Blackhawk wrote: Wed May 25, 2022 10:31 pm
Hell, start putting the footage from the actual shootings out there. Maybe once a few of the pro-gun parents start having nightmares after seeing it, something will change.
You're assuming that the footage will be nightmare inducing for the parents.
Given some of the rabidly pro-gun folks in my circle, I'm not so sure that would be the reaction.
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 10:49 am
by stessier
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 3:41 pm
by Holman
Unagi wrote: Wed May 25, 2022 12:04 pm
I wonder if there is any single event that will ever move the needle on this. What if an entire school was totally cleaned out. Not one single survivor... say maybe 200-300 dead kids and 50 dead adults. Would anyone change their views then? Of course not.
I can't see how anything will make a change at this point.
When he was governor of California, Ronald Reagan banned open carry of firearms when the Black Panthers started doing it.
Giving weapons to underpaid people who potentially have to deal with really annoying kids every day sounds like a recipe for disaster.
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 11:30 am
by Blackhawk
Introducing weapons to a crowded building in any context is already a recipe for disaster. You have to be trained, not just in how to aim and fire, but in how to recognize a safe shot from one that's going to go through a wall and kill a kid, or ricochet and kill a kid. And just as important, you have to be trained in retention, training that needs regular reinforcement, and you have to be physically capable of retention.
There's no good way to arm teachers.
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 11:31 am
by YellowKing
More guns = more shootings, period. Adding fuel to the fire, as has been mentioned, is a recipe for disaster. It only exponentially increases the chances a kid grabs the gun, a teacher goes postal, or any other number of disasters outside of an external intruder.
I mean how do you have a gun instantly accessible enough to stop a shooter busting in the door without also making that gun accessible to the kids inside the classroom?
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 1:09 pm
by Hyena
YellowKing wrote: Fri May 27, 2022 11:31 am
More guns = more shootings, period. Adding fuel to the fire, as has been mentioned, is a recipe for disaster. It only exponentially increases the chances a kid grabs the gun, a teacher goes postal, or any other number of disasters outside of an external intruder.
I mean how do you have a gun instantly accessible enough to stop a shooter busting in the door without also making that gun accessible to the kids inside the classroom?
As a teacher and former police officer, this is quite possibly the best-phrased question I have ever heard to show the pointlessness of having teachers armed.
Blackhawk wrote: Fri May 27, 2022 11:30 amIntroducing weapons to a crowded building in any context is already a recipe for disaster. You have to be trained, not just in how to aim and fire, but in how to recognize a safe shot from one that's going to go through a wall and kill a kid, or ricochet and kill a kid. And just as important, you have to be trained in retention, training that needs regular reinforcement, and you have to be physically capable of retention.
There's no good way to arm teachers.
Well, this too.
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 3:40 pm
by LordMortis
YellowKing wrote: Fri May 27, 2022 11:31 am
More guns = more shootings, period. Adding fuel to the fire, as has been mentioned, is a recipe for disaster. It only exponentially increases the chances a kid grabs the gun, a teacher goes postal, or any other number of disasters outside of an external intruder.
I mean how do you have a gun instantly accessible enough to stop a shooter busting in the door without also making that gun accessible to the kids inside the classroom?
I remember no fewer than three unhinged teachers which students enjoyed pushing past their limits. I don't know if guns would have changed things. I wouldn't want to find out.
My brain is left spinning on this. Why is she blaming liberals on this 'David Duke guys monument' that was put up in the 1980s. How is she pinning it on the libs, and not also alienating the David-Duke-like assholes that have always known it was put up to support their cause?
Is it just simply disfunction and then reflected in how she got about ~5% of the GOP primary vote?
I honestly don't understand what to get from it.
She seems to have stepped into:
I fucking hate XYZ just like all of you do. And Trump totally won that election!! Oh, AND --- I'm the only one here that is going to call out the bull-shit on this hidden white supremacist Stonehedge.
--- vinyl-record needle scratch ---
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 2:29 am
by Kraken
That was the funniest John Oliver video I've seen in a long time.
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 8:44 am
by LordMortis
The throw away about the golf dinosaur was funny. One of my neighbors down the street a ways has one sitting in his driveway. In between his kitsch displays of that has bowling balls for bricks flowerbed is an ever rotating flags the size that were meant for display 40+ feet in the air set of Fuck Joe Biden, Let's go Brandon, Trump 2024 Take America Back, etc... flags.
I'd post a picture, but I don't doubt a very violent person who values "privacy" lives there, right near sidewalk racist graffiti of his neighbors across the street.
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 10:01 am
by Defiant
Unagi wrote: Mon May 30, 2022 1:12 am
My brain is left spinning on this. Why is she blaming liberals on this 'David Duke guys monument' that was put up in the 1980s. How is she pinning it on the libs, and not also alienating the David-Duke-like assholes that have always known it was put up to support their cause?
Prior to this video, people weren't aware of who built it or the reason it was built (and I'll also note he qualifies the reveal).
Yeahhhh, 'they' should just stick to the last (and only real) argument orange shirt guy made..."2a is still a thing, and it's important to me". All this other bs (hammers, cars, knives, etc etc) just weakens the argument IMO. As awesome as his instant Googling was (this also appears to be a "right wing thing - my Dad does it CONSTANTLY..."look it up! Google it!")
The interviewer should have followed up with "more important than the X number killed in mass shootings"? And the answer, again, , dear reader, is "yes". Or orange shirt would have probably continued to spin stupid bullshit so he doesn't have to actually admit that the answer is yes, which IMO makes him a garbage human (referring here to our discussion about this in a different thread).
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2022 1:01 pm
by LawBeefaroni
I think at one point it was hammers vs rifles. That ship has long since sailed. It was never hammers > firearms. That guy probably misheard it 20 years ago along with everyone he talks to in the echo chamber. But since truth doesn't matter, just how right you think you are, he's gonna continue to go with it.
It's he 2A script that gets passed around 2A groups/chats and the gun shop counter.
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2022 1:22 pm
by Daehawk
The 2nd actually says....
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
I dont think the ordinary citizen with zero training equals a well regulated Militia. Not in my book anyways.
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2022 6:08 pm
by Unagi
The counter argument is that what’s protected is a population that is freely allowed to own guns, so that should a State ever want to form a well regulated militia, there are people ready to join that wouldn’t need arming.
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2022 6:36 pm
by Smoove_B
Daehawk wrote: Wed Jun 01, 2022 1:22 pm
The 2nd actually says....
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
I dont think the ordinary citizen with zero training equals a well regulated Militia. Not in my book anyways.
We all know the Second Amendment: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
What many don't know is the Constitution's *other* militia clauses that give the 2A context:
Sorry it's a Twitter thread, but there are entertaining pictures...
The Onion wrote:Cultural Sensitivity Course Trains Police Officers In Proper End-Of-Life Rituals For People They Kill
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 1:53 pm
by Daehawk
Oh come on!! You can stopped an armed gunman outside Brett Kavanaugh's house but not one from walking into a school?
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 2:29 pm
by LawBeefaroni
Daehawk wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 1:53 pm
Oh come on!! You can stopped an armed gunman outside Brett Kavanaugh's house but not one from walking into a school?
He was stopped because he called the police on himself. And the police did their job.
If he isn't carrying the gun, can he really be called an "armed gunman?"
I've read that it was unloaded and locked in a case.
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 3:32 pm
by Kraken
LawBeefaroni wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 2:29 pm
If he isn't carrying the gun, can he really be called an "armed gunman?"
I've read that it was unloaded and locked in a case.
After reading umpteen references to "active shooters" I've wondered what would constitute a passive shooter. This must be that.
LawBeefaroni wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 2:29 pm
If he isn't carrying the gun, can he really be called an "armed gunman?"
I've read that it was unloaded and locked in a case.
After reading umpteen references to "active shooters" I've wondered what would constitute a passive shooter. This must be that.
These days? Stoned and occupying the Doritos section of the grocery store.
Daehawk wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 1:53 pm
Oh come on!! You can stopped an armed gunman outside Brett Kavanaugh's house but not one from walking into a school?
He was stopped because he called the police on himself. And the police did their job.
If he isn't carrying the gun, can he really be called an "armed gunman?"
I've read that it was unloaded and locked in a case.
Daehawk wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 1:53 pm
Oh come on!! You can stopped an armed gunman outside Brett Kavanaugh's house but not one from walking into a school?
He was stopped because he called the police on himself. And the police did their job.
If he isn't carrying the gun, can he really be called an "armed gunman?"
I've read that it was unloaded and locked in a case.
Seems to match the narrative that he called the police on himself. Funny that two US Marshalls are stationed outside Kavanaugh's house and that they eyeballed the guy but let him walk away.
Didn't see detail on whether the gun was cased and locked but presumably he brought it through the airport and the only way to transport a firearm by plane is casesd, locked, unloaded, and checked.
I'm not normally someone to recognize Oswalt but he nailed it.
d they need to do it today. No more fiddling around with this
Reminds me why he is the worst American ever. Sometimes it's hard to remember when so many of his ilk are trying to unseat him and when one with more immediate power did more immediate damage but then McConnell gives me reminders of how we got to where we are and how much institutional damage he has been doing for well over a decade.