tough enough without everyone looking over their shoulder and second guessing everything they do. Won't someone think of the cops?
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by hepcat »

Rand Paul, spineless sycophant to the stars, is worried there’s gonna be an assassination. In that same whiny little diatribe he blames his neighbor attacking him on the current political divisions. No, douchebag, you were attacked because you’re a dick neighbor that no one in your area apparently likes. I’m not excusing the attack, but I hate seeing him try to tie it to democrats in any way.

What a major jackass.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Kraken »

Nice going, Paul. Now you're #4 on my list.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by em2nought »

hepcat wrote: Tue Oct 09, 2018 8:54 pm Rand Paul, spineless sycophant
No worries, his wife is packing now. :mrgreen:
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by hepcat »

em2nought wrote: Wed Oct 10, 2018 12:10 am
hepcat wrote: Tue Oct 09, 2018 8:54 pm Rand Paul, spineless sycophant
No worries, his wife is packing now. :mrgreen:
Hopefully for a long trip. :mrgreen:
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Paingod »

If I were a Republican right now, I'd sleep with a loaded gun under my pillow too. They've created an atmosphere where millions of people are feeling absolutely marginalized and pushed aside - are proud of it, and want more of it. If they drain hope from the masses that oppose them, it turns to despair, which becomes violence. America is not going to return quietly to the 1920's era they seem to want.

It won't be racists and bigots grumbling about n****rs running the country like when Obama was in charge. It'll be otherwise rational, peaceful people who've just snapped after seeing the end of everything they cherish pulled away from them.

Of course, the Democrats are to blame for this.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Pyperkub »

hepcat wrote:Rand Paul, spineless sycophant to the stars, is worried there’s gonna be an assassination. In that same whiny little diatribe he blames his neighbor attacking him on the current political divisions. No, douchebag, you were attacked because you’re a dick neighbor that no one in your area apparently likes. I’m not excusing the attack, but I hate seeing him try to tie it to democrats in any way.

What a major jackass.
Heather Hayer already was killed because of this. Paul only cares about his political class.
Black Lives definitely Matter Lorini!

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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Sepiche »

We need some good(ish) news...

I know people like to think about Kansas as being among the deepest of red states, but it's looking increasingly like we are poised to send the first ever Native American woman to congress, who would also happen to be the first openly LGBTQ congressperson elected from Kansas.

She's up by around 8 points in the latest polls (up from being even in the last few weeks), and Cook Political Report has moved the race from Toss Up to Lean Democrat.

Republican's response?
https://thinkprogress.org/gop-official- ... 27687c7e2/
Michael Kalny, an elected Republican precinct committeeman, sent the nasty note to Anne Pritchett, president of the north chapter of the Johnson County Democratic Women. She took a screenshot of the message, which subsequently went viral.

“Little Ms. Pritchett – you and your comrades[‘] stealth attack on Yoder is going to blow up in your leftist faces,” Kalny wrote, referring to incumbent Rep. Kevin Yoder (R). “The REAL REPUBLICANS will remember what the scum DEMONRATS tried to do to Kavanaugh in November. Your radical socialist kick boxing lesbian Indian will be sent back packing to the reservation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
But Democrats are the angry mob. :roll:
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by El Guapo »

Is she also a kick boxer? She sounds pretty awesome.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by stimpy »

Paingod wrote: Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:34 am It'll be otherwise rational, peaceful people who've just snapped after seeing the end of everything they cherish pulled away from them.
Wow.........do we live in the same country?
I'm neither Democrat or Republican. I consider myself a rational, peaceful person.
I vote based on who I think will affect my life and those I love in the least harmful way.

To date, Trump in office has done me no more harm than any of the other "qualified" people that have been elected to run our lives.

I fail to see torches and pitchforks being needed any time in the near future.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by hepcat »

Unfortunately Trump is telling people that that's what's happening now. He's creating (or at least enforcing the image of) an enemy because he enjoys it.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by stessier »

stimpy wrote: Wed Oct 10, 2018 11:47 am I'm neither Democrat or Republican. I consider myself a rational, peaceful person.
I vote based on who I think will affect my life and those I love in the least harmful way.
That's a rather childish outlook on life, but I'm glad it's working out for you.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by gbasden »

stimpy wrote: Wed Oct 10, 2018 11:47 am
Paingod wrote: Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:34 am It'll be otherwise rational, peaceful people who've just snapped after seeing the end of everything they cherish pulled away from them.
Wow.........do we live in the same country?
I'm neither Democrat or Republican. I consider myself a rational, peaceful person.
I vote based on who I think will affect my life and those I love in the least harmful way.

To date, Trump in office has done me no more harm than any of the other "qualified" people that have been elected to run our lives.

I fail to see torches and pitchforks being needed any time in the near future.
I do not want to pile on in any way, but really? If politicians put people that aren't you or your loved ones in cages, that counts for nothing in your political calculus? The loss of health care, rising deficits, giveaways to the rich, warming of the environment - nothing?

I'll admit, I'm envious. I'd much rather go about my day in peaceful contentment rather than the anger and looming dread in the pit of my stomach that I have to live with.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Paingod »

gbasden wrote: Wed Oct 10, 2018 1:01 pmI'll admit, I'm envious. I'd much rather go about my day in peaceful contentment rather than the anger and looming dread in the pit of my stomach that I have to live with.
I felt much the same way as Stimpy before Trump. Ignorance was bliss, politics wasn't my problem, pick the lesser of two evils - pass. It was very easy to spot Trump's horrible, warped perception of things before he was elected. He was a disgusting option, not just the worse of two evils.

Trump was the first time I voted, and I'll be voting every time I can now.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Daehawk »

I lifted this headline quote from Blues News..was so good.

Federal prison to pull out Weiner early.
Former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), who was sent to prison after admitting to sexting with a minor last year, will be released from federal detention early because of “good conduct,” a Bureau of Prisons spokesperson confirmed Tuesday.

Weiner was sentenced in 2017 to 21 months in prison for sending sexually explicit material to a teenage girl and was initially set to be released in August 2019, the New York Post reported. Currently held at the Federal Medical Center in Devens, Mass., Weiner is now set to be released three months early, on May 14, for being a model prisoner.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by ImLawBoy »

Stimpy's been very clear in the past that he is comfortable with a selfish and myopic view on politics, and he doesn't seem to comprehend that others are concerned about non-family, about society in general, and about the long term effects of what is going on today. I doubt we're going to change his mind here.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Sepiche »

El Guapo wrote: Wed Oct 10, 2018 11:38 am Is she also a kick boxer? She sounds pretty awesome.
News to me as I don't follow MMA, but apparently she fought in a couple of professional matches. :shock:
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by stimpy »

gbasden wrote: Wed Oct 10, 2018 1:01 pm I do not want to pile on in any way, but really? If politicians put people that aren't you or your loved ones in cages, that counts for nothing in your political calculus? The loss of health care, rising deficits, giveaways to the rich, warming of the environment - nothing?
Oh...you mean politics as usual?
I choose not to rile myself up into a frothy anger unless the whole lot of career politicians can be wiped out. Blaming everything that is happening now on Trump ignores the many, many, many years of hidden and/or ignored corruption. He just brought it to light and now everyone is acting like it's something new. It aint.
I live in Illinois. I have seen first hand how it's not our votes that count. Mike Madigan is living proof of that.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by GreenGoo »

Sepiche wrote: Wed Oct 10, 2018 11:33 am
Michael Kalny, an elected Republican precinct committeeman, sent the nasty note to Anne Pritchett, president of the north chapter of the Johnson County Democratic Women. She took a screenshot of the message, which subsequently went viral.

“Little Ms. Pritchett – you and your comrades[‘] stealth attack on Yoder is going to blow up in your leftist faces,” Kalny wrote, referring to incumbent Rep. Kevin Yoder (R). “The REAL REPUBLICANS will remember what the scum DEMONRATS tried to do to Kavanaugh in November. Your radical socialist kick boxing lesbian Indian will be sent back packing to the reservation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
See, when we talk about the GOP being the problem, or the party of deplorables, this is the kind of shit we're talking about. Does the left have radical, angry, threatening activists? Sure. But you'd be hard pressed to find them in elected positions, sending hate mail. I'm not saying you couldn't find them, if you looked hard enough, maybe. I mean, anything is possible, although I'd caution those who go looking to understand the difference between criticism and spewing bile. This is clearly an example of the latter. This kind of hate filled diatribe is increasingly becoming the sole providence of the GOP.

I get it, this is not a senator and doesn't represent all the GOP and the GOP voters. I'm not saying it does. But a constant stream of events of similar nature over a span of time come to represent the GOP, whether they want it or not. And let's face it, Drumpf has done everything in his power to mainstream rants of this type. Good people on both sides and all that. And the GOP support him. Prez supports bigots and specifically bigotted behaviour, GOP supports the Prez. GOP becomes tainted by bigots and bigoted behaviour. See how that works? Worse, since it worked for the Prez, more and more GOP are adopting it as part of their platform, openly and proudly.

It's insane to talk about how the Dems are a problem too in the current environment. But even if you're insane and want to do it, for the love of god don't do it as a defense of or in comparison to the GOP. The GOP have problems that are unique to the GOP, and the Dems have problems that are unique to Dems. They are often unrelated, and imo, of significantly different scales. THAT'S why the frustration when hearing about how the Dems are a problem during a discussion of GOP failings.

In the end this is just a racist, bigotted, doofus who managed to get himself elected, and will probably suffer for his diatribe (god, I hope so anyway). Small potatoes. But if you think this isn't indicative of the current state of the GOP, I don't know what to tell you. It is. Both in appearance and in fact. The world believes it to be true, except they think it's indicative of Americans, because America is a democracy and the GOP are in power. Americans support and condone the behaviour of the GOP. Q.E.D.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by GreenGoo »

stimpy wrote: Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:52 pm
gbasden wrote: Wed Oct 10, 2018 1:01 pm I do not want to pile on in any way, but really? If politicians put people that aren't you or your loved ones in cages, that counts for nothing in your political calculus? The loss of health care, rising deficits, giveaways to the rich, warming of the environment - nothing?
Oh...you mean politics as usual?
I choose not to rile myself up into a frothy anger unless the whole lot of career politicians can be wiped out. Blaming everything that is happening now on Trump ignores the many, many, many years of hidden and/or ignored corruption. He just brought it to light and now everyone is acting like it's something new. It aint.
I live in Illinois. I have seen first hand how it's not our votes that count. Mike Madigan is living proof of that.
Fine. Lots of other people feel differently, and those are the people Paingod was referring to originally. Thousands of people protested the latest SCOTUS nomination, with hundreds being arrested. SCOTUS nominations are normally bipartisan and unremarkable. This one wasn't. What was different? Why was it different?

It's not business as usual, but again, you're free to feel differently. That 300 million people are not unified in their views is a given. That you feel no compunction to get off the couch and march is unremarkable, and many people in your position share your point of view. But to suggest that others don't feel differently, or worse, that they shouldn't feel differently because same ol' same ol', is myopic.

I take no issue with people who are of the opinion that it doesn't affect me so why should I care, because that's human nature. But lots of people feel differently and that number is growing.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Max Peck »

Martin Niemöller wrote:First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Some things never change.
"What? What? What?" -- The 14th Doctor

It's not enough to be a good player... you also have to play well. -- Siegbert Tarrasch
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