We have plenty of people who exercise their rights in ways that are not wise.
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 9:38 pm
by Unagi
LawBeefaroni wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 4:16 pm
So yeah, it's legal to flip off cops (or anyone else) and tell them to fuck off. I'm guessing is not something you do on a regular basis. Why is that?
Mainly because I don't really have a priority-thought of 'fuck cops' running through my head.
So I guess my answer is partly: because I am not that pissed off yet at "cops". If I was, I mean - - maybe I would? Right? I mean it's not incomprehensible that someone should feel like flipping off a cop. This then brings up the real answer to your question: Fear. If I was otherwise compelled to give a random cop the finger (i.e. I had a really driving bad impression of the cops in my area) and I still didn't regularly tell them to fuck off - the reason would be that I was afraid they would ruin my life.
Is there any other answer to your question? I'm curious how you would answer that question put to yourself... (slightly changed) If you found yourself in a position that felt like the local police were worth flipping off, why wouldn't you?
This guy, walking down this local road with a load of (something like) groceries, obviously has a reason he wants them to fuck-off... He isn't trying to ruin his walk home. And he can express that with a middle finger, and the cop is right to be offended (they are human) but clearly is in no right to stop and push the guy about it. Period.
Also, I'd love to know what you would say your police buddies would make of that video. I mean - obviously the guy was a bit of an asshole with his relentless 'pig' comments, but adrenaline and some big shit is going on for this guy at this point and frankly, it's not at all wrong for him to feel so righteous at this moment - he's just crude about it. How many police officers would watch that video and cringe at the stop.
The cop keeps driving:
A possible suspect that doesn't like cops is just ignored and this moment goes down as a missed opportunity to stop a future criminal.
The cop stops and pursues this to arrest:
Police create a scene and a news story and another reason for this guy to give cops the finger.
Police endure the legal cost of false arrest.
The cop stops and then back-off:
Police create a scene and a news story and another reason for this guy to give cops the finger.
The world sees how some rando-guy with questionable ethical choices in language and delivery is actually RIGHT and cops are indeed power-hungry assholes that don't know shit about our rights.
LawBeefaroni wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 4:16 pm
So yeah, it's legal to flip off cops (or anyone else) and tell them to fuck off. I'm guessing is not something you do on a regular basis. Why is that?
Mainly because I don't really have a priority-thought of 'fuck cops' running through my head.
So I guess my answer is partly: because I am not that pissed off yet at "cops". If I was, I mean - - maybe I would? Right? I mean it's not incomprehensible that someone should feel like flipping off a cop. This then brings up the real answer to your question: Fear. If I was otherwise compelled to give a random cop the finger (i.e. I had a really driving bad impression of the cops in my area) and I still didn't regularly tell them to fuck off - the reason would be that I was afraid they would ruin my life.
Is there any other answer to your question? I'm curious how you would answer that question put to yourself... (slightly changed) If you found yourself in a position that felt like the local police were worth flipping off, why wouldn't you?
No, I wouldn't. The same reason I don't flip off some driver who cuts me off or an asshole clerk at the DMV. There is no point in creating a situation like that. Is it fear to not want to roll the dice with how a someone will react to an insult directed at them? Maybe. Is it common decency to have an ounce of consideration for fellow himani? Yes. Who knows what kind of day someone else having. "I don't like cops so I'm going to overtly insult a random cop" isn't the kind of behavior I would consider normal or healthy. I curse at other drivers where they can't hear me. I'll bitch about the DMV clerk when I get home. I don't see the point in hurling obscene gestures or insults to their face.
Unagi wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 9:38 pmAlso, I'd love to know what you would say your police buddies would make of that video. I mean - obviously the guy was a bit of an asshole with his relentless 'pig' comments, but adrenaline and some big shit is going on for this guy at this point and frankly, it's not at all wrong for him to feel so righteous at this moment - he's just crude about it. How many police officers would watch that video and cringe at the stop.
They'd probably agree with the general consensus, as I did, that the cop was in the wrong. They'd probably admit that there were days where they may have done the same thing. But for the most part it's part of the job, at least somewhere like Chicago. They learn to ignore shit like that. I mean nowadays smashing a squad car's windshield won't even get you arrested. Flipping off a cop? They probably see it all day long.
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 12:00 pm
by Daehawk
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 12:59 pm
by stessier
Would have been even better if they put the women in the outside lanes.
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 1:18 pm
by TheMix
stessier wrote: Sun Sep 04, 2022 12:59 pm
Would have been even better if they put the women in the outside lanes.
Especially since the starting points aren't staggered. Just one more hurdle for women to surmount.
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 3:15 pm
by Daehawk
Its meant to be funny yes but its also so very true about un-even everything in the work place. I understand its hard to meld it but women deserve equality in the work place as much as life. Men's ego can take a break as far as Im concerned.
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 5:57 pm
by Unagi
Daehawk wrote: Sun Sep 04, 2022 3:15 pm
Its meant to be funny yes but its also so very true about un-even everything in the work place. I understand its hard to meld it but women deserve equality in the work place as much as life. Men's ego can take a break as far as Im concerned.
Renaissance man. I hope these progressive views you have shared inspire a new generation of support for women.
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 9:13 pm
by Alefroth
Daehawk wrote: Sun Sep 04, 2022 3:15 pm
Its meant to be funny yes but its also so very true about un-even everything in the work place. I understand its hard to meld it but women deserve equality in the work place as much as life. Men's ego can take a break as far as Im concerned.
Elizabeth was a woman. Chuck is a man. J.K. Rowling earned the ire of trans people the world over by insisting that a man cannot transition to a woman. When called on it, she doubled then tripled down.
You can wear whatever type of tactical gear you want when you’re at home or at the mall, but when you’re here, it must be a longer, more modest item of personal armor.