Maintenance Weight Goal: 188
Daily Steps Goal: 10,000
Weekly jogged Steps Goal: 5,000
Weekly Aerobic Walking Goal: 8 min
Tracking with Lose It
Weekly calorie tracking is modified for steps over 7,250 in any given day.
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01/01 Avg weight 185.2 Avg steps 12,633 Steps jogged 09,500 Suggested daily calorie intake 2,084 Weekly calorie shortfall 167
01/08 Avg weight 185.3 Avg steps 13,798 Steps jogged 16,000 Suggested daily calorie intake 2,525 Weekly calorie shortfall 579
01/15 Avg weight 183.5 Avg steps 13,673 Steps jogged 14,400 Min aerobic walk 08 Suggested daily calorie intake 2,505 Weekly calorie shortfall 1,590
Touched a new low of 182. I'm not redlining my calories but I am still obsessing. I want to change that but I don't know how. I'm over a year of having a food centric lifestyle. Also, more fiddling with it. I decided to add aerobic walking to my goals and tracking. I've moved from 500 jogged steps a pop to 600 and 600 jogged steps isn't enough to get my heart/breathing going. However, my body doesn't do more, and my knees, in particular can get unhappy, so for now we start a weekly goal of 8 minutes a of aerobic walking.