The Trader Feedback List
Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 5:29 pm
Kudos to Dogstar, Eightball, jpinard, Rob, RunningMn9, and stimpy for graduating into the enviably thirteen thirty-seven ranks of the Spectacular Tentacular Traders™!Welcome to The Trader Feedback List. Please read the following before posting:
- (+#) denotes the number of positive trade experiences.
- (-#) denotes the number of negative trade experiences.
- Along with your comments, please rate your completed trade experience. Be sure to include the EXACT forum name of the trader and to state whether that trader should receive a +1 or a -1.
- Rate the trader based on each individual trade experience, not on each item in a particular transaction.
- If you are giving several people feedback within a single post, please include each person on a separate line or in a separate paragraph.
- If you give multiple +1s to a single person for multiple transactions, please clarify in your post that that's what you're doing. Otherwise, anything above +1 will be ignored.
- Please use this thread only to provide feedback about trades, purchases, PIFFs, and similar transactions. If you need to discuss something with another trader, please do so via e-mail or PM.
Hesitant to trade? Please note that this set of data represents 7,851 expressions of customer satisfaction and only 34 failures. That's a success rate of 99.55%!
Sucking Undertow Traders (Traders who have at least |3| negative feedback -- watch your step!)
- bplotkin
- Kelric
- Ace of Spades
- AEnima
- Aewulf
- akerr
- Al
- Alefroth
- Andy
- Andy22
- angrycoder
- ArmyOfOne
- Austin
- Bad_Demographic
- baron calamity
- Baron Of Hell
- bcr19374
- bdw418
- Big Jake
- BlackBerry
- Blackhawk
- Blackwulf
- Blonco
- Bob
- Boudreaux
- Brettmcd
- Bushido32
- Buster Poindexter
- Carentan
- Chemical Agent
- Chris Grenard
- Chris Gwinn
- Clearcut
- cow_cookie
- crumsteel
- Curtis
- da_toad
- Damian
- Darkhugh
- Darkside Blue
- Darksoul
- Dave Fisher
- deadzone
- Default
- Devilman
- dobberhd
- Dogstar
- Doomboy
- Drazzil
- durwoodx
- EduardoX
- Eightball
- el producto
- Eliot
- ericb
- evilekim
- ExRod
- f_monster
- Falcon554
- Farleybarnstorm
- Fishbelly
- Fizban
- freyland
- Fubeca
- Gedd
- Geezer
- gellar
- Glycerine_74
- godhugh
- Godzilla Blitz
- godzy
- Goldchamp
- Goldenember
- Gollum
- Goonch
- gorham09
- Grafvolluth
- Graham
- greeneggs-n-ham
- Gromit
- Grundbegriff
- Gumps
- Hamlet3145
- haplo1
- helot2000
- hitbyambulance
- Hrothgar
- Ibby
- IBDoomed
- igbe
- ImWatchingYou
- Incendiary Lemon
- InfiniteStill
- infoghost
- Inverarity
- Jament
- Jancelot
- jblank
- Jeff Jones
- Jeff Nyman
- jpinard
- Jeremy
- JetFred
- JMDiller
- joeyjazz
- John Christian
- Jorton
- JR
- Jumangi
- junkie
- Kaigen
- karapcik
- kathode
- Kehama
- Kelric
- KernelVenus
- Kestrel
- KiloOhm
- Knavery
- Kratz
- LanceM
- Lassr
- Lawbeefaroni
- lildrgn
- lokiju
- Lord Corwin
- -Lord Ebonstone-
- Lordman
- mad_alien
- Magicboy
- MaxZero
- Mersault
- MikeToth
- Mooncalf
- MrBad
- mrgauth
- msduncan
- naednek
- namretaw
- Nan_Desu
- Nine
- noun
- optic_freeze
- Orpheo
- Papageno
- Paul Roberts
- Paulbot
- philm
- phormio
- Poomba
- Qbe
- Ragnarok
- Redfive
- Rincewind
- Rob
- ROTC1983
- Rowan
- Rubyeye
- RunningMn9
- rslifka
- Sam Hell
- scraper
- Serlesh
- setaside
- SG-1
- Shazbot
- Siljanus
- Simon
- Skinypupy
- slackerjoe
- slambie
- slobro
- Smoove_B
- Speaker2Animals
- spigot
- St_Dysan
- stimpy
- stolazi
- Sudy Nym
- swhitecr
- Szgany
- TebunkerTheNextGeneration
- The Meal
- The_Man
- tiktokman
- Tim Maynard
- toonces
- Torfish
- TradeAble
- trav
- tripcrow
- tru1cy
- trueheart78
- Two_Sheds
- VegasD
- Vinda-Lou
- VT
- Warning
- Whiteboyskim
- Windows95
- Wookiee007
- xenocide
- x-eyed|mary
- YellowKing
- Zarkon
- Zaxxon
- zekester
- Zero
- Zoyd
13devils (+4)
9-ball (+3)
Aaron Conklin (+1)
Accidental Design (+5)
Ace of Spades (+18)
Aenima (+12)
Aewulf (+28)
Agent (+3)
AgtFox (+1)
AHardPlace (+3)
Aidanius (+7)
akerr (+15)
Al (+12)
aledromo (+3)
Alefroth (+33)
Alex2 (+2)
alienhead_69 (+5)
an0nym0us b0sch (+1)
Andon (+3)
Andrew J. Mallon (+7)
Andrew Wonser (+3)
Andy (+14)
Andy M (+5)
Andy Redbeard (+1)
Andy22 (+22)
angrycoder (+27)
Animal114 (+6)
Annukin (+2)
AOE (+12)
Appaz Knarf (+5)
Arboris (+5)
ArchimedesV (+1)
ArmyOfOne (+19)
arniswon (+4)
Ascendent (+3)
ATB (+27)
Athelbrose (+1)
Austen (+2)
Austin (+30)
Avenger (+3)
avid_gamer (+1)
Azih (+2)
Azrs (+6)
B Dog (+9)
Bad_Demographic (+15)
Bakhtosh (+9)
baron calamity (+26)
Baron Of Hell (+10)
bcr19374 (+50)
bdw418 (+11)
beer goggles (+1)
Beowulf (+1)
Big Jake (+31)
bigearv14 (+6)
Biggercup (+2)
BigV (+1)
Billins (+4)
Binky (+3)
BlackBerry (+27)
Blackhawk (+108)
Blackwulf (+33)
Bladecloud (+2)
Blaise (+1)
Blonco (+13)
Bob (+47)
bobsmods (+2)
Boo Radley (+4)
Boudreaux (+44)
Boxcar (+7)
bplotkin (+9) (-4)
Brettmcd (+12)(-1)
BrewersDroop (+1)
Brian Evans (+4) (-2)
brotheroftruth (+5)
Bruin_2k (+2)
bsouthard (+3)
Bubbles (+1)
Bug (+1)
bugeyez (+1)
Burnout (+1)
Bushido32 (+16)
Buster Poindexter (+27)
Byrns (+7)
Caine (+2)
Calipfso (+1)
Calvin (+1)
Canex (+1)
Canuck (+2)
Captain Caveman (+5)
Carentan (+41)
carpet_pissr (+1)
CelicaKydd (+3)
Certis (+1)
ChaoZ (+6)
CharlieDelta (+5)
CharredBronson (+4)
Chaz (+5)
Chemical Agent (+20)
chicagochris (+1)
Chris Grenard (+76)
Chris Gwinn (+25)
Chris Johnson (+3)
Chronic (+1)
ChuckB (+1)
Clanwolfer (+2)
Claudius Pompeianus (+1)
Clearcut (+13)
Coachman (+1)
Colonel Turbine (+2)
ComatoseTiger (+1)
connus (+2)
consolz (+1)
controlguy (+1)
coopasonic (+6)
Cortilian (+4)
cow_cookie (+15)
CrashTest (+7)
CRAZY (+1)
Crazyhorse (+2) (-1)
Creepy_Smell (+1)
croman (+4)
Crowley (+4)
Crumsteel (+13)
Crux (+4)
CSL (+1)
Curtis (+20)
da_toad (+12)
DA Lewis (+1)
Daddy-O (+1)
Daehawk (+7)
Damian (+13)
dandylife (+1)
DangerBalls (+6)
Dark~Vulgar (+3)
darkbluejedi (+7)
Darkfyre (+3)
Darkhugh (+14)
Darkside Blue (+22) (-1)
Darksoul (+35)
DAS (+1)
daszo24 (+1)
Dave Allen (+2)
Dave Fisher (+11)
Dave so (+5)
Daveman (+7)
David Roberts (+3)
davidbld (+1)
dbt1949 (+6)
DD (+9)
Dead Ben (+2)
Dead_Meat (+1)
deadzone (+39)
Default (+11)
Depward (+4)
Det. Dave (+1)
detourm (+3)
Devilman (+15)
Dewey's Monster (+1)
dinkytoy (+1)
Dirt (+6)
disarm (+4)
dkass (+2)
dobberhd (+23)
DocDarm (+2)
Dogstar (+12)
Doink (+3)
Doomboy (+10)
Doug Robinson (+1)
DougA (+3)
DPW (+2)
Draco (+2)
DragonFyre (+4)
Drazzil (+35)
Dreborn (+1)
Drifter (+3)
Driver (+6)
DrJones (+5)
Drumfire (+1)
durwoodx (+22)
EBatemann (+1)
Ecologic (+2)
EddieA (+1)
edosan (+2)
EduardoX (+15)
Eel Snave (+6)
Eightball (+12)
El Guapo (+2)
El-Producto (+20)
Elbino (+3)
Elementary (+1)
Eliot (+121)
Ender21 (+1)
Engine#9 (+1)
Enigma (+2)
ericb (+40)
erisquilty (+2)
esofad@work (+1)
Essate (+1)
eton (+2)
EvilAvatar (+2)
evilekim (+44)
EvilHomer3K (+7)
Exodor (+7)
ExRod (+18)
f_monster (+29)
Fafhrd (+7)
Fake Dude (+1)
Falcon554 (+19)
Faolin (+1)
Farleybarnstorm (+21)
Fishbelly (+11)
Fizban (+17)
Flag_QB (+6)
Forbidden Donut (+1)
Formix (+1)
fragasm (+1)
Frankenstein (+1)
Freezer-TPF- (+7)
Fretmute (+2)
Freyland (+70)
Frost (+5)
Frost716 (+2)
Frozen Devil (+1)
FTRracer (+2)
Fubeca (+11)
fuzzyslug (+2)
gbasden (+1)
Gedd (+18)
Geezer (+12)
gellar (+18)
George (+5)
GG(Ket) (+1)
giantsfan (+4)
Glycerine_74 (+25)
godhugh (+28)
Godzilla (+1)
Godzilla Blitz (+30)
godzy (+11)
Goldchamp (+97)
Goldenember (+16)
Gollum (+10)
goo2 (+3)
Gookie_Monster (-1)
Goonch (+22)
gorham09 (+20)
Grafvolluth (+20)
Graham (+46)
Greedo (+9)
greeneggs-n-ham (+15)
Greggy_D (+6)
Greybeard (+4)
Grievous Angel (+7)
Grifman (+2)
Gromit (+19)
Grundbegriff (+80)
gt_steve (+1)
Gumps (+13)
gwartok (+5)
Gwen (+2)
Gwog (+3)
gx5ilver (+1)
Hamlet3145 (+12)
haplo (+41)
Hazzen (+1)
hcajandig (+2)
Head (+1)
helot2000 (+24)
Hendo (+2)
hentzau (+3)
Hereafter (+4)
Hetz (+4)
HighTimber (+2)
hipolito (+2)
HispanicGamer (+3)
hitbyambulance (+28)
hodge313 (+4)
hooraj (+1)
House (+3)
howie549 (+2)
Howitzer (+3)
Hrnac (+2)
Hrothgar (+38)
Hunter (+3)
Ibby (+19)
IBDoomed (+14)
igbe (+25)
Iggy (+5)
Ignis Fatuus (+3)
IHateMorrowind (+0)(-1)
ImLawBoy (+4)
Impervious (+1)
ImWatchingYou (+16)
Incendiary Lemon (+15)
InfiniteStill (+15)
infoghost (+22)
intangbl (+3)
Inverarity (+33)
isgrb (+7)
jadedcritic (+4)
Jago (+2)
Jament (+37)
James Warden (+1)
Jancelot (+19)
jaskerr (+1)
Jason (+2)
Jason Brown (+2)
Jaymann (+1)
jblank (+85)
JCC (+1)
Jebsi (+1)
Jeff Jones (+33)
Jeff Nyman (+15)
Jelry (+1)
Jeremy (+19)
jessie (+3)
jester1176 (+1)
JetFred (+100)
Jiffy (+1)
JiffyPeanutButter (+4)
jimbo (+1)
JJDyn0mite (+6)
jkinross (+1)
JMDiller (+44)
Joe Newell (+1)
Joel Mathis (+1)
joeyjazz (+66)
John Christian (+14)
JonOss (+1)
Jorton (+12)
Josh (+2)
jpinard (+10)
JR (+16)
jrodstrigger (+1)
js (+1)
JSHAW (+98)
JSL (+51)
JT47319 (+9)
juji (+4)
Jumangi (+24)
junior375 (+5)
junkie (+29)
JXPrime (+1)
Kaddish (-1)
Kadoth Nodens (+3)
Kaigen (+103)
Kalar (+1)
karapcik (+74)
Kasey Chang (+6)
kathode (+17)
KC (+1)
KCJay (+1)
Kehama (+15)
Kelric (+42) (-5)
KePoW (+1)
KernelVenus (+11)
Kestrel (+37)
killer_roach (+1)
KiloOhm (+29)
KingB (+4)
kmmckenz (+1)
Knavery (+24)
Knightshade Dragon (+5)
knob (+3)
Kobra (+5)
Koz (+3)
Kratz (+64)
KrispyKremer (+2)
Krusader (+2)
Kurth (+1)
Kyosho (+1)
LanceM (+14)
Laner (+3)
Lassr (+12)
Laura (+4)
Lawbeefaroni (+14)
leaf_fan00 (+1)
Lebo (+5)
leo8877 (+1)
lep (+1)
lepaul (+1)
lildrgn (+14)
linszoid (+4)
LiquidBronze1 (+1)
Literatii (+1)
Little Fancy Pants (+1)
Locnar (+3)
lokiju (+98)
Loomi (+1)
Lord Corwin (+18)
Lord Mortis (+1)
-Lord Ebonstone- (128)
Lordman (+10)
LordNine (+2)
Low Rent (+6)
Lower (+2)
LucidSmoke (+8)
Lyno (+9)
mad_alien (+29)
madpeon (+1)
Magic (+3)(-1)
Magicboy (+11)
Magnetik (+3)
Mahogeny (+1)
Malichai11 (+1)
Malificent (+8)
Maneesh (+2)
Marcain (+2)
Marik (+2)
Mark Asher (+1)
Markly (+1)
Matrix (+5)
Mattc0m (+6)
Matthew Rorie (+3)
Mattsflask (+4)
mavman (+1)
MaxZero (+33)
mb737 (+2)
McBa1n (+2)
Mcloud 10 (+1)
me (+1)
me3000 (+2)
Mersault (+12)
Metalhed (+8)
MHS (+4)
mier (+1)
MikeR8 (+2)
MikeToth (+48)
mikshan (+1)
Mithridates (+9)
MLAW (+10)
mmandell (+8)
moghedian (+2)
Monk (+1)
Monkeyfinger (+1)
Montag (+6)
moogen (+7)
Mookee (+6)
Mooncalf (+16)
mori (+1)
Mortanius (+5) (-1)
Mowbray6 (+1)
MrBad (+29)
mrgauth (+51)
mrzubblewump (+1)
msduncan (+10)
Mudfrost (+1)
Mustang66 (+5)
mx1mx1 (+2)
Mycroft (+5)
Mystic95Z (+9)
Mytocles (+1)
naednek (+77)
namatoki (+9)
namretaw (+15)
Nan_Desu (+22)
Ned Flanders (+5)
Neuro (+1)
Nile (+5)
Nine (+13)
Nixon (+1)
Nom de Guerre (+1)
noun (+55)
Nox (+4)
nVidiot (-1)
Nydrax (+2)
nymanium (+2)
Nymann (+2)
Octavious230 (+4)
Odious (+1)
Olaf (+2)
optic_freeze (+50)
Orpheo (+38)
Owain (+2)
Papageno (+15)
Papashango (+2)
Paul G (+1)
Paul Roberts (+24)
Paulbaxter (+1)
Paulbot (+12)
Peacedog (+1)
peace-man (+1)
philm (+36)
philosophist (+8)
phishbate (+1)
phormio (+67)
Pi (+2)
Pinky1234567890 (+1)
pipboy (+3)
plasticninjaturtle (+4)
Pointer (+2)
Poleaxe (+2)
Poomba (+21)
Postal Dude (-2)
Psilus (+9)
Q (+5)
Qbe (+21)
quantum (+4)
Quickfics (+2)
Quipp (+2)
qwoozy (+2)
Rage (+1)
Ragnarok (+43)
Raith (+6)
Raith95 (+1)
Ralph-Wiggum (+9)
Raven (+2)
Raven VII (+5)
Raven_13 (+4)
Ravenlock (+1)
Red (+1)
Redfive (+18)
rhett (+1)
Rich in KCK (+1)
Rich LaPorte (+3)
Ridah (+1)
RightBastard (+1)
Rincewind (+90) (-2)
Rip (+1)
Rob (+10)
Rob Eiben (+2)
RobbieD (+7)
robertw315 (+2)
robovian (+1)
Rocketturtle (+1)
RogueTad (+3)
Roman (+2)
Ron Burke (+3)
ronin (+1)
RookieCAF (+7)
ROTC1983 (+14)
Rowan (+11)
Royal Black Watch (+4)
rrmorton (+3)
rslifka (+11)
Rubyeye (+18)
RunningMn9 (+12)
russect (+2)
russelmz (+4)
ryanherrin (+7)
ryanhills (+1)
Ryland (+1)
Sam Hell (+65)
Samurai (+7)
SangYuP (+1)
ScaryMike (+1)
scholt (+4)
Schroeder (+1)
scraper (+27)
Screwtape (+1)
scubabbl (+6)
SEALZ TomEgun (+1)
Serlesh (+37)
setaside (+78)
SG-1 (+14)
sgoldj (+7)
ShaggyDoug (+2)
Shamrock (+1)
Shazbot (+24)
Shifter (+6)
shipwreck (+1)
Shohashi (+1)
Siljanus (+22)
Simon (+122)
sjsharks (+4)
skinypupy (+48)
skubabble (+1)
Skyride (+1)
slackerjoe (+25)
slambie (+17)
Slapbone (+9)
Sling409 (+1)
Slinky (+1)
slobro (+50)
slyfrog (+4)
Smoove_B (+14)
Snuble (+2)
snukadaman (+3)
Solarisgax (+2)
Soulbringer (+2)
SOUP (+1)
Speaker2Animals (+106)
Spicy J (+9)
Spicy Jack (+4)
Spiff (+3)
spigot (+26)
Splooger (+6)
Sponge (+5)
SquireSCA (+1)
St_Dysan (+12)
SteelerForLife (+1)
Steve (+4)
stevemn (+2)
steveywunder (+1)
Sticky Green (+1)
stiffler (+6)
stimpy (+12)
stolazi (+50)
Strom (+9)
Strummer (+1)
Sudy Nym (+16)
Suitably Ironic Moniker (+3)
SuperHiro (+4)
swhitecr (+33)
szgany (+35)
Tao (+1)
Tazman (+1)
TC Weidner (+4)
TebunkerTheNextGeneration (+33)
Tech-nut (+1)
Teggy (+1)
The Chauffeur (+1)
The Fringe (+2)
The Mad Hatter (+2)
The Meal (+45)
The Nature Boy (+9)
The_Man (+10)
The_Unknown_Bastard (+7)
TheGameAh (+2)
TheMissingLink (+8)
Thin_j (+1)
Thomas Covenant (+1) (-1)
Thoresten (+2)
tiktokman (+30)
Tim (+5)
Tim Frederick (+7)
Tim Maynard (+28)
tjbish (+2)
TJG_Marantz (+3)
Toger (+1)
Tokek (+7)
Toml (+1)
TommyTutone (+1)
Tony (+2)
tony72 (+2)
toonces (+30)
Torfish (+21)
toxenocide (+1)
TradeAble (+47)
trav (+19)
Trevor Balla (+3)
Trey (+3)
tripcrow (+33)
Trooper_X (+4)
tru1cy (+13)
trueheart78 (+16)
TSS (+7) (-9)
Turtle (+6)
Two_Sheds (+14)
Ummagumma (+1)
Unbreakable (+1)
USAF Medic (+2)
vballbounce18 (+4)
VegasD (+25)
vegtable7 (+5)
Veloxi (+3)
venant (+4)
vermin (+9)
Vesper (+2)
Victurbo (+6)
Vidiot (+1)
Vinda-Lou (+36)
Vortex_X (+1)
VT (+11)
walter (+1)
wanderingoutlaw (+1)
wankerjr (+4)
Warlord_Z (+1)
warning (+69)
Whipsnade (+4)
Whiteboyskim (+49)
Windows95 (+10)
wonderpug (+2)
Wookiee007 (+21)
Working Mike (+4)
Worm (+1)
WYBaugh (+7)
Xbox Gamer (+3)
xenocide (+13)
x-eyed|mary (+10)
XMANN (+41)
YellowKing (+74)
yossar (+2)
Zarathud (+1)
Zarkon (+18)
Zaxxon (+13)
zekester (+19)
Zero (+31)
Zicron (+1)
zigdaddy (+3)
Zim (+2)
Zinj (+4)
Zoyd (+21)
If you've changed nicks, I may not have noticed. If someone misspelled your name, I may not have caught the error. If you find that you have two listings that ought to be consolidated, let me know.