Re: 2012 Elections
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:56 pm
That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons bring us some web forums whereupon we can gather
"Huntsman was the only Mormon running in the straw poll, and he came in second amongst Mormons."Ralph-Wiggum wrote:Poor Ron Paul.
She will probably wait to tell us how till September, right after we hear Obama's fantasy plan.Exodor wrote:I'm glad the bottom-feeders can still entertain us
Yes, I'm sure Michelle Bachmann, Herman Cain and Barack Obama would agree that they would have had more freedom in 1776.Rick Santorum wrote:Our founders said [our] rights were given to us to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Does anyone here believe that first inalienable right is as whole as it was at the time of our founding? It isn’t. Does anyone believe that our freedom is as whole as it was at the time of our founders? It is not.
What a load of Santorum.
You are correct when it comes to women and minorities, but I think it's generally accepted that the definition of citizen or "man" has expanded as a result of evolving times (and a civil war). I believe the point he was trying to make was that government has expanded beyond anything the founders either intended or expected. What happens when government expands? Freedom shrinks.Exodor wrote:I'm glad the bottom-feeders can still entertain us
Yes, I'm sure Michelle Bachmann, Herman Cain and Barack Obama would agree that they would have had more freedom in 1776.Rick Santorum wrote:Our founders said [our] rights were given to us to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Does anyone here believe that first inalienable right is as whole as it was at the time of our founding? It isn’t. Does anyone believe that our freedom is as whole as it was at the time of our founders? It is not.
What a load of Santorum.
"Except for women and minorities" is a pretty big caveat to the "freedom has shrunk since the founding" argument. Another way of phrasing that with the caveat would be "For most people, freedom has grown since the founding."msduncan wrote:You are correct when it comes to women and minorities, but I think it's generally accepted that the definition of citizen or "man" has expanded as a result of evolving times (and a civil war). I believe the point he was trying to make was that government has expanded beyond anything the founders either intended or expected. What happens when government expands? Freedom shrinks.Exodor wrote:I'm glad the bottom-feeders can still entertain us
Yes, I'm sure Michelle Bachmann, Herman Cain and Barack Obama would agree that they would have had more freedom in 1776.Rick Santorum wrote:Our founders said [our] rights were given to us to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Does anyone here believe that first inalienable right is as whole as it was at the time of our founding? It isn’t. Does anyone believe that our freedom is as whole as it was at the time of our founders? It is not.
What a load of Santorum.
Franklin once said when asked what kind of government they had given us "a Republic, if you can keep it". Well... I think it's safe to say we have failed due to a couple centuries worth of career politicians and a population that has grown dependent of a government taking care of them from cradle to grave. (and imho this was the politicians' intent since at least a quarter way through the 1800's)
Energy Independence and cheap fuel by subsidizing Corn for ethanol and ethanol for gas! (which we had already been doing since Carter...)Freezer-TPF- wrote:Maybe Bachmann thinks she's running for Student Council president. "Free parking for seniors! Chocolate cake in the lunchroom every day! Less homework, more recess!"
At least Obama can legitimately give this guy a fist-bump.Peter E. Waldron, one of Bachmann’s evangelical staff members who helped her win the Ames Straw Poll in Iowa this past Saturday, has a criminal record for terrorism charges. Waldron was arrested in Uganda for possession of rifles and other ammo in February 2006, several days before the country held its first big multiparty elections in 20 years. He spent 37 days in prison until the charges were dropped when, according to Waldron, the Bush administration and other friends intervened.
What the hell was he doing in Uganda? Is he from there?Smoove_B wrote:The Daily Beast is saying that a Bachmann staffer is a terrorist.
At least Obama can legitimately give this guy a fist-bump.Peter E. Waldron, one of Bachmann’s evangelical staff members who helped her win the Ames Straw Poll in Iowa this past Saturday, has a criminal record for terrorism charges. Waldron was arrested in Uganda for possession of rifles and other ammo in February 2006, several days before the country held its first big multiparty elections in 20 years. He spent 37 days in prison until the charges were dropped when, according to Waldron, the Bush administration and other friends intervened.
More recess! Yea!Freezer-TPF- wrote:Maybe Bachmann thinks she's running for Student Council president. "Free parking for seniors! Chocolate cake in the lunchroom every day! Less homework, more recess!"
I never understood the great turning on Dean. To this day I'm still confounded at the kerfuffle Internet unleashing of the hounds of hell on him. And for what? John Kerry? Show some passion, will you, Mr Dean? We'll learn ya'.Carpet_pissr wrote:Like Howard Dean, something bad happened to McCain after he put his hat in...train went completely off the tracks and I lost all respect that I had for him previously.
According to Fark, proactively spreading American democracy by supporting a Ugandan 2nd Amendment right.Carpet_pissr wrote: What the hell was he doing in Uganda? Is he from there?
First, it's a "terrorist fist *jab*". Get your terrorist gestures right.Smoove_B wrote:The Daily Beast is saying that a Bachmann staffer is a terrorist.
At least Obama can legitimately give this guy a fist-bump.Peter E. Waldron, one of Bachmann’s evangelical staff members who helped her win the Ames Straw Poll in Iowa this past Saturday, has a criminal record for terrorism charges. Waldron was arrested in Uganda for possession of rifles and other ammo in February 2006, several days before the country held its first big multiparty elections in 20 years. He spent 37 days in prison until the charges were dropped when, according to Waldron, the Bush administration and other friends intervened.
I read an interesting article that Huntsman's really banking on the 2016 election. Namely, that he's just getting his name in the conversation. The idea is that his best bet is that the GOP nominates someone far right a la Bachmann or Perry or something that gets trounced by Obama in 2012, and then chastened by extremist defeat the party seeks to nominate a relative centrist in 2016 to maximize chances of victory.Mr. Fed wrote:Huntsman, far in the back, says "fuck it" and commits Modern GOP Suicide.
Oh man. Toast is he.Mr. Fed wrote:Huntsman, far in the back, says "fuck it" and commits Modern GOP Suicide.
Hasn't Romney taken the same positions?Mr. Fed wrote:Huntsman, far in the back, says "fuck it" and commits Modern GOP Suicide.
Oh, dear. I really hope he wasn't connected with the hard-core American evangelicals who have been connected with Uganda's kill-the-gays legislation.Smoove_B wrote:The Daily Beast is saying that a Bachmann staffer is a terrorist.
Peter E. Waldron, one of Bachmann’s evangelical staff members who helped her win the Ames Straw Poll in Iowa this past Saturday, has a criminal record for terrorism charges. Waldron was arrested in Uganda for possession of rifles and other ammo in February 2006, several days before the country held its first big multiparty elections in 20 years. He spent 37 days in prison until the charges were dropped when, according to Waldron, the Bush administration and other friends intervened.
So you guys are basically single issue voters. If you are religious, then you are out. If you are not religious, then you are in?Carpet_pissr wrote:Oh man. Toast is he.Mr. Fed wrote:Huntsman, far in the back, says "fuck it" and commits Modern GOP Suicide.
FWIW, I would ALMOST vote for the dude, just because of this: ... heme-song/" target="_blank
That is not easy (for me at least) to play due to the syncopated rhythm of the bass line. Full on respect! Go man, Go!
FTFY.Combustible Lemur wrote:As others have pointed out over and over again. It's not the religion.
Mr. Fed wrote:Huntsman, far in the back, says "fuck it" and commits Modern GOP Suicide.
Sarah Palin is no longer the queen of the twits?This message set a new record for 2012 GOP tweeting by gaining 3,600 retweets, making it the most retweeted tweet from a GOP candidate since we started collecting data at the start of the year. He even beat @SarahPalinUSA‘s best tweet ever by 50%. When you exceed Sarah Palin on Twitter, you know you are doing something right.
What’s the value of a hot tweet and tons of retweets? It translates directly into new followers, and new followers are a chance for a candidate to reach more people with fundraising requests. Yesterday @JonHuntsman gained 4,275 followers. The only candidate to ever top that in a single day was Rick Perry on his announcement day. Huntsman managed to increase his total follower count by 32% with just 90 characters, making it the most effective tweet we’ve ever seen from a politician. I’ll use that fact whenever I hear someone say “What can a politician achieve in 140 characters or less?”
Awesome...OTOH, when is the last time John Steward wasn't on fire? The dude is a comedic perpetual fireball.Mr. Fed wrote:Jon Stewart is on fire.
A C in gym.A source in Texas passed The Huffington Post Perry's transcripts from his years at Texas A&M University. The future politician did not distinguish himself much in the classroom. While he later became a student leader, he had to get out of academic probation to do so. He rarely earned anything above a C in his courses -- earning a C in U.S. History, a D in Shakespeare, and a D in the principles of economics. Perry got a C in gym.
This explains quite a bit.a D in the principles of economics.
I'll consider this sort of analysis noteworthy if and only if Obama's transcripts from Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard are released. Until that day, we have little basis for evaluating the possible relevance or grokking the function from grades to tokens of effectiveness.Exodor wrote:I understand now why Rick Perry tried to destroy higher learning in Texas - he was a terrible stuident
This explains quite a bit.
And pointless given the difference in grading standards at different institutions and the rampant grade inflation today.Grundbegriff wrote:I'll consider this sort of analysis noteworthy if and only if Obama's transcripts from Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard are released. Until that day, we have little basis for evaluating the possible relevance or grokking the function from grades to tokens of effectiveness.
(Indeed, even if we had full transcripts for everyone, it wouldn't be at all surprising to find that the world of correlations is messy.)
I understand. And it is, indeed, a most unimpressive transcript.Exodor wrote:And pointless given the difference in grading standards at different institutions and the rampant grade inflation today.
Still, 26 C's?
Mostly it's an excuse for snarky comments about Perry.
Obviously you have never taken gym. Extremely difficult subject matter.Exodor wrote:Still, 26 C's?
I'm thinking 34 healthy C's is about perfect.Exodor wrote:Still, 26 C's?
Michele Bachmann makes her living catering to the fringes of the Republican base. Obama campaigned as a centrist despite many liberals projecting their hopes onto his vague rhetoric.Grundbegriff wrote: Michele Bachmann:RepublicanBase::BarackObama:DemocratBase
That's not really fair either. Bachmann's been in Congress for 4 years and served in the Minnesota Senate from 2001-2006. She's got far more legislative experience than Obama did when running for President.Michele Bachmann:ExperienceAndAchievementPriorToRun::BarackObama:ExperienceAndAchievementPriorToRun
Chamberlain did one bold thing. He finally realized he was not the right man to lead Britain in dangerous times. He resigned so that Churchill could take over. There is one bold thing Obama could and should do. He should bow out of the race for reelection and throw his support behind Hillary Clinton—the leader we should have chosen in the first place