Blackhawk wrote: Wed Sep 27, 2023 1:33 pm
If I seem like I'm giving orders, please remember that I don't mean them that way.
Yes, sir!
I hear ya. I come across as way more aggressive and jerky than I mean to
constantly. In-person, I give smiles and eye contact that help me get along with people, and I can react in real-time to how they are taking what I'm saying, but online I often feel like I'm just being jerky and I'd be a fool to try and explain myself as I'd likely make it worse.
You are right, in that there is truly a much more optimal place to 'park the main missions'... and to park them too early actually keeps you from experiencing part of the game that's really meant to be a part of the whole game.
And yet - of course - you are also right, that if someone is just having a lot of fun while the game is still half un-opened - who really cares - since the only real goal is to enjoy it anyhow... Still, I'm happy for the advice (personally) as I'm fine to park it all in a better place, as my only real intention is to explore the game and take it all in.
For what it's worth, I like reading people's
advice on how to play, and I also generally don't think they are trying to say I should/must play that way, but rather just sharing the view
from their seat, as it were.
I could never play the game the same way Coop plays (for instance, and just speculation) - but I suspect I would actually
love to sit in the room with him and watch him play it that way. If that makes any sense.