Oil Spill in Pueget Sound

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Oil Spill in Pueget Sound

Post by Enough »

God I loved the PS when I lived out there. :(


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Post by malchior »

That's horrible news... :(
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Post by noun »


Ferry passengers from south Vashon to Point Defiance reported that the smell of oil was very heavy near the south Vashon ferry dock. The spill was initially reported at about an acre in size, but aerial photography from the SkyKING helicopter showed the spill stretching from Commencement Bay almost the entire length of Vashon Island, about five miles long.
"The biggest problem we've got now is that there's no response going on yet," Fletcher told KING 5 News around noon, 11 hours after the spill was first reported.

No cleanup efforts were apparent around noon, but several boats with containment booms were on the water shortly thereafter.
Wetlands preserves in those areas are BONED,
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