McNutt wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 4:08 pm
hepcat wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 3:53 pm
I would call them fun and well made action flicks. They're not terribly deep, but they don't insult the audience's intelligence by including extensive product placement, awful jokes, tired cliches and other lazy acts of film making.
Right. They have a great style about them and an actor who can sell the role. It's ludicrous for sure, but it never pisses me off with terrible acting, bad jokes and CGI to make up for massive plot holes and uninspired writing. 2012 and The Day After Tomorrow, hell any Roland Emmerich movie) are great examples of popcorn flicks. These are movies that I hate and people find entertaining because of stuff. "Turn off your brain, McNutt."
I think for me, it sometimes comes down to a sense of sincerity in a film. If I feel like the movie has been made by a studio looking to cash in on the latest fads without any love of what they're doing, they're going to avoid putting any real effort into it because...well...they don't care. The Transformers, Underworlds and Resident Evils of the film world all feel like movies made by committee. You can almost see where they put in the script "add slow mo bullet fight here...even if they're just doing their taxes!" or "hero must be drinking a Pepsi in this scene...then have Mean Joe Greene show up and toss him a jersey!" (sorry, I'm old).
Well made action films on the other hand
can be light and without any deep moral or societal lesson(s), but if they feel the film maker is honestly doing their best and isn't trying to create an obvious money grab by including quickly outdated memes, gaping plot holes that are left unfixed because they don't have either the time or the desire to, and cameos from manufactured pop
earns its money from me by being entertaining, I'll remember it longer than 4 steps down the lobby stairs afterwards.
At the end of the day, I think a popcorn action flick is any film that is highly entertaining. But it doesn't have to be badly made. It can bring more to the table without turning into an indie art house film.
Master of his domain.