Fellowship of the Ring III
Many Meetings
Frodo woke and found himself lying in bed. At first he thought that he had slept late, after a long unpleasant dream that still hovered on the edge of memory. Or perhaps he had been ill? But the ceiling looked strange; it was flat, and it had dark beams richly carved. He lay a little while longer looking at the patches of sunlight on the wall, and listening to the sound of a waterfall.
”Where am I, and what is the time?” he said aloud to the ceiling.
”In the House of Elrond, and it is ten o’clock in the morning,” said a voice. ”It is the morning of October the twenty-fourth, if you want to know.”
”Gandalf!” cried Frodo, sitting up. There was the old wizard, sitting in a chair by the open window.
”Yes,” he said, ”I am here. And you are lucky to be here, too, after all the absurd things you have done since you left home.”
Hobbits are immune to corruption. If they get control of the One Ring, they not succumb to darkness. If a Hobbit controls the Ring at the start of the 7th Chapter, they must immediately pass it on to another Hobbit or to Gollum. Failure to do so causes the Servants of the Eye to win. Hobbits may not accept Saruman's invitation.
Frodo starts with the One Ring but is otherwise a normal Hobbit.
Aragorn may protect one player each Journey. Aragorn may not protect the same player two Journeys in a row. Protected players are immune to Hunts by Servants of the Eye. Aragorn is told which action, if any, he managed to interrput (Kill/Capture). Aragorn may not protect Captured players.
Gandalf may determine the nature of one player once per Journey. Frodo, the Hobbits and Gollum will scan as Hobbits. Aragorn, Gandalf, Boromir and Warriors of the Free People will scan as Free People. Corrupted players, Uruk-Hai, Saruman and the Witch-King will scan as Servants of the Eye.
Boromir wants to bring the One Ring to his father Denethor, Steward of Gondor. He wins with the Servants of the Eye, not with the Fellowship. Boromir is misguided, but not initially corrupted - as long as he does not possess the One Ring he counts as a Warrior of the Free People for the purpose of scans and ability to Hunt Some Orc. If the last Hobbit is killed however, the Ring passes to Boromir, corrupting him and allowing him access to the Servants of the Eye forum.
Warriors of the Free People
Warriors of the Free People have a sacred task to protect the Ringbearer at any cost. They have no special power by themselves, but as long as at least one of the Free People (including Aragorn, Gandalf and Boromir) is alive the Fellowship has the ability to Hunt some Orc.
The Servants of the Eye have access to a secret forum in which to plot and coordinate.
The Uruk-Hai are given command by Saruman to seek out and capture the Hobbits, alive and unspoiled, for they carry an Elvish weapon. Each Journey, the Uruk-Hai may Hunt one player. If target player is Free People, that player is killed. If target player is a Hobbit, Frodo or Gollum, that player is captured. Hunting may be disrupted by Aragorn. The Uruk-Hai is told if and what kind of action was disrupted by Aragorn (Kill, Capture).
As a one-time ability, Saruman may invite a player to join the Servants of the Eye. He may do this at any time. The invitation may be declined. Invited players who accept Saruman's invitation are corrupted, join the Servants of the Eye forum and change their victory condition to the Servants of the Eye victory condition. Inviting a player does not reveal the identity of Saruman to that player.
* If the Uruk-Hai is slain, Saruman inherits the Hunting power.
Once each Chapter (Day cycle), the Nazghul Witch-King of Angmar may search for the One Ring by targeting a player. The Witch-King will determine whether that player holds the One Ring or not. If the search order is not submitted before a voting majority is reached, the scan is wasted for the day.
* If both the Uruk-Hai and Saruman are slain, the Witch-King inherits the Hunting power. If the With-King is also slain, the Hunting power is inherited by a random Servant of the Eye.
Gollum wants the Ring for himself, and he is accustomed enough to its wiles that he can withstand the desire to return it to its Lord. Gollum is immune to corruption (as we know it) and will hold the Ring without becoming a Servant of the Eye.
* Gollum may not accept Saruman's invitation.
* As a one-time ability, Gollum may Steal the Ring from a player. If the target player is not a Ringbearer, the ability is wasted. Gollum cannot Steal the Ring from a Captured player.
* As a one-time ability, Gollum may Guide a player. Guiding revives the player who was Appointed as Scout in the previous Chapter.
* Guiding or Stealing may only be used during Journeys. Neither action can be disrupted by Aragorn.
The goal of the game is getting through 7 days ("Chapters") of travel.
The ”Night” cycle is referred to as the ”Journey”.
The ”Day” cycle is referred to as a ”Chapter”.
The game starts with the first Journey, through Caradhras to the Doors of Durin.
Prologue: Rivendell. (Sign-ups, roles are handed out.)
Journey 1: Caradhras
Chapter 1: The Doors of Durin
Journey 2: Balin’s Tomb
Chapter 2: The Mines of Moria
Journey 3: The Bridge of Khazad-Dum
Chapter 3: Lothlorien
Journey 4: The Great River Anduin
Chapter 4: Rohan
Journey 5: Helm’s Deep
Chapter 5: Fangorn Forest
Journey 6: Isengard
Chapter 6: Minas Tirith
Journey 7: The Black Gate of Mordor
Chapter 7: The Cracks of Doom
Journey sequence of events:
Gollum guides.
Gollum steals.
Gandalf scans.
Aragorn protects.
Servants of the Eye hunt.
Chapter sequence of events:
Which faction (Fellowship, Servants of the Eye, Gollum) controls the One Ring.
Which players are Captured.
Remaining players.
At the start of each Chapter, it will be broadcast which of the three factions control the One Ring (Fellowship, Servants of the Eye or Gollum). Note that simply capturing the Ring isn’t enough for the Servants of the Eye to win, they need to bring it to their Dark Lord. Gollum needs to possess the Ring at the end of the 7th Journey in order to win.
During a Chapter, players must vote to Appoint ”(player name)” as Scout. A majority vote is needed. Once a majority is reached, voting is closed. Captured players may not be Appointed as Scout, may not vote nor post in the game thread.
Being Appointed as Scout is a dangerous task, and will lead to the death of the player appointed (it’s the same as a standard lynch). The player’s alignment is revealed (Fellowhip, Servant of the Eye or Gollum). Corrupted Fellowship members die as Servants of the Eye.
A time limit is imposed on Chapters. If the time limit is exceeded, the player who currently has the Ringbearer's vote will be Appointed as Scout. If the time limit is exceeded without an active vote from the Ringbearer, the Ringbearer will be Appointed as Scout.
If a Servant of the Eye is lynched, all Captured players are immediately freed. This will only occur as long as at least one Warrior of the Free People - including Gandalf, Aragorn and Boromir - remain alive and uncorrupted.
Frodo, Gollum or the Hobbits may become
Captured by the Servants. Until freed, a Captured player is forbidden to post or vote and may not be Appointed as Scout (lynched). If the Captured player is a Ringbearer, that player keeps the Ring until he is released. Possession of the One Ring is always considered to be with the Servants of the Eye faction in this case. If the Ringbearer is freed by Hunt Some Orc, however, and still uncorrupted the possession of the Ring goes back to whatever faction the Ringbearer has (Fellowship or Gollum).
With the exception of Chapter 7, the One Ring may only be passed to another player if the current Ringbearer dies. Only Frodo, Gollum and the Hobbits can carry the Ring without succumbing to darkness.
* Any Free People who are passed the Ring will be Corrupted immediately and ally with the Servants of the Eye.
* Corrupted players immediately gain access to the Servant secret forum. They keep whatever powers they used to have. Their victory condition change to that of the Servants of the Eye.
If a Ringbearer is killed, the Ring will be passed to another, uncaptured Hobbit. If no Hobbits remain alive or uncaptured, Boromir will receive the Ring and join the Servants of the Eye. If Boromir is dead, the Ring goes to Gollum. If Gollum is dead or captured, the Ring is passed to a random player:
1. A randomly selected, uncaptured Hobbit
2. Boromir
3. Gollum
4. A randomly selected, uncaptured player
The Fellowship wins if:
At the start of the 7th Chapter: The Ringbearer must pass the Ring to another Hobbit or to Gollum for the Fellowship to destroy the Ring and win. Any other action results in a win for the Servants of the Eye.
The Servants of the Eye wins if:
At the end of the 7th Journey: If the Servants of the Eye controls the One Ring, the Servants of the Eye wins.
At the start of the 7th Chapter: If the Ringbearer fails to pass the Ring on to another Hobbit or to Gollum, the Servants of the Eye wins.
Gollum wins if:
At the end of the 7th Journey: If Gollum controls the One Ring, he will win by running off with it to his secret lair, keeping it hidden for another few hundred years. If Gollum is passed the Ring at the start of the 7th Chapter, however, the Fellowship will win instead.