And now, A word from our sponsor....

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And now, A word from our sponsor....

Post by LordMortis »

The gogamer post the Bargain Bin reminded me. Are you (we?) going to start a sponsorship program? It seems a shame to me that businesses, such as GoGamer offer to send a referral bonus someones way and not to have sent where it belongs. I don't buy a heck of a lot of games and such online, but it'd be nice to have that extra change go toward a cause I take so much out of.

For now you could even just sticky a hyperlink and a picture for a referal couldn't you?
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Post by Peacedog »

Probably. Obviosuly, we have to get a front page to consider something like that. ;)

I have no idea what such a sponsorship entails (do we give anything back outside of the business? a hundred head of cattle? Every third firstborn child? Our deepest affection?), but it is something we will be looking into soon.
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Post by Bad Demographic »

I actually do (well, DID) buy from GoGamer and EBGames from the link on the front page of GG and would be more than happy to have a percentage of my gaming dollars contribute to this site.
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Post by RunningMn9 »

I think you can do stuff like this for amazon too. We forum members are constantly recommending books and DVDs to each other. It would be nice if we could set up links that would let us buy books/DVDs through amazon from links here that would kick some cash money to the site.

Although that has nothing at all to do with games... :)
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Post by LordMortis »

Wow. I didn't know Amazon had a sponsorship program. I purchase from there a lot more than I buy games (especially, online).
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Post by Peacedog »

I think you can do stuff like this for amazon too. We forum members are constantly recommending books and DVDs to each other. It would be nice if we could set up links that would let us buy books/DVDs through amazon from links here that would kick some cash money to the site.
Good to know. I imagine that would be very beneficial.
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Post by The Meal »

Both of those are great ideas. I knew of the 10% "Share the Love" Amazon discount, but was unaware that there could be a "toss a few pennies back to a referrer" program on their part (which is my understanding of GoGamer's setup).

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Post by Dirt »

Why not ask Bill how he got Gone Gold (RIP) financially viable?
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Post by LawBeefaroni »

The Amazon Associates program is pretty nice. It would obviously have to be the decision of the powers that be here how it would be used, if at all, but to get credit is pretty easy. You just have to insert your referral name in the Amazon url. So it could be done in posts or via ads.

I don't think it's pass-through like GoGamer of EB games in that you have to purchase the specific item linked for the referrer to get credit. IIRC GoGamer credited all purchases made by using the referral link. That's the biggest problem I have with the program.

EDIT: damned [/url] tag
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Post by Kelric »

I spend a good amount of money (for me, anyways) on Amazon every few weeks, I'd be more than happy to have a little extra come here to help out. I've got to work on getting my 15,600-ish posts back anyways, it'll pay for some of that bandwidth. ;)
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Post by Asharak »

Is the 10-page thread limit still in effect?

If not, can we just give Kelric his own thread to do that in? It would save the rest of us a lot of headache. ;)

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Post by Zaxxon »

It's too bad Newegg has no such program. The owners of this site would quickly be millionaires.
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