Fun fact: If confirmed 3 out of the last 7 (confirmed) Treasury Secretary's will have been Execs at Goldman. I wonder if Alex Jones will talk about that?

Moderators: $iljanus, LawBeefaroni
Mitt: Oh God, the thumb. THE THUMB.hepcat wrote:Caption
Trump: "This thumb right here? It slid up his ass like it was covered in butter."
Republicans love interferences in the free market. They love having the government pick winners and losers. They love taxpayers enriching private companies. Cats love dogs now, apparently.malchior wrote:The Great Leader has tweeted he will be in Indiana on Thursday. The rumor is thst he negotiated to save 1000 jobs out of 2000 going to Mexico. There is word a massive tax break was involved. Hopefully we will get the details to understand the deal. The open question will be whether Carrier will just pocket some cash for now and ship the jobs in 2 years anyway.
Trump only needs a few stories like this ("Trump prevents American company from moving jobs overseas!"), which he can of course make dominant stories in the media, in order to shore up his base by demonstrating that "Trump is fighting for our jobs!"malchior wrote:Right - this is odd behavior for a "Republican". I just read an article (trying to remember so I could link it) that pretty much said that if Obama even hinted at this type of interference it would have been a socialist experiment (Solyndra!) that was preventing free market capitalism. Now that there are tax breaks involved it is will probably be all kosher. Because hypocrites.
That aside it is still band aid economics. The President can't swoop in and solve every case of outsourcing. Even putting aside the case that they'll somehow alter the tax environment in a way to "solve" outsourcing - there is still a vast amount of automation occurring. Right now they are trialing self-driving trucks in Ohio. What happens when they automate away another 1-2 *million* jobs over the next 10 to 15 years in *one* industry? We don't have time to worry about 1000 jobs at Carrier - we need a plan for what happens down the road (har har).
This isn't what I have read. From what I've read the "deal" such as it is, consists of several things:malchior wrote:The Great Leader has tweeted he will be in Indiana on Thursday. The rumor is thst he negotiated to save 1000 jobs out of 2000 going to Mexico. There is word a massive tax break was involved. Hopefully we will get the details to understand the deal. The open question will be whether Carrier will just pocket some cash for now and ship the jobs in 2 years anyway.
Sort of. This is normal politics - if Obama had done this, he would be criticized by the conservatives who are applauding Trump ("sellout to business!"), but praised by liberals who are attacking him.Grifman wrote: I'll give Trump credit, if a liberal had intervened to save jobs, he'd be praised.
Is someone going to tell Trump that he has no authority to extend tax breaks to anyone?malchior wrote:There is word a massive tax break was involved.
Right - but just shrugging wasn't helpful. His passivity at times is my biggest problem with Obama. He had the bully pulpit and he didn't use it very effectively. Something I imagine Trump will do much more effectively and constantly. And for whatever shiny object catches his attention at the moment. Flag burning! Fire! Fire Baaaaaaadddd!!!El Guapo wrote:Sort of. This is normal politics - if Obama had done this, he would be criticized by the conservatives who are applauding Trump ("sellout to business!"), but praised by liberals who are attacking him.Grifman wrote: I'll give Trump credit, if a liberal had intervened to save jobs, he'd be praised.
Conflicting rumors probably or the 'massive' tax breaks could have been the local Indiana ones.Grifman wrote:This isn't what I have read.
No one's saying he didn't but a bailout during a recession is different than taking companies to task for closing factories and offshoring jobs.Defiant wrote:I thought Obama had intervened to save jobs. You know, the whole auto industry bailout?
Yes, but perhaps not in the ways that some people understand (i.e. bailout was *far* more critical to the health of the economy than saving 1000 Cat jobs in Indiana).Grifman wrote:No one's saying he didn't but a bailout during a recession is different than taking companies to task for closing factories and offshoring jobs.
but yet, Hillary should be in jail for allegedly doing the same thing... Hypocrisy at it's finestmalchior wrote:Reports now are that he is meeting with Patraeus this morning - possible Sec. of Defense. That totally makes sense. I mean the man is competent as a military commander but WTF. He was convicted of mishandling classified information - actually convicted. Can he hold a clearance any longer even? Serious question.
I wasn't a fan of the bailouts but weren't the major non junk mortgage bailouts all loans rather than on going tax subsidies and even the bailouts of people, which I really wasn't a fan of, were all temporary tax subsidies, weren't they?RunningMn9 wrote:Yes, but perhaps not in the ways that some people understand (i.e. bailout was *far* more critical to the health of the economy than saving 1000 Cat jobs in Indiana).Grifman wrote:No one's saying he didn't but a bailout during a recession is different than taking companies to task for closing factories and offshoring jobs.
To be fair, Patraeus did write a bigger check than the others to the Trump charity.naednek wrote:but yet, Hillary should be in jail for allegedly doing the same thing... Hypocrisy at it's finestmalchior wrote:Reports now are that he is meeting with Patraeus this morning - possible Sec. of Defense. That totally makes sense. I mean the man is competent as a military commander but WTF. He was convicted of mishandling classified information - actually convicted. Can he hold a clearance any longer even? Serious question.
Captain Caveman wrote:Embarrassing. But if it gets a reasonable person an important cabinet position, I'm okay with it. Trump must be loving this public humiliation.
To help keep it from running out of control? Be the change you want to see?naednek wrote:after all he said 6 months ago I have no idea why he even wants to be part of the administration. No backbone at all.
Because someone needs to be a grownup in the room, and so far none of the others likely to be in the room appear to be good candidates for being grownups?naednek wrote: after all he said 6 months ago I have no idea why he even wants to be part of the administration.
Don't worry. There is a MiG-29 just off our right wing, it'll get us where we are going. Trust me.Defiant wrote:Because someone needs to be a grownup in the room, and so far none of the others likely to be in the room appear to be good candidates for being grownups?naednek wrote: after all he said 6 months ago I have no idea why he even wants to be part of the administration.
For better or worse, we are now all on a plane flown by Trump. Would you rather he have a rational person as one of his copilots, or would you rather they all be Flat Earthers?
Yuck. But, hey, at least he doesn't want to go back to the gold standard, so that's a plus.malchior wrote:Re-deregulation of Wall Street by a former insider? Bring out the fainting couch. We don't need a guard on the hen house says the wolf.
I agree that Romney's probably motivated by service to country to take on a thankless job in a contentious administration. The possibility for personal satisfaction seems slim.Defiant wrote:Because someone needs to be a grownup in the room, and so far none of the others likely to be in the room appear to be good candidates for being grownups?naednek wrote: after all he said 6 months ago I have no idea why he even wants to be part of the administration.
For better or worse, we are now all on a plane flown by Trump. Would you rather he have a rational person as one of his copilots, or would you rather they all be Flat Earthers?
and cost *far* *far* more money.RunningMn9 wrote:Yes, but perhaps not in the ways that some people understand (i.e. bailout was *far* more critical to the health of the economy than saving 1000 Cat jobs in Indiana).Grifman wrote:No one's saying he didn't but a bailout during a recession is different than taking companies to task for closing factories and offshoring jobs.