Page 25 of 27

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 3:31 pm
by Bakhtosh
Also, do we have any new and conflicting information from the holders of the teeth?

Is there anyone else we can add to the innocent list just in case the feral teeth had been activated? The more recent the innocent finding, the more reliable it is.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 3:32 pm
by Bad Demographic
Remus West wrote:
Bad Demographic wrote:Uh, the feral teeth haven't yet been activated. I lied when I said (earlier) that they had been stolen from me. I wanted to be able to confirm Bakhtosh.
Fortunately, and this time honestly (!), they were stolen from me last night.
Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do to convince you that I wasn't a target at some point while in possession of the teeth and that I didn't pick somebody else to be the victim. In all honesty, had I been converted, I probably would have picked somebody we all already believed to be innocent - that is, one of the antiquarians or dysanites. And that seems to be what the wolfboons are doing.
Actually that works fine. If there is another killing tonight you die tomorrow since by your word only you or Bakhtosh have been in possession of them so it must be one of you two. Hopefully on of the teeth holders checked one or both of you out last night and we can be sure. Anyway.....Caine
While I'd rather you kill somebody who is amore likely suspect, I'd rather you guys kill me than turn into a wolfboon.
For days now, I've been very anxious every time night came in case I became the target and became a wolfboon.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 3:36 pm
by Caine
if i were a boon, wouldn't i have targeted Orinoco simply for suspecting me? rather than rdm.

i think bad demo is lying about losing the teeth. i think they were used instead.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 3:45 pm
by Remus West
Bad Demographic wrote:While I'd rather you kill somebody who is amore likely suspect, I'd rather you guys kill me than turn into a wolfboon.
For days now, I've been very anxious every time night came in case I became the target and became a wolfboon.
Actually I think you are telling the truth and that the teeth have not been activated so I do not think there will be any need to kill either you or Bahktosh. :D
Caine wrote:if i were a boon, wouldn't i have targeted Orinoco simply for suspecting me? rather than rdm.

i think bad demo is lying about losing the teeth. i think they were used instead.
And if Orinoco were lying he would have to be a 'boon so would be more deserving of your vote than Bad Demographic.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 4:17 pm
by Bakhtosh
Going to keep my vote withheld until we give last night's teeth holders a chance to spill the beans.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 4:21 pm
by UnicornPoint
I will also withhold my vote for a while. I didn't have any teeth or quires last night.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 4:23 pm
by Kraegor
well i managed to re-steal the Quire/Foul tooth combo...

was sick and out of it when i PM'd my of those weeks...

so anyway chaosraven is a boon. which my memory is telling me someone already perhaps i wasted that question...

and my prayer yielded nothing.

someone do the paper trail is there only 1 quire/tooth combo?

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 4:26 pm
by Kraegor
checked Pm's and i stole the teeth from UC. hah! payback!
so should be foul teeth.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 4:34 pm
by UnicornPoint
Kraegor wrote:so anyway chaosraven is a boon. which my memory is telling me someone already perhaps i wasted that question...
Kraegor wrote:checked Pm's and i stole the teeth from UC. hah! payback!
so should be foul teeth.
So the answer you got was "Chaosraven is a Wolfboon" or Chaosraven is a wolfboon because the foul teeth told you he wasn't?

Sorry, but with you mentioning that you don't feel well, I just wanted to clarify....

Oh, and no one has admitted to asking about Chaosraven before now, so it was a good question :D

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 4:34 pm
by Remus West
Kraegor wrote:checked Pm's and i stole the teeth from UC. hah! payback!
so should be foul teeth.
Who is UC? Unicornpoint? Because she just claimed not to have any last night.

Edit: nevermind, you were talking about different nights.

So the Foul Teeth clear Chaosraven. And we still have the true teeth telling us Caine from the night before.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 4:41 pm
by Caine
Remus West wrote: And if Orinoco were lying he would have to be a 'boon so would be more deserving of your vote than Bad Demographic.
i think he is, and that he turned bad demo and they are both trying to get me killed off. if i go off and vote for him though, it makes me look guilty to everyone else.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 4:41 pm
by Kraegor
heh I asked if Chaos was woolfboon. teeth said chaos is woolfboon.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 4:43 pm
by Kraegor
Remus West wrote:
Who is UC? Unicornpoint? .
dunno why i kept thinkin UC...guess i was stuck on UniCornpoint....

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 4:53 pm
by Caine
Kraegor wrote:
Remus West wrote:
Who is UC? Unicornpoint? .
dunno why i kept thinkin UC...guess i was stuck on UniCornpoint....
hmm, the university of Cornpoint. must be a small IN college somewhere. :D

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 4:55 pm
by Bakhtosh
If BD is a turned boon, then I'm checking for blonde about bonehead moves...

I say we get this over with so I can concentrate on frying up a few Things in the other game.

Caine your time has come.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 5:05 pm
by Kraegor
Caine guess we get to kill orinoco if this is wrong, heh.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 6:08 pm
by Grundbegriff
Current votes against...:
(3)Caine [
Remus West, Bakhtosh, Kraegor]
(1)Bad Demographic [

Current required total: 5.

Haven't voted:
  • Bad Demographic
  • Chaosraven
  • Kelric
  • Orinoco
  • UnicornPoint

Code: Select all

Remus West acc Caine(1)
Caine acc Bad Demographic(1)-
Bakhtosh acc Caine(2)
Kraegor acc Caine(3)-
Votes to the left are still active; votes indented have been superseded by a later play. The numbers in parentheses show a running total of votes against that person. The hyphen marks the most recent vote for each accused.

If I miss anything, PM me with a link to the overlooked post. Links to posts are available in the upper left of each post, through the tiny page icon: Image

I'll post a status report whenever the vote count against any single player reaches or passes 50% of the total required for slaying.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 6:24 pm
by Chaosraven
Chaosraven wrote:Whoa... Padre, Leigh, Zurai, and Remus West?

Versus what other team?

Hmmmm... (shake magic eightball)
My list from November 10th. Page 19.

Remus is only on there because I automatically use him as "generic bad guy when I don't know yet and always want to see him killed".

My attempted theft uncovered nada.

So I will vote

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 6:26 pm
by Chaosraven
Kraegor wrote:heh I asked if Chaos was woolfboon. teeth said chaos is woolfboon.
Those have to be the teeth that always tell the truth, cuz I am totally IN UR MANSHN KILLN UR DARLNZ

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 6:32 pm
by Grundbegriff
Current votes against...:
(4)Caine [
Remus West, Bakhtosh, Kraegor, Chaosraven]
(1)Bad Demographic [

Current required total: 5.
Haven't voted:
  • Bad Demographic
  • Kelric
  • Orinoco
  • UnicornPoint

Code: Select all

Remus West acc Caine(1)
Caine acc Bad Demographic(1)-
Bakhtosh acc Caine(2)
Kraegor acc Caine(3)
Chaosraven acc Caine(4)-
Votes to the left are still active; votes indented have been superseded by a later play. The numbers in parentheses show a running total of votes against that person. The hyphen marks the most recent vote for each accused.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 6:39 pm
by Grundbegriff

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 6:55 pm
by Bad Demographic
The other night I went back and re-read the thread from where tru1cy told us he started with a set of teeth and that they had been stolen. Somewhere along the line I started suspecting Leigh and, because of that, I started to suspect Kraegor. I had no idea about Padre and don't know how you figured him out. I guess the teeth revealed Zurai and Caine. I sure wouldn't have guessed either of them. I'll follow along because once you guys got started, you've been really accurate. Caine it is.
And I sure hope it's Caine because I'm probably your logical choice for tomorrow. I'd cast some suspicion on Bakhtosh to save myself, but he has helped figure out who's a wolfboon whereas I've mostly lurked around not having a clue.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 6:58 pm
by Kelric
I can't see voting for anyone else besides Caine at this point, though I think BD was the damning vote.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 6:59 pm
by Chaosraven
Grundbegriff wrote:
Yah... dot's vot I meaned. UR MANR. Yah.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 7:00 pm
by Grundbegriff
Current votes against...:
(5)Caine [
Remus West, Bakhtosh, Kraegor, Chaosraven, Bad Demographic]
(1)Bad Demographic [

Current required total: 5.
Haven't voted:
  • Kelric
  • Orinoco
  • UnicornPoint

Code: Select all

Remus West acc Caine(1)
Caine acc Bad Demographic(1)-
Bakhtosh acc Caine(2)
Kraegor acc Caine(3)
Chaosraven acc Caine(4)
Bad Demographic acc Caine(5)-, killing him!
Votes to the left are still active; votes indented have been superseded by a later play. The numbers in parentheses show a running total of votes against that person. The hyphen marks the most recent vote for each accused.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 7:03 pm
by Chaosraven
i still think we shoulda hacked open remus west

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 7:39 pm
by Remus West
Chaosraven wrote:i still think we shoulda hacked open remus west
And I still think you are a bashat but there you go....

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 7:42 pm
by Grundbegriff
Did you know the odds of killing the Profiler and then the Wannabe on the first day are slightly less than 3 in 1000?

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 7:44 pm
by Orinoco
Darn work kept me busy - the teeth said Caine, so Caine it is...

Woo-hoo!! We rock! :P

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 7:46 pm
by Grundbegriff

The remaining DARLings converge on Caine, seize him, and drag him toward the Grand Hall. They mean to take him to the flash freezer in the Butler's Pantry, for that method of execution has proven least troublesome and most conducive to efficient postmortem examination.

All along the way, held firmly by either arm and physically compliant, lest excessive flailing seem like a confirmation of guilt, Caine protests feverishly.

"She has been turned, I tell you. And you're right! Orinoco must be a liar! Did I not accuse him just yesterday?"

He had accused Orinoco, hadn't he. Were they about to make a grave mistake? The DARLings pause near the armor. Without letting go of Caine, they look at one another.

Just as the DARLings resume their Pantryward procession, a gunshot screams across the Hall, punches a hole through Caine's skull, and splashes a measure of blood on the wall near the fireplace. All eyes turn toward the stairwell.

"Do not be afraid. Please remain calm. I am Stephen Villus Aurorae."

The DARLings stare, puzzled, at this apparent newcomer to the festivities. One of them hazards a question. "Who are you? Don't move a muscle! Aurorae is dead!"

"I assure you, my friend, that I am not dead. But I can see that an explanation is in order. Perhaps it is even overdue. Come with me to the Dining Room and permit me to explain. No port tonight. Pinot Grigio is less... allusive."

The DARLings hesitate. One of them pulls out a blade matching those found in the Kitchen.

"Check! Reassure yourselves! You'll find him a Wolfboon."

Dexterous peeling and scraping exposes the mark of the Ordo Varcolacorum on Caine's breastbone.

In the Dining Room, over white from the Veneto, Stephen Aurorae weaves his tale.

"A few days before you all arrived, a visitor to these quarters attempted to take my life. Through sheer luck, I managed to evade his onslaught and wound him. I imprisoned the malefactor in my, er, observation suite, which you did well to discover.

"Interrogation yielded fewer clues than I would have liked. He identified himself only as "Zaxxon XIV the Ordained"-- surely an honorific or title, rather than a given name. My best judgment was that he was, or pretended to be, the leader of the Ordo Varcolacorum. Oh yes, was is what I mean. You see, that was his putrefying body that Wolverine exposed in the Study during your first morning in residence."

With a tentative bark, Wolverine acknowledges the mention of his name.

"It seems the Order's plan was to kill me, and then to execute you all, one after another. The four would mislead you by day and slay you by night. The fifth, our putrefied friend formerly in the room adjacent, would lurk about while all slept, in order to organize, reorder, and otherwise facilitate the ritual purposes of his followers.

"That is, in fact, a role I have been playing these several nights. Yes, and I'm satisfied to note, if I may, that my studies into their lore enabled me to deceive the Wolfboons by setting up the basement and crime scenes just so. I'm sure they were confident that it was their own leader who supported their efforts and acknowledged their successes. They showed no awareness that their Sun King had been... eclipsed."

Aurorae pauses to bask for a moment in his self-satisfaction.

"But," someone objects, "you used us-- sacrificed many of us."

"Indeed I did," explains Aurorae. "But what else could I have done? You see, you were all slated for death. If I had done nothing, who would have survived? I slew my captive attacker and prepared his body myself. However, I certainly couldn't have identified, must less defeated, a quartet of Wolfboons on my own. Likewise, I could hardly have revealed all upon your arrival, for again our lives would have been forfeit.

"No, you were essential. With a single clue about the mark of the Ordo delivered to you in the jaws of faithful Wolverine, I withdrew into other undisclosed portions of the Manor and trusted that you would expose and conquer the evil in your midst.

"And my trust was well, well placed, clever DARLings. My trust was well placed indeed."

  • Caine(executed)(Wolfboon)
  • Leigh(executed)(Wolfboon)
  • Padre(executed)(Wolfboon)
  • Zurai(executed)(Wolfboon)
  • pr0ner(executed) (Profiler)
  • setaside(slaughtered) (Wannabe)
  • Bakhtosh (Antiquarian)
  • Nameless(slaughtered) (Antiquarian)
  • tru1cy(slaughtered) (Antiquarian)
  • Kelric (Dysanite)
  • Mr Bubbles(slaughtered) (Dysanite)
  • rdm(slaughtered) (Dysanite)
  • Bad Demographic (innocent DARLing)
  • Chaosraven (innocent DARLing)
  • Kraegor (innocent DARLing)
  • Lars(executed) (innocent DARLing)
  • noxiousdog(slaughtered) (innocent DARLing)
  • Orinoco (innocent DARLing)
  • Remus West (innocent DARLing)
  • UnicornPoint (innocent DARLing)
  • UsulofDoom(executed) (innocent DARLing)


Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 7:48 pm
by Grundbegriff
Congratulations DARLings! And hail the victorious Dead!

The thread is now open to all (including lurkers and non-participants) for questions, comments, feedback, and frolicking

Now, some Questions to stimulate discussion:
  1. Was it fun to play under this rule set?
  2. Was it difficult to play under this rule set?
  3. What was frustrating about this rule set?
  4. What was enjoyable about this rule set?
  5. Are any of the artifacts overpowered?
  6. Are any of the artifacts underpowered?
  7. Are any of the artifacts pointless?
  8. How would you improve the Conference of the Dead?
  9. How would you change (a) Combat, (b) Haunting, (c) Wannabe Augury, (d) Searching for Quires, (e) Dysanitic Prayer, (f) Casting of Teeth, (g) Notecards, or (h) Theft?
  10. Which roles would you add or subtract?
  11. What other changes would you make?
  12. What did you like least about the game?
  13. What did you like most about the game?
These are just suggested questions. Please answer only those that interest you, or skip them all and go freestyle.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 7:51 pm
by Caine
i'm laughing at you from the beyond orinoco.

btw, you won by the slimmest of margins. i had originally picked bad demo for last nights target, but i changed my mind for rdm. "no way would she lie about the teeth being stolen" i thought. this just proves it. you can't trust a woman on the internet. :twisted: too bad, she would have made a perfect boon to sire.

good game, but the amount of clean people confirmed makes it very hard to sow suspicion on everyone. that plus the lucky break of hitting on z and me in the last two rounds made it all but impossible to win this one. i have to wonder if the multiple hauntings also tipped the scale too.

btw, i had nd's quire. not a bad trinket once you wipe the blood and bone particles off it.


Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 7:52 pm
by Bad Demographic
Whew. Good job you guys. I was nervous the whole time I had the feral teeth, but at least I knew that as long as I had them AND I didn't get targeted by the wolfboons, the number of wolfboons wouldn't grow. Still, it made me nervous. Who ended up with what?

Great game, Grund.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 7:52 pm
by Remus West
Woot! Victory is ours. :D

Can we kill Chaosraven anyway? Votes for? Anyone? Anyone?

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 7:52 pm
by noxiousdog
At least tell them about your haunting ;)

Re: :D

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 7:53 pm
by Caine
Grundbegriff wrote:Now, some Questions:
  1. Was it fun to play under this rule set?
  2. Was it difficult to play under this rule set?
  3. What was frustrating about this rule set?
  4. What was enjoyable about this rule set?
  5. Are any of the artifacts overpowered?
  6. Are any of the artifacts underpowered?
  7. Are any of the artifacts pointless?
  8. How would you improve the Conference of the Dead?
  9. How would you change (a) Combat, (b) Haunting, (c) Wannabe Augury, (d) Searching for Quires, (e) Dysanitic Prayer, (f) Casting of Teeth, (g) Notecards, or (h) Theft?
  10. Which roles would you add or subtract?
  11. What other changes would you make?
  12. What did you like least about the game?
  13. What did you like most about the game?
Congratulations DARLings! And hail the victorious Dead!

The thread is now open to all for questions, comments, feedback, and frolicking
i have mentioned some of my thoughts to you about this grund, but i'll think more on this the next few days and let you know in more detail.

you created a pretty cool atmosphere grund.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 7:54 pm
by Orinoco
Caine wrote:i'm laughing at you from the beyond orinoco.

btw, you won by the slimmest of margins. i had originally picked bad demo for last nights target, but i changed my mind for rdm. "no way would she lie about the teeth being stolen" i thought. this just proves it. you can't trust a woman on the internet. :twisted: too bad, she would have made a perfect boon to sire.
Actually, I still have the fair teeth (I lied as well) and I asked about Bad Demo last night...

What might have been... :P

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 8:01 pm
by Caine
my only question is why pr0ner revealed his role? with the knowledge he was gone, we could act in complete freedom with our kills. had he stayed quiet, the likelihood of every quire holder asking if he was the profiler is relatively small. we would also be left hunting after a red herring, wondering if the next target would be protected.

i picked setaside though, as in the other game, he seemed like a dangerous foe for his reasoning skills.

we actually discussed killing remus, chaos and bakhtosh early on, but decided against it to keep the game lively. not the smartest tactic though, as those 3 are capable of keeping everything from getting too confusing.

Re: :D

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 8:11 pm
by Chaosraven
Grundbegriff wrote:Now, some Questions:
  1. Was it fun to play under this rule set?

    Yes, as it allowed the "specials" to come out
  2. Was it difficult to play under this rule set?

    Not from the vantage of never having any of the cool stuff
  3. What was frustrating about this rule set?

    Not having any abilities
  4. What was enjoyable about this rule set?

    The potential to gain abilities (and to have them kept in the game after the player is lost)
  5. Are any of the artifacts overpowered?
  6. Are any of the artifacts underpowered?
  7. Are any of the artifacts pointless?

    The frightening thought that the bad guys could be growing and we wouldn't even know it...
  8. How would you improve the Conference of the Dead?

    unknown, had no contact
  9. How would you change (a) Combat, (b) Haunting, (c) Wannabe Augury, (d) Searching for Quires, (e) Dysanitic Prayer, (f) Casting of Teeth, (g) Notecards, or (h) Theft?

    Theft: better odds than 50/50 if target out, worse odds than 50/50 if target waiting
  10. Which roles would you add or subtract?

    Perhaps change the profiler to an artifact protector of some kind
  11. What other changes would you make?

    PM collective (some form of communication between specified members, whether built during play or starting aspect)
  12. What did you like least about the game?

  13. What did you like most about the game?

    The level of participation and flavor text
Congratulations DARLings! And hail the victorious Dead!

The thread is now open to all for questions, comments, feedback, and frolicking
I was amazed I got neither slaughtered nor executed.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 8:12 pm
by Chaosraven
Caine wrote: we actually discussed killing remus, chaos and bakhtosh early on, but decided against it to keep the game lively. not the smartest tactic though, as those 3 are capable of keeping everything from getting too confusing.

As the Village Idiot I pride myself on the ability to confuse everyone!