Return of the Revenge of Justice
Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:56 am
Roles and Rules
The Number of Heroes will be:
The Number of Villains will be:
DEATH REVEALS: If Both Atom and Batman are in the Game, Hero Special Ability Kills will reveal VILLAIN/NORMAL/HERO. Otherwise Only LYNCHES reveal VILLAIN/NORMAL/HERO.
Miracle Man - the FIRST time he dies, will come back to life the Following same Phase (ie if Killed at Night, rises the Next Night, if DAY, the next DAY)
Rocket Red - If Attacked by the Villains, will CONVERT to Villain (Replacing the Kill). If a Special Ability used by a Villain would Kill RR, he is instead CONVERTED to Villain. If One of the Hawks is a VILLAIN, the ability counts as VILLAINOUS.
Superman - Superman cannot be Lynched the FIRST time. An attempt to do so will reveal Superman to all and does count as the lynch that day. When Superman has been revealed in this fashion, he can use his X-Ray vision to identify (Role) the First Player that voted for him. Superman can still be killed at Night by the Villains (they have Kryptonite Bullets), but CANNOT be converted to Harley Quinn unless NEGATED by SInestros Ring.
Wonder Woman - Each night, Wonder Woman can compel truth regarding the Role of any other Player. If that Player is targeted for attack by the Villains that evening, the attack will fail. Wonder Woman cannot check the same Player twice in the Game.
Batman - (Batman has additional abilities if one of the Villains is Two-Face) Batman will be given the numeric breakdown of Hero, Villain, Normal each morning (and begins with Initial Count). Batman may research the Role of one dead player each Night.
Green Arrow - has a Single Arrow. Green Arrow must PM his intent prior to majority vote to use his arrow during the Day. If Green Arrow shoots either a Hero or a Villain that Player will die. If Green Arrow shoots a Normal, that player will not die and the target is PROTECTED that Night. Use of the Arrow does Not Reveal Green Arrow.
Martian Manhunter - Martian Manhunter has Telepathy and must contact One Other Player each Night. He may contact the same person on consecutive nights. If either Martian Manhunter or his Contact are killed by the Villains that Night, both will die. If one is protected the protection does not extend to the other.
Green Lantern - Green Lantern may use his Ring, either during the Day or the Night. He chooses a Target and that Players Abilities are negated during that phase. Green Lantern may only use his Ring three times, but may use multiple charges in a single phase. Use of the Ring does Not Reveal Green Lantern. If Sinestro is in the game, Green Lantern will be informed if Sinestro uses his Ring. **if Sinestro and Green Lantern target each other BOTH PLAYERS will DIE in a PUBLIC REVEAL of identity and Battle
Wonder Twins (if one, both exist) - the Wonder Twins may communicate with each other at all times. Undervote: if both WT vote for the same person, the second vote will not count (this will show in the vote COUNT, but both names will be there). Overvote: if one of the WT dies, the living WT voting has 2 Votes (auto-applied to same Lynch choice).
Elongated Man - Ralph will elude the first attack against him at Night. The Villains will not be told why it failed, but EM will be informed.
Doctor Fate - each night Doctor Fate can choose to either (1) Scan a Player for their Role, or (2) PM any Player a Single Word (this will done through the moderator, who will identify Doctor Fate to the recipient). When killed at Night, allowed one MINDBURST - Single PM Maximum Five Words to a Single Living Player passed through Moderator.
The Flash - the Flash may Protect another Player from the Villains at Night. The Flash may not protect the Same Player on consecutive Nights.
Captain Marvel - may Reveal himself at any time during the game by notifying the Moderator he wishes to. A post will be made by the moderator during that Phase. SHAZAM!
Hawkman and Hawkwoman (if one, both exist): Know the identity of the other. May declare in PUBLIC to kill one other Player during the Day if BOTH are alive.
Atom: unless his identity is Known/Verified cannot be killed at Night. If the Atom asserts his identity in public, he is Known. If the Atom is Scanned by a Player, the Members of the Scanning Players side have Verified him and may ignore his ability. Each Night, can Identify one Corpse (and will know if Parasite has Drained it)
Zatanna: her mystic abilities will reveal to her ONE HERO and ONE NORMAL at game start. She will be informed of their Roles and Names.
Black Canary: immune to Villainous Special Abilities (Brainiac will count her as Normal, Sinestro will waste a Charge, Lex Luthor will be informed she is Normal, Riddler may not ask about "Black Canary", Jokers Bomb will fizzle if she is targeted, cannot be converted to Harley-attempt will cause the effect to be used up, and Parasite will be informed NO POWER)
Normals - no special abilities.
Brainiac - Knows the TOTAL of Heroes/Normals/Villains
Sinestro - Sinestro may use his Ring, either during the Day or the Night. He chooses a Target and that Players Abilities are negated during that phase. Sinestro may only use his Ring two times, but may use both charges in a single phase. Use of the Ring does Not Reveal Sinestro to the Public, only to Green Lantern. Sinestro will know if Green Lantern is in the Game. **if Sinestro and Green Lantern target each other BOTH PLAYERS will DIE in a PUBLIC REVEAL of identity and Battle
Lex Luthor - Lex may discover the identity of one Player at Night. As long as Lex is alive the Villains will learn the identity of any Player the Villains kill at Night.
Riddler - When DAY starts, the Riddler may send a Question to the Mod in the form of "Is X Y" where X is a Player and Y is a Hero Role". If the answer is Yes, the Riddler may ask again. This continues until the Riddler gets a No answer. Riddler receives the Role of any Hero killed by any Means
Two-Face - Harvey Dent will scan as Normal, both for Lynching and for Powers unless Batman is alive and in the Game. In the event he is Lynched, Batman will get a PM that he was Two-Face. In the event a Power identifies him, Batman will get the Truth. If Harvey Dent is shot by the Green Arrow, he will survive and be identified as Normal (Batman will receive his true identity)
Killer Croc - if Scanned by Wonder Woman/Doctor Fate, he will kill Wonder Woman/Doctor Fate (this replaces the Night Kill, and is not affected by Protection). If shot by Green Arrow, he will die, but will also kill Green Arrow. NO FORM OF PROTECTION WILL STOP KILLER CROC'S ABILITY (other than Green Lantern Negation)
Joker - the Joker has a bomb. A very nasty Bomb. If Lynched, the Joker may use the bomb to kill any one Player of his choosing. If alive, may convert any Player to Harley Quin once per game instead of them being killed at Night (this can override Killer Croc if Night Kill target doesn't Change)
Harley Quinn - Harley retains Original Powers of her Original Role. Will Scan as Villain/Harley Quinn. If killed, reveal is Villain.
Clayface: Each Day or Night, choose a ROLE (Normal, Named Hero, Named Villain) that he SCANS as. If that ROLE is in the Game, Clayface will be informed, but not who it is. If Killed by any means, result will be CLAYFACE
Parasite: At Night chooses a Dead Player, has use of a Dead Players power the next chosen PHASE (Day/Night) (chooses Dead Player and is informed of POWER and given the choice to use That Next DAY or NIGHT, if no POWER, informed NONE, corpses may only be used once each). It does not matter if the Corpse used their Power, Parasite may still use it. Yes, if Parasite drains the JOKER he can create a SECOND HARLEY QUINN.
Night Activity:
Batman and Atom may scan a Corpse for ID
Wonder Woman *may* Lasso one other Player she has not already Compelled. If that Player is the Target of the Villains that night, the attack will Fail. Neither Wonder Woman nor the Target will be notified.
Martian Manhunter must contact One Other Player each Night. He may contact the same person on consecutive nights. If either is the KILL TARGET of the Villains, both will Die that Night.
*MUST contact the Player
**if the actual target is Protected the attack is prevented
*** in the event the Target is unprotected, the Lasso will save the Protected Connected
**** in the event the Contact is a Villain, the Villain *WILL* die if Martian Manhunter dies
***** if either is Converted by Joker, the other is unaffected.
Green Lantern may use his Ring to negate a Players Powers during that phase.
Doctor Fate chooses to (1) Scan a Player for their Role, or (2) PM
Flash may Protect another Player
Captain Marvel - may Reveal himself
Lex Luthor may discover the identity of one Player at Night by submitting a Scan.
Clayface chooses a Role to emulate (Possible Knowledge)
Parasite chooses a Dead Player to drain.
Villains submit an Attack.
***** If Joker is alive, may convert a Player to Harley Quinn once per game, option will be presented upon a Successful Attack.
((Villains are informed "Attack Failed" but not why. The only info from "Attack Failed" are in the event the Target was Elongated Man or Atom, and that info is given only to the Hero.))
Any player may post in the thread whatever they wish during the Night.
PM: the Wonder Twins may PM at all times.
PM: the Villains may PM at all times.
PM: Martian Manhunter and his Contact may PM as soon as Night has begun, but must stop if either are killed or when Day Begins.
PM: Doctor Fate may give a single word to the Moderator to be sent to a Player of his choice.
No other Players are allowed to PM each other during the Game.
Day Activity:
Voting is by Actual Majority, once reached votes may not be Withdrawn and any added will not count.
Brainiac/Batman receives Count.
Riddler may send a Question (possibly repeatedly)
Green Arrow may PM his intent prior to majority vote to use his one arrow during the Day.
Green Lantern/Sinestro may use his Ring to negate a Players Powers during that phase.
Captain Marvel - may Reveal himself
Clayface - choose a Role to emulate (Possible Knowledge)
PM: the Wonder Twins may PM at all times.
PM: the Villains may PM at all times.
What happens when the Green Lantern/Sinestro chooses me?
Miracle Man - stays Dead if killed that Phase.
Rocket Red - dies instead of Converting. Reveals as Hero.
Superman - if Day: a Lynch will be Successful, and his identity will not be revealed.
Wonder Woman - if Night: Compulsion will be Null. No Scan, No Protection, and that Player will be considered to have been "previously chosen".
Batman - if Night: No Count given. No ID
Green Arrow - if Day: Arrow use ineligible that Day.
Martian Manhunter - if Night: if Contact already made, must cease. Broken connection will not result in Paired Death.
Wonder Twins - must Cease PM Contact. Other twin will still be allowed to send One Way Messages, but affected Twin may not respond by PM.
Elongated Man - Ralph will die during a Villain Attack
Doctor Fate - receive no result of his scan. Use of the Ring will NOT stop him from using his PM ability (or MINDBURST)
The Flash - may not protect, target is not considered consecutive for next night protection
Captain Marvel - reveal will fail
Hawkman or Hawkwoman - if Day, attack will FAIL.
Atom - if Night, can be killed at Night, and ID will fail.
Zatanna - no effect
Black Canary - charge is wasted to no effect
Braniac - no effect
Lex Luthor - if Night: Scan will be Blocked. Will not learn identity of Player the Villains kill at Night.
Riddler - No info on Hero killed. If Day: no further answers
Two-Face - will scan as normal during that phase
Killer Croc - will not trigger the kill
Joker - May not use Bomb if Day, May not Convert if Night.
Harley Quinn - loses use of Powers as above.
Clayface - will scan as Clayface
Parasite - loss of Drained Power
The Number of Heroes will be:
The Number of Villains will be:
DEATH REVEALS: If Both Atom and Batman are in the Game, Hero Special Ability Kills will reveal VILLAIN/NORMAL/HERO. Otherwise Only LYNCHES reveal VILLAIN/NORMAL/HERO.
Miracle Man - the FIRST time he dies, will come back to life the Following same Phase (ie if Killed at Night, rises the Next Night, if DAY, the next DAY)
Rocket Red - If Attacked by the Villains, will CONVERT to Villain (Replacing the Kill). If a Special Ability used by a Villain would Kill RR, he is instead CONVERTED to Villain. If One of the Hawks is a VILLAIN, the ability counts as VILLAINOUS.
Superman - Superman cannot be Lynched the FIRST time. An attempt to do so will reveal Superman to all and does count as the lynch that day. When Superman has been revealed in this fashion, he can use his X-Ray vision to identify (Role) the First Player that voted for him. Superman can still be killed at Night by the Villains (they have Kryptonite Bullets), but CANNOT be converted to Harley Quinn unless NEGATED by SInestros Ring.
Wonder Woman - Each night, Wonder Woman can compel truth regarding the Role of any other Player. If that Player is targeted for attack by the Villains that evening, the attack will fail. Wonder Woman cannot check the same Player twice in the Game.
Batman - (Batman has additional abilities if one of the Villains is Two-Face) Batman will be given the numeric breakdown of Hero, Villain, Normal each morning (and begins with Initial Count). Batman may research the Role of one dead player each Night.
Green Arrow - has a Single Arrow. Green Arrow must PM his intent prior to majority vote to use his arrow during the Day. If Green Arrow shoots either a Hero or a Villain that Player will die. If Green Arrow shoots a Normal, that player will not die and the target is PROTECTED that Night. Use of the Arrow does Not Reveal Green Arrow.
Martian Manhunter - Martian Manhunter has Telepathy and must contact One Other Player each Night. He may contact the same person on consecutive nights. If either Martian Manhunter or his Contact are killed by the Villains that Night, both will die. If one is protected the protection does not extend to the other.
Green Lantern - Green Lantern may use his Ring, either during the Day or the Night. He chooses a Target and that Players Abilities are negated during that phase. Green Lantern may only use his Ring three times, but may use multiple charges in a single phase. Use of the Ring does Not Reveal Green Lantern. If Sinestro is in the game, Green Lantern will be informed if Sinestro uses his Ring. **if Sinestro and Green Lantern target each other BOTH PLAYERS will DIE in a PUBLIC REVEAL of identity and Battle
Wonder Twins (if one, both exist) - the Wonder Twins may communicate with each other at all times. Undervote: if both WT vote for the same person, the second vote will not count (this will show in the vote COUNT, but both names will be there). Overvote: if one of the WT dies, the living WT voting has 2 Votes (auto-applied to same Lynch choice).
Elongated Man - Ralph will elude the first attack against him at Night. The Villains will not be told why it failed, but EM will be informed.
Doctor Fate - each night Doctor Fate can choose to either (1) Scan a Player for their Role, or (2) PM any Player a Single Word (this will done through the moderator, who will identify Doctor Fate to the recipient). When killed at Night, allowed one MINDBURST - Single PM Maximum Five Words to a Single Living Player passed through Moderator.
The Flash - the Flash may Protect another Player from the Villains at Night. The Flash may not protect the Same Player on consecutive Nights.
Captain Marvel - may Reveal himself at any time during the game by notifying the Moderator he wishes to. A post will be made by the moderator during that Phase. SHAZAM!
Hawkman and Hawkwoman (if one, both exist): Know the identity of the other. May declare in PUBLIC to kill one other Player during the Day if BOTH are alive.
Atom: unless his identity is Known/Verified cannot be killed at Night. If the Atom asserts his identity in public, he is Known. If the Atom is Scanned by a Player, the Members of the Scanning Players side have Verified him and may ignore his ability. Each Night, can Identify one Corpse (and will know if Parasite has Drained it)
Zatanna: her mystic abilities will reveal to her ONE HERO and ONE NORMAL at game start. She will be informed of their Roles and Names.
Black Canary: immune to Villainous Special Abilities (Brainiac will count her as Normal, Sinestro will waste a Charge, Lex Luthor will be informed she is Normal, Riddler may not ask about "Black Canary", Jokers Bomb will fizzle if she is targeted, cannot be converted to Harley-attempt will cause the effect to be used up, and Parasite will be informed NO POWER)
Normals - no special abilities.
Brainiac - Knows the TOTAL of Heroes/Normals/Villains
Sinestro - Sinestro may use his Ring, either during the Day or the Night. He chooses a Target and that Players Abilities are negated during that phase. Sinestro may only use his Ring two times, but may use both charges in a single phase. Use of the Ring does Not Reveal Sinestro to the Public, only to Green Lantern. Sinestro will know if Green Lantern is in the Game. **if Sinestro and Green Lantern target each other BOTH PLAYERS will DIE in a PUBLIC REVEAL of identity and Battle
Lex Luthor - Lex may discover the identity of one Player at Night. As long as Lex is alive the Villains will learn the identity of any Player the Villains kill at Night.
Riddler - When DAY starts, the Riddler may send a Question to the Mod in the form of "Is X Y" where X is a Player and Y is a Hero Role". If the answer is Yes, the Riddler may ask again. This continues until the Riddler gets a No answer. Riddler receives the Role of any Hero killed by any Means
Two-Face - Harvey Dent will scan as Normal, both for Lynching and for Powers unless Batman is alive and in the Game. In the event he is Lynched, Batman will get a PM that he was Two-Face. In the event a Power identifies him, Batman will get the Truth. If Harvey Dent is shot by the Green Arrow, he will survive and be identified as Normal (Batman will receive his true identity)
Killer Croc - if Scanned by Wonder Woman/Doctor Fate, he will kill Wonder Woman/Doctor Fate (this replaces the Night Kill, and is not affected by Protection). If shot by Green Arrow, he will die, but will also kill Green Arrow. NO FORM OF PROTECTION WILL STOP KILLER CROC'S ABILITY (other than Green Lantern Negation)
Joker - the Joker has a bomb. A very nasty Bomb. If Lynched, the Joker may use the bomb to kill any one Player of his choosing. If alive, may convert any Player to Harley Quin once per game instead of them being killed at Night (this can override Killer Croc if Night Kill target doesn't Change)
Harley Quinn - Harley retains Original Powers of her Original Role. Will Scan as Villain/Harley Quinn. If killed, reveal is Villain.
Clayface: Each Day or Night, choose a ROLE (Normal, Named Hero, Named Villain) that he SCANS as. If that ROLE is in the Game, Clayface will be informed, but not who it is. If Killed by any means, result will be CLAYFACE
Parasite: At Night chooses a Dead Player, has use of a Dead Players power the next chosen PHASE (Day/Night) (chooses Dead Player and is informed of POWER and given the choice to use That Next DAY or NIGHT, if no POWER, informed NONE, corpses may only be used once each). It does not matter if the Corpse used their Power, Parasite may still use it. Yes, if Parasite drains the JOKER he can create a SECOND HARLEY QUINN.
Night Activity:
Batman and Atom may scan a Corpse for ID
Wonder Woman *may* Lasso one other Player she has not already Compelled. If that Player is the Target of the Villains that night, the attack will Fail. Neither Wonder Woman nor the Target will be notified.
Martian Manhunter must contact One Other Player each Night. He may contact the same person on consecutive nights. If either is the KILL TARGET of the Villains, both will Die that Night.
*MUST contact the Player
**if the actual target is Protected the attack is prevented
*** in the event the Target is unprotected, the Lasso will save the Protected Connected
**** in the event the Contact is a Villain, the Villain *WILL* die if Martian Manhunter dies
***** if either is Converted by Joker, the other is unaffected.
Green Lantern may use his Ring to negate a Players Powers during that phase.
Doctor Fate chooses to (1) Scan a Player for their Role, or (2) PM
Flash may Protect another Player
Captain Marvel - may Reveal himself
Lex Luthor may discover the identity of one Player at Night by submitting a Scan.
Clayface chooses a Role to emulate (Possible Knowledge)
Parasite chooses a Dead Player to drain.
Villains submit an Attack.
***** If Joker is alive, may convert a Player to Harley Quinn once per game, option will be presented upon a Successful Attack.
((Villains are informed "Attack Failed" but not why. The only info from "Attack Failed" are in the event the Target was Elongated Man or Atom, and that info is given only to the Hero.))
Any player may post in the thread whatever they wish during the Night.
PM: the Wonder Twins may PM at all times.
PM: the Villains may PM at all times.
PM: Martian Manhunter and his Contact may PM as soon as Night has begun, but must stop if either are killed or when Day Begins.
PM: Doctor Fate may give a single word to the Moderator to be sent to a Player of his choice.
No other Players are allowed to PM each other during the Game.
Day Activity:
Voting is by Actual Majority, once reached votes may not be Withdrawn and any added will not count.
Brainiac/Batman receives Count.
Riddler may send a Question (possibly repeatedly)
Green Arrow may PM his intent prior to majority vote to use his one arrow during the Day.
Green Lantern/Sinestro may use his Ring to negate a Players Powers during that phase.
Captain Marvel - may Reveal himself
Clayface - choose a Role to emulate (Possible Knowledge)
PM: the Wonder Twins may PM at all times.
PM: the Villains may PM at all times.
What happens when the Green Lantern/Sinestro chooses me?
Miracle Man - stays Dead if killed that Phase.
Rocket Red - dies instead of Converting. Reveals as Hero.
Superman - if Day: a Lynch will be Successful, and his identity will not be revealed.
Wonder Woman - if Night: Compulsion will be Null. No Scan, No Protection, and that Player will be considered to have been "previously chosen".
Batman - if Night: No Count given. No ID
Green Arrow - if Day: Arrow use ineligible that Day.
Martian Manhunter - if Night: if Contact already made, must cease. Broken connection will not result in Paired Death.
Wonder Twins - must Cease PM Contact. Other twin will still be allowed to send One Way Messages, but affected Twin may not respond by PM.
Elongated Man - Ralph will die during a Villain Attack
Doctor Fate - receive no result of his scan. Use of the Ring will NOT stop him from using his PM ability (or MINDBURST)
The Flash - may not protect, target is not considered consecutive for next night protection
Captain Marvel - reveal will fail
Hawkman or Hawkwoman - if Day, attack will FAIL.
Atom - if Night, can be killed at Night, and ID will fail.
Zatanna - no effect
Black Canary - charge is wasted to no effect
Braniac - no effect
Lex Luthor - if Night: Scan will be Blocked. Will not learn identity of Player the Villains kill at Night.
Riddler - No info on Hero killed. If Day: no further answers
Two-Face - will scan as normal during that phase
Killer Croc - will not trigger the kill
Joker - May not use Bomb if Day, May not Convert if Night.
Harley Quinn - loses use of Powers as above.
Clayface - will scan as Clayface
Parasite - loss of Drained Power